Wednesday, February 19, 2025

We Believe in Obeying the Law

What is with all of these liberal pansies bawling about illegal aliens being deported?  What don't they understand about law and order?  Countries have borders.  A country without a border is not a country.  Countries have laws regarding who is allowed to cross the border into their country.  The United States of America is a country with borders.  We have immigration laws.  If you breach our border and come into the United States of America illegally, you are a criminal.  You have broken the law.  By definition you are a criminal.  What is so hard to understand about that?

Now that we have a real leader in President Trump, who is actually enforcing our immigration laws, liberal pansies are losing their minds..  It makes absolutely no sense because all President Trump is doing is making life better for all Americans by deporting illegal aliens.  One thing these bawl baby liberal pansies keep saying is that it is not Christian to deport illegal aliens.  That's a big fat lie.  They are just virtue signaling, jumping on their high horse acting holier than thou.  The truth is, Christ's church teaches that we should obey the law.  The 12th Article of Faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints reads, 

"We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law."  (Emphasis added)

It baffles me that so many members of the Church and fellow Christians boldly and defiantly advocate breaking the law.  Even to the point of protesting at the state capital.  It's insane.  These people are judging their fellow Christians who are actually following Christ's teachings in pointing the finger at them as being un-Christlike.  When they should actually be pointing the finger at themselves as being un-Christlike for advocating breaking the law.

If they were listening at church and actually read their scriptures they would certainly know that throughout the Scriptures different groups of people had their own lands and governments.  They had borders! Here is one example:

3 Nephi 6: 1, 4

1 And now it came to pass that the people of the Nephites did all return to their own lands in the twenty and sixth year, every man, with his family, his flocks and his herds, his horses and his cattle, and all things whatsoever did belong unto them.

4 And they began again to prosper and to wax great; and the twenty and sixth and seventh years passed away, and there was great order in the land; and they had formed their laws according to equity and justice.

So in this example, the Nephites returned to their own lands and there was order in the land because they had laws.  And because of this, they prospered.  That is exactly what President Trump wants for America.  He wants us to prosper.  Every great leader will put his country and his people first.  This is what President Trump is doing.  America first.  In order for America and its people to prosper, there must be laws, which are enforced, which create order in the land and allow prosperity.  President Trump understands this.

Bawl baby leftist liberal pansies who cry about President Trump enforcing our laws do not understand this.  If they think that allowing open borders is good for Americans and is the Christlike thing to do, they are sorely mistaken.  Open borders will destroy any nation, and it is certainly not Christlike to break the law of the land.

That's my two cents.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Happy Presidents' Day

Happy Presidents' Day to President Trump, the greatest president not only of my lifetime but in the history of the United States of America.  

It has only been four weeks since President Trump's inauguration and he has already done more good than most presidents do in four years.  I love President Trump even more now than I did during his first term.  He is an incredible leader.  President Trump is brave, courageous, a defender of truth and right, an amazing negotiator, and a tireless fighter!  He is fighting for us and our wonderful country.

Present Trump actually reminds me a lot of my dad.  He is exactly one month younger than my dad to the day.  They were contemporaries.  They share a lot of the same qualities. They are both real men and true patriots.

I am so thankful for President Trump, especially on this day that we celebrate our presidents.  I'm so grateful for a selfless leader who is not President for the power and glory, but out of genuine concern for his fellow citizens and his beloved country.  A true patriot who sacrifices his billionaire lifestyle to serve his country and its citizens to make America great again.

Thank you, President Trump!

Fight, fight, fight!

That's my two cents.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Happy Groundhog Day

I love Groundhog Day.  Today Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and therefore predicts six more weeks of winter.  

We haven't had much of a winter here so I was kind of hoping Phil would see his shadow this morning.  

We actually got a few flakes of snow yesterday for the first time this winter.  But it was too warm to stick. After Phil saw his shadow, maybe we'll actually get some snow this season.  We, in fact, have snow in the forecast today.

Happy Groundhog Day everybody!

That's my two cents.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Winning Never Gets Old!

President Trump is a beast. He hasn't even been in office for two weeks yet and has already accomplished so much.  

He has effectively closed our southern border – the mass invasion of illegal aliens is over.  Deportations of the upwards of 15,000,000 illegal aliens who have invaded our country over the past four years has started off strong and is ramping up.  The president of Colombia foolishly refused to accept his own citizens back who were being deported and President Trump put the smack down and showed him who was boss.  It was awesome.  

President Trump dissolved all DEI nonsense in federal government – which is a huge moral win against discrimination.  He returned us to a merit based hiring system rather than hiring people based on prejudice.  People actually qualified to do the job will now be hired, thus increasing public safety.

President Trump signed an executive order stating that there are only two genders – male and female.  Which is crazy that he even had to do that, but this is a crazy world we live in.  President Trump is returning our nation to common sense.

President Trump withdrew us from the World Health Organization. President Trump cracked down on abortion – withdrawing Biden's order to pay for military women to cross state lines to get abortions in abortion friendly states. President Trump also cracked down on transgenders in the military and reinstated those who were kicked out of the military for refusing the Covid vaccine.

President Trump has done a lot more, but those are a few examples that come to mind.  If his accomplishments during his entire second administration were based off his first two weeks alone, he would be a very successful president.  But he's not done, there's a lot more for him to accomplish in these four short years.

President Trump is a man of his word, he will do what he said he will do. And he has a lot to do to undo all the damage done in the previous four years by the Biden administration.

It sure feels good to have a real leader who cares about our nation and wants to preserve our freedoms and actually defends, preserves, and protects the Constitution of the United States of America.

Winning never gets old!

That's my two cents.