Sunday, November 15, 2020

The Biderman Report

For those of you who don't think we are in the midst of a communist takeover of our freedoms in the United States of America, read the following chart.

A little background information.  Doctor Albert Biderman was a sociologist who studied brainwashing techniques of communist governments on American prisoners of war.  In 1956 he published The Biderman Report of communist coercive methods for eliciting individual compliance.  A chart of coercion below is taken from this report.

These techniques are not only used by communist governments but also by abusers who want to control their victims.

The column on the right indicates the eerie similarities between the techniques used by Communists and abusers to control their victims and the COVID-19 restrictions we have all been facing this past year.


Just when we think we're going to regain our freedoms, these tyrannical communist governors are shutting us down again. I never thought I would see Communism in the United States of America.  But it's happening.  If we don't revolt now, it will be too late.  Especially if evil prevails and Biden is fraudulently awarded the White House. 

We need to take back our freedoms from these communist governors before we are all brainwashed into compliance and surrender all our freedoms.  Heaven knows all the liberals are already brainwashed.

President Trump is our advocate for freedom and is pushing against communism.  We need him to keep fighting for us and our nation, to preserve our freedoms and liberties.  Please keep praying for our dear president, President Trump, and for truth and right to prevail.

That's my two cents.


  1. Yes. Heaven knows the liberals are already brainwashed. Masks have never been about preventing a virus. It's always been about control over people. Destroying businesses, education, medical care, etc. Destroying America.

  2. Praying hard! I hope President Trump exposes all their cheating and corruption!!
