Monday, November 9, 2020

Love Always Trumps Hate

Much has happened this past week.  Which got me to thinking about some things I would like to share with you.

The stark difference between those on the left and those on the right is astounding.  The right's reaction to the election process and having the election stolen from us is to pray, trust in the legal process, play by the rules, hope, and trust in God and His will.

The left's reaction to the election process is to lie, cheat, steal, and spew anger and hatred to those on the right who support our wonderful president and who support the Constitution and upholding justice and truth.  It truly is astounding and extremely sad.

I know of two instances, personally, where people merely posted on social media that they were praying for our country and were thankful for a good president.  Then people from the left came unglued and started ripping them to shreds spewing their lies, anger, and hatred towards people who were merely expressing love and thanks.  It's insane.

I thought about our wonderful president, President Donald J. Trump, and how tirelessly he works for me, and all Americans, to make America great and keep it great.  All the while, he is constantly being attacked, lied about, falsely judged, falsely accused, dragged through the mud, and constantly opposed for merely trying to do what's right for our country.

President Trump is a brilliant man and has been able to do so much good for our great nation, despite the constant attacks and opposition from the left.  President Trump has done more for this nation and it's people than any previous president could. President Trump is a warrior, with unshaken determination and courage, who will never ever give up.  I love him for this, as do millions of other Americans.

In a way, President Trump reminds me of Moroni.  They both courageously and unwaveringly stood for truth and right, alone, amongst a sea of wickedness.  Always having to watch their backs, while being hunted by evil and wickedness.  Moroni being a lone Nephite being hunted by Lamanites.  President Trump being a lone warrior as President of the United States of America -- being hunted by the left.  In both cases, it's good versus evil.

Like Moroni, President Trump is surrounded by people who hate him and literally want to kill him.  People who will do anything to get rid of him.  And also like Moroni, President Trump stands resolved, working tirelessly, even for those who hate him. Why?  What motivates these two men to fight against constant attacks to continue their work?  The answer is love.

Moroni loves us and even loved the Lamanites who were hunting him down, trying to kill him. The Lamanites killed his father, Mormon, and were hunting him down, yet he still harbored no anger nor hatred towards them.  And this is after the Lamanites killed all of his people, the Nephites, leaving Moroni the last Nephite on Earth.

Likewise, President Trump loves us -- all Americans.  President Trump loves the United States of America.  President Trump works hard every day for all of us, not just those who voted for him.  President Trump is a man of action.  He gets things done.  He keeps his word.  This is why he received more votes than anybody in the history of American presidential elections.  Nearly 71,000,000 votes.  (And that's probably an underestimate considering the massive voter fraud by the left). We love him.  We love how he fights for us.  We love how he has made America great again.

Yes, there's a big difference in leading by love and hate.  President Trump and the right lead by love.  Love for country, love for God, love for all Americans, and the desire to do what is right and true.

Those on the left lead by hate.  They are angry all the time -- nothing appeases their anger.  Even when you give them what they want.  They just find something else to be angry about.  They are constantly and relentlessly attacking the right.  Most of them can't even give you a good reason, that's just what they do.  They are miserable people who will stop at nothing to destroy our nation and it's people.  They don't play by the rules, so anything goes.  Lying, cheating, stealing, violence, destruction, fraud, deception, even murder.  They will stop at nothing to gain power.  They will stop at nothing until everyone is as miserable as them.  It truly is tragic and sad that there are so many people blinded and ignorant to the truth.

In the end, love always trumps hate.  (Yes, pun intended).  Truth always trumps lies.  Calm always trumps anger.  Honesty always trumps cheating.  Happiness always trumps misery.  Good always trumps evil.  And God always trumps Satan.

That's my two cents.


  1. Well said! 100% agree!

  2. Because "wickedness never was happiness." They are always miserable. These people actually *think* Biden has won the election. If so, why so angry and full of hate? If Biden's win was legit (which it CLEARLY was NOT) then they should have nothing to fear in a re-count and making sure it is a fair election. They should actually welcome it and have no concerns... if they were being honest. But they're not, so they're angry because their fraud and corruption is being FOUND OUT and EXPOSED. And there will be people going to prison for TREASON.
