Saturday, January 18, 2020

Four Kids

There weren't that many pictures of just us four kids on my computer file.  This will have to suffice for now.  Enjoy!

Lisa, Michael, Tammy, Juliet
Orem, Utah

Tammy, Michael, Lisa, Juliet
Christmas 1977
Orem, Utah -- 925

Michael, Juliet, Lisa, Tammy
Orem, Utah -- 852
Christmas 1982?

Michael, Lisa, Tammy, Juliet
Lisa's 9th birthday?  If I counted the candles correctly.  :-)
June, 1981

Clockwise: Tammy, Juliet, Michael, Lisa
I've always hated this picture.  Awkward years for me at least.
But I included it anyway.

Juliet, Lisa, Tammy, Michael
sweet western photograph
early 1980s.

Michael, Juliet, Lisa, Tammy
I think this is in front of Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital -- where Lisa was born. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Clockwise: Tammy, Michael, Juliet, Lisa
Another awkward photo for me.

Mom and Dad sure made good-looking kids didn't they?  :-)

I'm sure we have more photographs of us four kids, But I don't have the energy to search for them right now.  I hope you enjoyed this photographic journey.  Next up will be original six.  That might take a while.  I'll try to get to it early next week.

That's my two cents.

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