In reading through the Sunday School lesson today, there are several quotes I really liked. Therefore I decided to post them on my blog for all of you to read. Enjoy!
“As part of His infinite atonement, Jesus … has borne the sins, griefs, sorrows, and, declared Jacob, the pains of every man, woman, and child (see 2 Nephi 9:21). Having been perfected in His empathy, Jesus thus knows how to succor us. … Nothing is beyond His redeeming reach or His encircling empathy. Therefore, we should not complain about our own life’s not being a rose garden when we remember who wore the crown of thorns!” -- Elder Neal A. Maxwell, April 1987 General Conference
“living the gospel of Jesus Christ is no guarantee that adversity will not come into our lives; but living the gospel does give us the strength and faith and power to rise above that adversity and look beyond the present trouble to the brighter day” -- President Harold B. Lee
“I have seen the remorse and despair in the lives of men who, in the hour of trial, have cursed God and died spiritually. And I have seen people rise to great heights from what seemed to be unbearable burdens.
“Finally, I have sought the Lord in my own extremities and learned for myself that my soul has made its greatest growth as I have been driven to my knees by adversity and affliction” -- Elder Marion G. Romney, October 1969 General Conference
“In the pain, the agony, and the heroic endeavors of life, we pass through a refiner’s fire, and the insignificant and the unimportant in our lives can melt away like dross and make our faith bright, intact, and strong. … It is part of the purging toll exacted of some to become acquainted with God. In the agonies of life, we seem to listen better to the faint, godly whisperings of the Divine Shepherd” -- Elder James E. Faust, April 1979 General Conference
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Spitting Image
There are a few of my ancestors who are the spitting image of some of their descendents. The resemblance is uncanny! Check out the following side-by-side comparisons.
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Great-great-grandmother |
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Nancy Jane Stone is this descendent's mother's father's father's mother |
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Great-great-grandmother |
Mary Ada Moore is this descendent's father's mother's father's mother |
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Paternal Grandfather |
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Grandfather to the left is this descendent's father's father. |
Sunday, July 23, 2017
24 Years Ago
24 years ago today I completed my full-time mission and flew home. It was a bittersweet day but like everything in life, we must keep turning the pages. My mission was the best decision I ever made. It was a privilege to serve the Lord and represent him for 18 months. I cherish every day I was able to serve in the Florida Tampa Mission. It wasn't always easy. They don't call it missionary work for nothing. It certainly is a lot of work. But any experience worth going through is full of challenges and generally requires effort on our part. Missions are also a lot of fun.
I consider it a great privilege to have been given the opportunity to serve a full-time mission for the Lord. I'm eternally grateful that I took that opportunity.
Above is the same picture photoshopped. I tried to make it clearer but it took part of the beautiful sunset away. :-( So I included both the original and Photoshopped version.
I consider it a great privilege to have been given the opportunity to serve a full-time mission for the Lord. I'm eternally grateful that I took that opportunity.
This picture was taken in my last area shortly before I came home. I thought it was a fitting picture for this blog post because it's the sunset of my mission.
This is probably June or July 1993. The Gulf of Mexico is the background. Florida had the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen. Which is fitting because in the foreground is the most beautiful Sister missionary ever called to serve. In my humble opinion of course. :-)
Above is the same picture photoshopped. I tried to make it clearer but it took part of the beautiful sunset away. :-( So I included both the original and Photoshopped version.
Of course both versions are absolutely gorgeous. :-) Goodbye FTM! Thanks for the memories. It's hard to believe it's been 24 years.
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Waxing Nostalgic
I guess I've been waxing nostalgic as of late. I've been thinking about how times have changed -- and not for the best. Seems that our civilization has become increasingly uncivilized. Here are a few things I've been pondering.
Whatever happened to the days when women actually wore heels and nylons to church? It seems like more and more women are dressing as if they are going to the beach rather than to church. Flip-flops at church? I'm sure my grandma is rolling over in her grave. I would be too if I were dead. 25 years ago when I was on my mission it was a mission rule to wear nylons. And I served in Florida. Yes, it was hot! But I never minded dressing up every day because I was representing my Savior, Jesus Christ. Lately, I don't think I've seen anyone younger than me wearing nylons and heels to church. But I sure see a lot of flip-flops and bare legs.
Along the same lines, whatever happened to people actually having to dress up to go to work? I just read about a woman who wants to wear dresses to work but doesn't feel like she'll fit in because everyone comes dressed in shorts and T-shirts. There really is something about the way you dress and your attitude. When you're dressed up, you look more dignified and tend to act accordingly.
Whatever happened to the days when women would wear their Sunday best with matching shoes and purse to go grocery shopping? Or to go out anywhere in public. They would make sure their hair was in place and that they looked presentable. People used to take pride in their appearance. And would actually try to look nice when they went out in public. Nowadays, a lot of people don't care what they look like. You're lucky if they cover up and wear shoes.
Whatever happened to the days when people would actually get up in the morning and get dressed and do their hair and makeup even if they weren't going anywhere? Nowadays it seems like more and more people stay in their pajamas or sweats all day. I never could do that. I always felt weird if I didn't get up and get ready for the day.
Whatever happened to the days when people would greet the cashier and exchange pleasantries? Most people nowadays don't have the common courtesy to end a phone call or look up from their stupid cheating machine to even give eye contact to the cashier, let alone exchanged pleasantries.
Along the same lines again, whatever happened to the days when people actually interacted in person? Believe or not, back in the day people would actually greet each other passing on sidewalks or in hallways. Yes, even strangers. People actually looked around and noticed their surroundings. Nowadays, everybody hangs their heads looking down at their stupid cheating machines. They are oblivious to the real people around them and their surroundings. Nowadays it's common to have two people in the same room communicating through text messages instead of conversing in person.
Whatever happened to the days when you could receive a wedding invitation without gifts being mentioned? Now you open up a wedding invitation and 12 "gift registry cards" fall out. Since when did thoughtfully choosing a gift for the newlyweds go out of vogue? Since when did weddings become a way to extort money and gifts from your guests and loved ones? Requesting gifts and money, setting up go fund me accounts for honeymoons. It's abhorrent.
Whatever happened to simple weddings where the main focus was on the bride and groom? Where people would bring a simple thoughtful gift. And a small piece of cake and maybe a nut cup or after dinner mints would be served. Now it's all about the dress, the venue, the food, the flowers, etc. Full course meals are served in elaborate settings. And guests are expected to bring expensive gifts or money chosen by the couple to cover the costs of hosting them. It's out of hand.
Whatever happened to hosting parties just for the pleasure of someone's company? Without expecting gifts or money in return.
Whatever happened to people sending handwritten thank you notes? Some people still do, but it seems like more and more people don't write thank you notes. And if they do decide to give thanks to someone it's likely to be digitally through e-mail or social media.
Whatever happened to people making promises and actually keeping them?
Whatever happened to chivalry? Chivalry seems to be dying as society becomes more "politically correct". It's a shame that men are being taught by society to treat women as "equals". I guess we can thank the liberal feminists for this injustice. I hate to break it to them but men and women are different. And society has rules -- or at least we did -- as to how women and men should behave. I always thanked men who would hold doors open for me when I entered a store or somewhere in public. Now, they have to worry about getting yelled at by some feminist instead of being thanked like they should.
Whatever happened to basic manners? You don't hear please and thank you as often as you should. Even in restaurants you don't see people using table manners as often as you should. People are rude to their servers. Road rage is rampant. People don't show respect to others like they should. Especially to their elders. Everyone seems to be too self absorbed to be courteous and civil.
Anyway, those are a few of the things I've been thinking about lately. It brings to mind this scripture:
The decline of civilization -- the loss of our basic etiquette and manners; the lack of respect for societal rules and for others; the casualization of dress; the basic increase in self entitlement -- sadly, appears to be in a downward spiral.
Unfortunately, I don't think it will get better anytime soon. I guess I will have to continue waxing nostalgic and remember the good old days.
That's my two cents.
Whatever happened to the days when women actually wore heels and nylons to church? It seems like more and more women are dressing as if they are going to the beach rather than to church. Flip-flops at church? I'm sure my grandma is rolling over in her grave. I would be too if I were dead. 25 years ago when I was on my mission it was a mission rule to wear nylons. And I served in Florida. Yes, it was hot! But I never minded dressing up every day because I was representing my Savior, Jesus Christ. Lately, I don't think I've seen anyone younger than me wearing nylons and heels to church. But I sure see a lot of flip-flops and bare legs.
Along the same lines, whatever happened to people actually having to dress up to go to work? I just read about a woman who wants to wear dresses to work but doesn't feel like she'll fit in because everyone comes dressed in shorts and T-shirts. There really is something about the way you dress and your attitude. When you're dressed up, you look more dignified and tend to act accordingly.
Whatever happened to the days when women would wear their Sunday best with matching shoes and purse to go grocery shopping? Or to go out anywhere in public. They would make sure their hair was in place and that they looked presentable. People used to take pride in their appearance. And would actually try to look nice when they went out in public. Nowadays, a lot of people don't care what they look like. You're lucky if they cover up and wear shoes.
Whatever happened to the days when people would actually get up in the morning and get dressed and do their hair and makeup even if they weren't going anywhere? Nowadays it seems like more and more people stay in their pajamas or sweats all day. I never could do that. I always felt weird if I didn't get up and get ready for the day.
Whatever happened to the days when people would greet the cashier and exchange pleasantries? Most people nowadays don't have the common courtesy to end a phone call or look up from their stupid cheating machine to even give eye contact to the cashier, let alone exchanged pleasantries.
Along the same lines again, whatever happened to the days when people actually interacted in person? Believe or not, back in the day people would actually greet each other passing on sidewalks or in hallways. Yes, even strangers. People actually looked around and noticed their surroundings. Nowadays, everybody hangs their heads looking down at their stupid cheating machines. They are oblivious to the real people around them and their surroundings. Nowadays it's common to have two people in the same room communicating through text messages instead of conversing in person.
Whatever happened to the days when you could receive a wedding invitation without gifts being mentioned? Now you open up a wedding invitation and 12 "gift registry cards" fall out. Since when did thoughtfully choosing a gift for the newlyweds go out of vogue? Since when did weddings become a way to extort money and gifts from your guests and loved ones? Requesting gifts and money, setting up go fund me accounts for honeymoons. It's abhorrent.
Whatever happened to simple weddings where the main focus was on the bride and groom? Where people would bring a simple thoughtful gift. And a small piece of cake and maybe a nut cup or after dinner mints would be served. Now it's all about the dress, the venue, the food, the flowers, etc. Full course meals are served in elaborate settings. And guests are expected to bring expensive gifts or money chosen by the couple to cover the costs of hosting them. It's out of hand.
Whatever happened to hosting parties just for the pleasure of someone's company? Without expecting gifts or money in return.
Whatever happened to people sending handwritten thank you notes? Some people still do, but it seems like more and more people don't write thank you notes. And if they do decide to give thanks to someone it's likely to be digitally through e-mail or social media.
Whatever happened to people making promises and actually keeping them?
Whatever happened to chivalry? Chivalry seems to be dying as society becomes more "politically correct". It's a shame that men are being taught by society to treat women as "equals". I guess we can thank the liberal feminists for this injustice. I hate to break it to them but men and women are different. And society has rules -- or at least we did -- as to how women and men should behave. I always thanked men who would hold doors open for me when I entered a store or somewhere in public. Now, they have to worry about getting yelled at by some feminist instead of being thanked like they should.
Whatever happened to basic manners? You don't hear please and thank you as often as you should. Even in restaurants you don't see people using table manners as often as you should. People are rude to their servers. Road rage is rampant. People don't show respect to others like they should. Especially to their elders. Everyone seems to be too self absorbed to be courteous and civil.
Anyway, those are a few of the things I've been thinking about lately. It brings to mind this scripture:
11 O my beloved son, how can a people like this, that are without civilization—
12 (And only a few years have passed away, and they were a civil and a delightsome people) -- Moroni 9:11-12I feel the same way about our civilization as Mormon did when addressing his son, Moroni, 1600+ years ago. Only a few decades ago people were much more civil to each other. I have seen the decline of our civilization in my short lifetime.
The decline of civilization -- the loss of our basic etiquette and manners; the lack of respect for societal rules and for others; the casualization of dress; the basic increase in self entitlement -- sadly, appears to be in a downward spiral.
Unfortunately, I don't think it will get better anytime soon. I guess I will have to continue waxing nostalgic and remember the good old days.
That's my two cents.
Monday, July 17, 2017
My Coronation
Today was my coronation day. I was pretty excited about it. It ended up being quite the ordeal. This being my first coronation and all, I didn't realized they would have to take the crown off and on so many times until it fit right. There was a little pain involved but I just dealt with it because I didn't want to get numbed up again.
I now have my permanent gold crown. You may now refer to me as Your Majesty. :-)
That's my two cents.
I now have my permanent gold crown. You may now refer to me as Your Majesty. :-)
That's my two cents.
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Quote of the Day
I was reading over the Relief Society lesson for today. I came across this quote I really liked.
"None of us may rightly say that his life is his own. Our lives are gifts of God. We come into the world not of our own volition. We leave not according to our wish. Our days are numbered not by ourselves, but according to the will of God.
"So many of us use our lives as if they were entirely our own. Ours is the choice to waste them if we wish. But that becomes a betrayal of a great and sacred trust. As the Master made so abundantly clear, “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.” (Mark 8:35.)" -- Gordon B. Hinckley, Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Gordon B. Hinckley, 2016, Chapter 14
Sunday, July 9, 2017
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Daily Message
""You can change anything you want to change and you can do it very fast. It is another Satanic falsehood to believe that it takes years and years and eons of eternity to repent. It takes exactly as long to repent as it takes you to say “I’ll change”—and mean it. Of course there will be problems to work out and restitutions to make. You may well spend—indeed, you had better spend—the rest of your life proving your repentance by its permanence. But change, growth, renewal, and repentance can come for you as instantaneously as it did for Alma and the Sons of Mosiah. Do not misunderstand. Repentance is not easy or painless or convenient. It can be a bitter cup from hell. But only Satan would have you think that a necessary and required acknowledgement of sin is more distasteful than permanent residence in it. Only he would say, “You can’t change. You won’t change. It’s too long and too hard to change. Give up. Give in. Don’t repent. You are just the way you are.” That, my friends, is a lie born of desperation. Don’t fall for it.""
—Jeffrey R. Holland, "How to Change", Liahona, February 2017
Monday, July 3, 2017
It's Your Baby, You Rock It!
"It's your baby, you rock it. It's your heartache, you bought it. You made that bed you're sleeping in, and I'm tired of hearing about it friend. It's your baby, you rock it!"
That is a quote from one of my favorite Elvis songs. I'm sick and tired of people making bad choices and causing all kinds of havoc within our family and then calling up to whine and complain about the consequences. Then when his parents patiently give him advice, he calls the advice stupid. Well, Mister smarty-pants, if your parents advice is so stupid, then why do you call them to ask them for advice?
You all know who I'm addressing. And since I know he can't stay off my blog, even though he hates my opinions, I'll direct this specifically to him.
Why do you call your parents and unload your problems on them? Problems you yourself caused by your continual bad choices! Your parents don't need the extra burden. They have enough problems of their own. Your parents didn't call up their mommy and daddy every time they had problems with you. So why do you continually burdened them with your parental inadequacies? Especially when the problems you are facing are direct consequences to your bad choices. Which many of the problems could have been avoided had you made better choices in life.
Obviously when you make a series of bad choices again and again and again, there will be some bad consequences. When you choose to leave your family for a selfish floozeric lifestyle, your children will be scarred. They aren't stupid. They know you are choosing a floozy over them. And when it happens again and again and again, there will be deep deep scars. So why are you surprised when your son turns to drugs and contemplates suicide? You caused it. Your bad choices -- your abandonment of your wife and kids -- are the cause of the lack of self-worth in your children.
What can you do to fix it? I'm glad you asked. Start with turning your life around. Come back to the truth you once knew. Give your kids back the hope that you stripped from them. Teach them there is a God who loves them. It's not too late to start doing the right thing. Everybody should know that they are a child of God. When you strip God from people's lives, you also strip hope from their lives. Without hope, what is there to live for? Even people who have no one in their life who they feel loves them, they can still turn to God, who loves all of his children unconditionally. You can always turn to your Heavenly Father. Even in the deepest abyss, He is always there for you. That is a great comforter for many people. Yet, you have even taken that from your children. Teaching them that there is no God. That's beyond appalling.
Think about it, you, as their father, have walked out on them. They know you have chosen a floozy over them and their mother. The fact that you have chosen floozy over your children is continually reinforced by forcing them to spend every other weekend at floozy's house. Where you have chosen to flaunt your adultery by living in sin -- as you like to put it -- at your floozy's house. Not to mention all the other vices they are exposed to in that environment.
Then you continually lie to them, convincing them that there is no God and turning them away from their religion. Thus taking away all hope from them. Not to mention teaching them false doctrines of the world.
When they are with you on the weekends, you are rarely physically present. Choosing to live your "rock 'n roll" lifestyle of playing gigs on the weekend. So you can receive the praise of men to try to inflate your nonexistent self-esteem. People who live contrary to God's commandments lose their self worth. That's why apostates are narcissistic. It's a defense mechanism. But that's another blog post.
A child's basic need is love and security. Even more important than food, clothing, and shelter. When a child is constantly reminded that they are not their parent's top priority, it leaves deep emotional scars. And when the one person they can always turn to in times of trial, God, is taken from them, where can they turn?
Of course the primary source of love and security for a child is their parents. Including their heavenly parents. I had been taught since I was very young that I am a child of God. Because of that I have always had extraordinary self worth and have always had someone to turn to in times of trial. You have taken your children's earthly father and their Heavenly Father away from them. Then you wonder why they have nothing to live for and why they would want to take their own life?
You can try to make yourself feel better by rationalizing that they still have their earthly father in their lives. But it's simply not true. When you chose to leave your family, you abandoned your children and visiting with them every other weekend is not fulfilling your responsibilities as a father. I hope you're fleeting happiness with your floozy was worth it to you. Floozationships rarely last. But the destruction they cause does.
Obviously it's a lot easier to not believe in God when you're willfully rebelling against Him. That's certainly your prerogative, God gave you your agency. But, teaching your children there is no God and turning them against their religion is extremely detrimental to their well-being. Why would anyone do that to their own children, whom they are supposed to love? Why would you want to destroy your own children? When you do that, problems are inevitable. Then you start facing some of those problems as a consequence of your own actions, and decide to burden others with it.
You have the audacity to call up mommy and daddy to complain about your troubled children and ask for their advice. They both tell you the first step is to get God back in your life. Your response is to tell them they're stupid and that you disagree.
If you don't like their "stupid" advice, then why do you continually call them every time you have a problem? Honestly, they don't want to hear all of your problems. None of us do! "You're crying on my shoulder like a baby, I'm sorry about your troubles... but I've used up all of my sympathy. It's your baby, you rock it." You made this mess, clean it up yourself. Pick yourself up off the floor and get your life back in order. Why burden your parents -- who are already overburdened -- with the messes you keep creating? If you think you're doing them a favor by "keeping them informed" you're sorely mistaken. "You made that bed you're sleeping in, and I'm tired of hearing about it friend."
For someone who claims to want his family to stay out of his business, you sure do keep dragging your family unwillingly into your business.
I'll close with the advice I started out with:
"It's your baby, you rock it. It's your heartache, you bought it. You made that bed you're sleeping in, and I'm tired of hearing about it friend. It's your baby, you rock it!"
That is a quote from one of my favorite Elvis songs. I'm sick and tired of people making bad choices and causing all kinds of havoc within our family and then calling up to whine and complain about the consequences. Then when his parents patiently give him advice, he calls the advice stupid. Well, Mister smarty-pants, if your parents advice is so stupid, then why do you call them to ask them for advice?
You all know who I'm addressing. And since I know he can't stay off my blog, even though he hates my opinions, I'll direct this specifically to him.
Why do you call your parents and unload your problems on them? Problems you yourself caused by your continual bad choices! Your parents don't need the extra burden. They have enough problems of their own. Your parents didn't call up their mommy and daddy every time they had problems with you. So why do you continually burdened them with your parental inadequacies? Especially when the problems you are facing are direct consequences to your bad choices. Which many of the problems could have been avoided had you made better choices in life.
Obviously when you make a series of bad choices again and again and again, there will be some bad consequences. When you choose to leave your family for a selfish floozeric lifestyle, your children will be scarred. They aren't stupid. They know you are choosing a floozy over them. And when it happens again and again and again, there will be deep deep scars. So why are you surprised when your son turns to drugs and contemplates suicide? You caused it. Your bad choices -- your abandonment of your wife and kids -- are the cause of the lack of self-worth in your children.
What can you do to fix it? I'm glad you asked. Start with turning your life around. Come back to the truth you once knew. Give your kids back the hope that you stripped from them. Teach them there is a God who loves them. It's not too late to start doing the right thing. Everybody should know that they are a child of God. When you strip God from people's lives, you also strip hope from their lives. Without hope, what is there to live for? Even people who have no one in their life who they feel loves them, they can still turn to God, who loves all of his children unconditionally. You can always turn to your Heavenly Father. Even in the deepest abyss, He is always there for you. That is a great comforter for many people. Yet, you have even taken that from your children. Teaching them that there is no God. That's beyond appalling.
Think about it, you, as their father, have walked out on them. They know you have chosen a floozy over them and their mother. The fact that you have chosen floozy over your children is continually reinforced by forcing them to spend every other weekend at floozy's house. Where you have chosen to flaunt your adultery by living in sin -- as you like to put it -- at your floozy's house. Not to mention all the other vices they are exposed to in that environment.
Then you continually lie to them, convincing them that there is no God and turning them away from their religion. Thus taking away all hope from them. Not to mention teaching them false doctrines of the world.
When they are with you on the weekends, you are rarely physically present. Choosing to live your "rock 'n roll" lifestyle of playing gigs on the weekend. So you can receive the praise of men to try to inflate your nonexistent self-esteem. People who live contrary to God's commandments lose their self worth. That's why apostates are narcissistic. It's a defense mechanism. But that's another blog post.
A child's basic need is love and security. Even more important than food, clothing, and shelter. When a child is constantly reminded that they are not their parent's top priority, it leaves deep emotional scars. And when the one person they can always turn to in times of trial, God, is taken from them, where can they turn?
Of course the primary source of love and security for a child is their parents. Including their heavenly parents. I had been taught since I was very young that I am a child of God. Because of that I have always had extraordinary self worth and have always had someone to turn to in times of trial. You have taken your children's earthly father and their Heavenly Father away from them. Then you wonder why they have nothing to live for and why they would want to take their own life?
You can try to make yourself feel better by rationalizing that they still have their earthly father in their lives. But it's simply not true. When you chose to leave your family, you abandoned your children and visiting with them every other weekend is not fulfilling your responsibilities as a father. I hope you're fleeting happiness with your floozy was worth it to you. Floozationships rarely last. But the destruction they cause does.
Obviously it's a lot easier to not believe in God when you're willfully rebelling against Him. That's certainly your prerogative, God gave you your agency. But, teaching your children there is no God and turning them against their religion is extremely detrimental to their well-being. Why would anyone do that to their own children, whom they are supposed to love? Why would you want to destroy your own children? When you do that, problems are inevitable. Then you start facing some of those problems as a consequence of your own actions, and decide to burden others with it.
You have the audacity to call up mommy and daddy to complain about your troubled children and ask for their advice. They both tell you the first step is to get God back in your life. Your response is to tell them they're stupid and that you disagree.
If you don't like their "stupid" advice, then why do you continually call them every time you have a problem? Honestly, they don't want to hear all of your problems. None of us do! "You're crying on my shoulder like a baby, I'm sorry about your troubles... but I've used up all of my sympathy. It's your baby, you rock it." You made this mess, clean it up yourself. Pick yourself up off the floor and get your life back in order. Why burden your parents -- who are already overburdened -- with the messes you keep creating? If you think you're doing them a favor by "keeping them informed" you're sorely mistaken. "You made that bed you're sleeping in, and I'm tired of hearing about it friend."
For someone who claims to want his family to stay out of his business, you sure do keep dragging your family unwillingly into your business.
I'll close with the advice I started out with:
"It's your baby, you rock it. It's your heartache, you bought it. You made that bed you're sleeping in, and I'm tired of hearing about it friend. It's your baby, you rock it!"
That's my two cents.
Sunday, July 2, 2017
The Star-Spangled Banner
Today as our closing hymn we sang, "The Star-Spangled Banner". I have never heard more than the first verse sung anywhere except church. There are actually four versus penned by Francis Scott Key. Three of those verses are included in our hymnal. The following is the last verse and is my favorite.
Thank you, Francis Scott Key, for a beautifully written National Anthem. Let us always remember to thank our Heavenly Father for this blessed land and country we call home. May the Star-Spangled Banner always wave in triumph o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Happy Independence Day! (A couple days early.)
That's my two cents.
The Star-Spangled Banner
3. Oh, thus be it ever, when free men shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war’s desolation!
Blest with vict’ry and peace, may the heav’n-rescued land
Praise the Pow’r that hath made and preserved us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust!”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
--Text: Francis Scott Key 1779-1843This wonderful nation in which we are privileged to reside is a heaven rescued land. It was long ago consecrated for freedom, especially religious freedom. We should often praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation. Our nation's motto is "In God We Trust" -- It is He who orchestrated the nation's founding and has preserved us a nation.
Thank you, Francis Scott Key, for a beautifully written National Anthem. Let us always remember to thank our Heavenly Father for this blessed land and country we call home. May the Star-Spangled Banner always wave in triumph o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Happy Independence Day! (A couple days early.)
That's my two cents.
Saturday, July 1, 2017
Gold Crown
I've always known I was royalty. After all, I am a daughter of God. But now I'm officially getting my gold crown! I've always wanted a real gold crown. Although the one I'm getting is not what I had in mind.
After a trip to my dentist I was informed that I had a fractured molar and needed a crown. So a couple of days ago I went to have the work done.
The dentist gave me two options on the type of crown I wanted. Gold or ceramic. Of course, I opted for gold. (Who, in their right mind, wouldn't?) Not only is it prettier -- ting, but it's also stronger and thinner (less tooth removal).
When life hands you lemons (fractured tooth), you make lemonade (gold crown), right?
After a trip to my dentist I was informed that I had a fractured molar and needed a crown. So a couple of days ago I went to have the work done.
The dentist gave me two options on the type of crown I wanted. Gold or ceramic. Of course, I opted for gold. (Who, in their right mind, wouldn't?) Not only is it prettier -- ting, but it's also stronger and thinner (less tooth removal).
When life hands you lemons (fractured tooth), you make lemonade (gold crown), right?
I'm wearing a temporary crown now but in a couple of weeks I will be fitted with my well-deserved permanent gold crown!
I will wear it with pride. Ting! :-)
That's my two cents.
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