Friday, January 3, 2020

College Football Season Final Results

Lisa tallied up all of our scores over the past football season.  Here are the final results:
"To get the places for the season, I added up all of each individual's places for all the games. For example, if you placed 7th, you got 7 pts. If you placed 1st, you got 1 pt.  This is how we've done it in years past.
Football Season Finishing Places
  1. Clint   31
  2. Rex   41
  3. Tammy and Lisa  61
  4. Michael  66
  5. Juliet  68
  6. Mom 90
  7. Kingston 104
Fun facts:  Clint had 8 first place wins, Rex had 4 first place wins, Tammy two and Lisa one."
Congratulations to Clint who is our winner this year!  Good Job, Clint.  And thanks to everyone who participated this year.  It was a fun competition.

I will still post bowl results for those who participated after the National Championship Game on the 13th.

Pizza party pending.  When we figure that out, I will let you know.

See you all next season for another year of college football picks.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Clint! It's been fun.
    Can't wait to see the results of the Bowl Games. :)
