Sunday, September 26, 2021

College Football Picks Week 4

  1. Clint -11 Tiebreaker 55
  2. Rex -13 tie breaker 50
  3. Lisa -18 tiebreaker 48
  4. Tammy -18 tiebreaker 53
  5. Mom -26 Tiebreaker 43
Actual tiebreaker 37

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Gene Therapy or Vaccine?

I have always been an advocate for vaccines. In fact I've blogged about the marvel of vaccines before.  Vaccines are a modern miracle that have saved countless lives and prevented countless diseases.  But I just can't get behind the COVID "vaccine".  There are too many unanswered questions and too many people with severe side effects.

First of all, the COVID vaccine isn't really a vaccine as far as medical and legal definitions go.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a vaccine is:

“A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.” 

Immunity, in turn, is defined as: 

“Protection from an infectious disease,” meaning that “If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.”

That’s the medical definition. The legal definition, in the few cases where it has been detailed, is equally unequivocal: 

Iowa code — “Vaccine means a specially prepared antigen administered to a person for the purpose of providing immunity.” 

Washington state code — “Vaccine means a preparation of a killed or attenuated living microorganism, or fraction thereof …” The statute also specifies that a vaccine “upon immunization stimulates immunity that protects us against disease …” 

These definitions, both medical and legal, present problems for mRNA “vaccines,” since:

mRNA injections do not impart immunity. Moderna and Pfizer both admit that their clinical trials aren’t even looking at immunity. As such they do not fulfill the medical and/or legal definition of a vaccine. 

They do not inhibit transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 infection. As such they do not fulfill the medical and/or legal definition of a vaccine. (Source)

The COVID-19 "vaccines" are not made from killed or attenuated (weakened) living microorganisms (SARS-CoV-2 virus) or fraction thereof.  The Covid vaccines are not vaccines at all,  but are gene therapies containing mRNA. 

mRNA is a genetic code which instructs for making proteins.
"mRNA “vaccines” deliver a synthetic version of mRNA into your cells that carry the instruction to produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, the antigen, that then activates your immune system to produce antibodies." (Source)
Normal vaccines contain the actual pathogen (virus or bacteria) in a weakened or killed state so that it will produce the immune response but won't cause disease. Every pathogen has unique antigens on the surface that your body recognizes as foreign and produces antibodies against.  It is the same immune response to the antigens when you're infected with a live pathogen that causes illness.

The COVID "vaccine" doesn't contain any part of the virus.  It contains genetic code for producing the spike protein (antigen) on the surface of the virus which causes the body's immune response. 

It's an ingenious technology which sounds great, but it's still experimental.  Which makes me leery.  I don't want to be a guinea pig.  Unfortunately, we are starting to see a lot of perhaps unforeseen deleterious side effects, in otherwise healthy people, from this mRNA vaccine.

Vaccine side effects are generally very rare.  In fact, I don't know of anyone personally or through the grapevine who has had any vaccine side effects except one.  My niece Chanelle, received an MMR vaccine when she was already sick and ended up with the measles.  The measles vaccine is attenuated, not killed, therefore can cause disease.  My sister questioned the doctor on whether her daughter should receive the vaccine when she was sick, but they reassured her that it was fine.  Obviously her immune system, which was already fighting an illness, wasn't up to par to also produce enough antibodies against the measles which was introduced via vaccine.  So that side effect was actually due to human error, not the vaccine.

But with this COVID "vaccine" I have heard numerous stories of terrible side effects.  Speaking of Chanelle, her best friend from high school was required to take the vaccine if she wanted to continue her university studies.  So she reluctantly got the vaccine.  I'm not sure of the timeframe but I think it was a few days later that she started developing heart problems.  She went to the ER and, sure enough, was diagnosed with myocarditis (heart inflammation).  She is now on multiple heart medications and an inhaler.  She was a perfectly healthy young adult before receiving the "vaccine".

One of my caregivers' cousins husband is in the military.  He was also required to get the Covid vaccine.  He also developed myocarditis shortly after receiving the "vaccine".  I believe he was flown from overseas back to the states for treatment.

Same caregiver told me of her aunt (or some other relative) who is a teacher.  She also was required to be vaccinated against COVID.  She developed neurological issues with uncontrollable twitching and spasms.

My other caregiver works at the hospital and has a friend who works in cardiology.  She said they are seeing a huge increase in cardiac patients because of the vaccine.

My brother-in-law, Rex has a coworker who lost both of his parents to myocardial infarction from blood clots after they received the Covid vaccine.

These are just a few of the examples I know of personally.  I have heard of many other similar stories.  But the media and government are suppressing any news of side effects.  And Biden and his evil administration are still pushing their draconian, tyrannical, and unconstitutional "vaccine" mandates.

A world renowned expert on the Chinese SARS-CoV-2 virus, Peter McCullough, M.D., supported the COVID "vaccine" in the beginning, but now he is completely against it.  Because of the side effects he has seen in his patients who have received the vaccine.  Doctor McCullough gave an interview which I highly recommend.

I don't have the source but I read a statistic that for every COVID death that the vaccine saves, 2-5 people die from the vaccine.

Again, I don't have the source but there have been somewhere between 12,000 and 15,000 deaths from Covid vaccine thus far.  And it hasn't even been around a year.  If I remember correctly Doctor McCullough stated that normally if you get up to 150 deaths the program is shut down.  He said there were 186 deaths recorded by the end of January or February.  All Covid vaccinations should have been stopped then.  But to continue the vaccination program and especially to mandate the vaccine is not only unethical, immoral, and wrong -- It is evil.

There is absolutely no reason why this experimental genetic therapy a.k.a. vaccine should be mandated by government.  People should not have to put something in their body that they are not comfortable with receiving.  The government especially should not be requiring employers to mandate the vaccine or people will lose their jobs.  Or requiring proof of vaccination to buy groceries?  Or go to gyms or restaurants, etc. it is un-American and just plain wrong.

These vaccine mandates and requirements are even more baffling because this disease is easily treatable with safe medications.  And even without treatment COVID is rarely fatal.  Less than 1% death rate.

Yet this experimental genetic therapy being forced on people is far more dangerous than the disease.  Most cases of myocarditis and pericarditis (inflammation of the heart and heart sac) occur in people under 30 and more often in males.  Young people rarely die from Covid, and those who do have underlying issues.  Yet many young people are experiencing severe side effects from the experimental "vaccine".  Young healthy people should not be forced to be guinea pigs.

Blood clots are common after receiving the Covid "vaccine".  In fact Johnson & Johnson's Covid vaccine was recalled for a while because it caused blood clots in so many people.  It is now available again and being used to vaccinate unsuspecting people.  What changed?  Nothing.  It is still causing blood clots in people.

Nobody should be forced to be guinea pigs in the largest medical experiment ever.  And who knows how many side effects have yet to occur in the months and years to come.  The spike protein produced  in the vaccinated person's own cells by the foreign mRNA introduced by inoculation obviously affects the cardiovascular, neurological, hematological, and immune systems. That's clear, but what other systems are possibly being affected?  What are the long-term effects?  Nobody knows because it hasn't been around long enough.

This is what I tried to tell my doctor back in April when he was pressuring me to get the COVID "vaccine".  I told him I wasn't ready to get it yet.  He asked me if I had any questions.  I told him he didn't know the answers, nobody did, because it was too new to know what the longer-term effects were.

It turns out I was wise to wait.  Because now that more data is coming out, it is apparent that this experimental gene therapy a.k.a. COVID vaccine is not safe and should be ceased immediately.

About a year ago when I heard that a vaccine was being developed and would soon be available to protect against COVID I was excited. I thought it was a miracle that they could develop a vaccine that quickly. It usually takes years.  But, alas, it was too good to be true.

In fact, it is the vaccine that is driving the mutations in the Chinese coronavirus.  I fully believe that if it weren't for the vaccine we wouldn't have had the second wave of infections with the Delta variant.

So, in reality it is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated, that Biden is claiming, but in fact is a pandemic of the vaccinated.

It is much safer to take your chances of being infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and gain a natural immunity than to get the COVID "vaccine".  A natural immunity protects against several antigens, not just the spike protein.  A natural immunity also covers the mucous membranes and protects against spreading the virus to others.  Whereas the "vaccine" doesn't.  Vaccinated and unvaccinated are as likely to spread the virus to others.

What's even worse is that the vaccine's efficacy is waning.  As the virus mutates, the vaccine will be less and less effective.  Therefore all these people who will have side effects for the rest of their lives will have gotten the vaccine in vain.  So sad.

A couple weeks of flulike symptoms with the COVID illness, as unpleasant as that is, is a lot better than a lifetime of side effects from the experimental gene therapy known as the COVID vaccine.

That's my two cents.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

College Football Picks Week 3

  1. Rex -16 Tiebreaker 61
  2. Michael -16 tie breaker 49
  3. Lisa -17 Tiebreaker 58
  4. Tammy -17 tiebreaker 49
  5. Clint -17 tiebreaker 45
  6. Mom -19 tiebreaker 36
Actual tiebreaker 94

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Falling Flag

Yesterday was a stormy day here, with high winds.  Around dusk, I was sitting in my bed, looking out the window watching the flagpole sway back and forth.  From my vantage point I can see the bottom half of the flagpole.  Suddenly I saw what looked to be a piece of the American flag fly through the wind and fall to the ground.

At first I thought that the winds had ripped a piece of our flag off.  But that seemed unlikely considering that it was in good shape; untattered, well-made, and strong.  I began to think that I was just seeing things.  But, when Lisa came in my room, I told her what I thought I saw.  So she went outside to check it out.

Sure enough, she found, not just a piece of our flag, but the entire American flag laying on the ground.  Apparently the pulley system that raises and lowers the flag had failed -- completely broke&.  How this happened I have no idea.  I just know it's broken now and we have no way to fly our American flag.

The symbolism wasn't lost on me.  I immediately thought how our American flag flying through the wind and falling to the ground represents the fall of our nation.  The flag represents freedom and the strength of our nation.

Because of evil leaders in all branches of our government, especially the current presidential administration, our country is no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave.  Like our flag yesterday, our freedoms are flying away and falling to the ground.  Our once great, strong nation is being sold out and bowing to evil foreign governments and terrorists.

It was sad to see our American flag carried about with the winds and fall to the ground.  It is even sadder to see our great nation, The United States of America, being tossed with the wind, and falling from greatness.  

That's my two cents.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


I'm quite irritated by all of the COVID lies continually being spewed by the media, doctors, and so called experts.  I understand the media lying, after all they are an arm of the Democrat party.  That's all they know how to do is lie to further their agenda.  And I understand why so called experts lie about COVID, as they are probably paid a lot of money to do so, by the left, and perhaps they relish the fame or a chance to be on TV.  But it surprises me that most doctors comply with, and propagate, the COVID lies and fear mongering.

Every doctor that I have been to since the COVID pandemic started is always in full "hazmat" gear.  My mom's doctors won't even see her in person.  Even in the doctor's office they will only see her virtually.  Yet, if you actually get COVID, they won't treat you with medications that have been proven to be effective against COVID.  Why?  Because the left told them not to and lied about the drugs being unsafe and ineffective.  Which is easily disproven.  They complain about COVID hospitalizations, yet they won't treat people with the safe, effective drugs that would easily keep them out of the hospital.  It makes no sense.

What irritates me the most amongst all these COVID lies is the lie that people who don't wear masks, socially distance, or get the COVID vaccine are selfish.

I've said this before, but, masks don't do much against viruses.  Viruses easily go through masks.  Masks can be effective against bacteria, which are much larger than viruses.  But, you can't do much to stop a virus.  Data shows that lockdowns and mask mandates have no effect against COVID.  There was no significant difference in states with the strictest of lockdowns and mask mandates and states without lockdowns and mandates. In fact, states without lockdowns and mask mandates did slightly better than strict draconian states.

Now we have a surge in a mutated form of the Chinese created coronavirus which they call the Delta variant.  We are back to strict mask mandates indoors and outdoors.  Has it stopped or significantly decreased the spread of the virus?  No.

As a medical student, I did a one-month rotation in infectious disease.  I was exposed to highly communicable diseases.  When we went to see a patient with tuberculosis or meningitis or some other highly contagious disease, it wasn't the patient who wore a mask.  Outside the patient's door would be disposable gowns, gloves, and masks.  Before entering the patient's room, we would don these items to protect ourselves from the infectious disease.  Not to protect anyone else.

When I was in the hospital myself, and had acquired MRSA and VRE (antibiotic resistant bacterial infections), it was the same story.  Everyone who came to visit me had to wear disposable gowns, gloves, and masks to protect themselves.  But I did not.

My point is, that masks are worn to protect the wearer, not others.  The exception being in the OR where surgeons and staff wear masks to prevent bacterial infections in open wounds.

 Another irritating lie that the left is harping on now is that you are selfish if you don't get the COVID vaccine.  This is as ridiculous as wearing masks outside.  Vaccines protect the person who gets them.  Not anyone else.  Yes, herd immunity is a thing.  But no one should rely on herd immunity to protect them from any infectious disease.

If I want to be protected against measles, for instance, I go get the MMR vaccine.  I don't tell all my friends and neighbors to go get the vaccine to protect me.  And call them selfish if they don't.  That's absurd.

If I hear there is a measles outbreak at Disneyland, if I'm up-to-date on my MMR vaccine, should I be worried about going to Disneyland?  No.  Because being vaccinated against measles, my chances of contracting measles from someone at Disneyland are slim to none.

So, why is the left/media demonizing people who choose not to get the COVID vaccine?  If it is effective against the virus, and you're fully vaccinated, what are you worried about?  You are protected.

There is nothing selfish about not being vaccinated.  The unvaccinated are only putting themselves at risk of contracting COVID or any other communicable infectious disease for which there is a vaccine.

The left/media/liberals/democrats are milking this Chinese lab created viral pandemic for all it's worth for their political gain.  They are spewing lie after lie to induce fear, panic and contention in the American people and the world.

Stop believing the COVID lies.  Don't fear an infectious disease very similar to the flu with a similar death rate.  Stop worrying about your neighbor protecting you from COVID -- which they can't and don't.  Make your own health care choices, and let others make theirs.

That's my two cents.

Monday, September 13, 2021


Our Sunday school lesson last week was about freedom.  Our freedoms have been attacked by Joe Biden with his unconstitutional, tyrannical vaccine mandates.  So I thought it was apropos to share an excerpt from the Scriptures we studied last week.

Just a bit of a preface.  This is modern-day revelation given through the prophet, Joseph Smith.  This revelation was given to the Prophet on August 6, 1833 in Kirtland, Ohio. This revelation was given in response to persecutions that the Saints were facing in Missouri.

Doctrine and Covenants 98: 4-9

4 And now, verily I say unto you concerning the laws of the land, it is my will that my people should observe to do all things whatsoever I command them.

5 And that law of the land which is constitutional, supporting that principle of freedom in maintaining rights and privileges, belongs to all mankind, and is justifiable before me.

6 Therefore, I, the Lord, justify you, and your brethren of my church, in befriending that law which is the constitutional law of the land;

My understanding of these scriptures is that the Lord is instructing and commanding the members of the church (and all of us) that the laws of the land -- when they are constitutional and support freedom -- should be followed. 

In fact, one of the Church's 13 Articles of Faith states that we believe in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.  So, the Lord is making it clear that we should obey the laws of the land.

7 And as pertaining to law of man, whatsoever is more or less than this, cometh of evil.

If men create laws which are unconstitutional and do not support and maintain our freedom, then those laws are evil. 

8 I, the Lord God, make you free, therefore ye are free indeed; and the law also maketh you free.

The Lord gave us our freedom.  The ability to choose and make our own decisions is part of the Lord's great plan of happiness, His plan of salvation.  He gave us this promised land, and had a hand in creating the Constitution of the United States of America so that we would a free people.

9 Nevertheless, when the wicked rule the people mourn.

When wicked people obtain power through political office, they rule or govern unrighteously.  They use their power to control the masses and take away freedom.

The more the government and it's leaders dictate what we can do and control us through unconstitutional laws and mandates, the more freedom we lose.  Many people in the United States right now are mourning the loss of our freedom.

A wicked man, Joe Biden, obtained the White House by fraud.  He's ruling as a dictator and tyrant instead of governing as a president.  This is unconstitutional, and evil.

I never thought I would see the day when the United States of America wasn't free.  But, because of wicked, evil, corrupt people in government leadership, we are rapidly losing our freedom.  It is very sad.  Like the Lord said in the scriptures, "when the wicked rule the people mourn."

That's my two cents.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

College Football Picks Week 2

  1. Clint -8 tiebreaker 43
  2. Rex -9 tie breaker 49
  3. Tammy -10 tie breaker 57
  4. Lisa -15 tie breaker 41
  5. Michael -15 tiebreaker 59
  6. Mom -20 tie breaker 57
actual tiebreaker 43

Monday, September 6, 2021

Why Attack Ivermectin?

Everything about this COVID pandemic is strange.  It's fishy, it just doesn't make sense.  From the media's and left's obsession with the virus, case numbers, deaths, Fauci, etc. To draconian lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine requirements.  It's all very surreal and quite strange.

For feigning to be so concerned about people's health, why the attack on Covid treatments?

First there was the media's and left's attack on Hydroxychloroquine.  That one was understandable because of their hatred for President Trump who touted hydroxychloroquine as a possible treatment for COVID.  Therefore because President Trump said it might help, the media and left had to attack it.  Even though it is an FDA approved drug used to treat malaria worldwide.

Now, they are attacking ivermectin.  I've been trying to wrap my head around why.  It's not to destroy President Trump, their massive election fraud already removed him from office.  I've concluded that comes down to money and power.  Perhaps big Pharma is behind the attack on ivermectin.  Because ivermectin is a lot cheaper than some other super expensive drugs that are also used to treat COVID.  Or another theory I have is that the left/media want the pandemic to continue and want COVID to appear to be more deadly than it is.  They want people to continue to live in fear.  They want to continue their unconstitutional power and control over the masses.

But whatever the reason, the media/left is currently obsessed with attacking ivermectin.  Which is absolutely absurd.  Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic drug used to treat worms and parasite infections in humans and animals worldwide.  It is an FDA approved drug for use in humans -- not just animals.  In fact, a lot of drugs developed for human use such as painkillers, anti-inflammatories, corticosteroids, etc. are also used to treat animals. 

Ivermectin is not a horse drug. Yes, it is used in horses, cows, dogs, etc. but it is also formulated for human use.  In fact, the doctors who developed it won the Nobel prize in physiology and medicine in 2015 for their discovery and development of ivermectin. 

From the Nobel Prize website:

"Diseases caused by parasites have plagued humankind for millennia and constitute a major global health problem. In particular, parasitic diseases affect the world’s poorest populations and represent a huge barrier to improving human health and wellbeing. This year’s Nobel Laureates have developed therapies that have revolutionized the treatment of some of the most devastating parasitic diseases.

William C. Campbell and Satoshi Ōmura discovered a new drug, Avermectin, the derivatives of which have radically lowered the incidence of River Blindness and Lymphatic Filariasis, as well as showing efficacy against an expanding number of other parasitic diseases. Tu Youyou discovered Artemisinin, a drug that has significantly reduced the mortality rates for patients suffering from Malaria.

These two discoveries have provided humankind with powerful new means to combat these debilitating diseases that affect hundreds of millions of people annually. The consequences in terms of improved human health and reduced suffering are immeasurable.

Obviously ivermectin is used in humans and has helped millions of humans combat parasitic diseases and their consequences.  So why is the left/media attacking it so fiercely?  Aren't they supposed to be the ones who are so loving, caring and concerned about everyone's health? 

Okay, you may argue that ivermectin is fine for treating parasites, but it's not approved to treat COVID.  That's true.  But, many drugs are prescribed off label when it is discovered that they are useful in treating other maladies. For instance, a drug used to treat gout is often prescribed to treat pericarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart). An antihypertensive (blood pressure lowering drug) is often prescribed to treat nightmares associated with PTSD.  An antipsychotic used to treat schizophrenia can be prescribed to treat nausea.  People often use an over-the-counter antihistamine (Benadryl) for insomnia.  Off label use just means that it's prescribed for something other than what the FDA approved it to treat. Off label use is not uncommon.  So that argument is moot.

When India was recently overwhelmed with COVID cases and hospitalizations, they started giving ivermectin to people prophylactically.  Which means they gave it to people to prevent people from being infected and becoming sick with COVID.  They also gave it to people who were already sick with COVID.  Their cases, hospitalizations, and deaths plummeted.  It was a miracle.

Japan recently approved ivermectin to treat COVID.

If you follow my blog, you know that I recently recovered from a bout with COVID.  I actually took both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.  I suffered no side effects.  My doctor was gone the week I requested prescriptions for these drugs.  So another doctor reviewed and denied my request.  I explained to him that both of these drugs were safe and used worldwide, and he still declined to treat me.  So, I found an online prescriber who was willing to prescribe me ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.  Which I easily obtained from my local pharmacy. 

If ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are so dangerous, then why are they FDA approved and easily available by prescription from any pharmacy?

I just read this morning about some quack doctor in Oklahoma claiming that the hospital he works at was overwhelmed with ivermectin overdose patients and was turning away gunshot wound victims.  Fake news!  Rolling Stone and a bunch of leftists ran with this -- writing articles and tweeting this false information.  The hospital in Oklahoma said that this particular doctor doesn't work for them but is an independent contractor who hasn't worked there in over two months.  They said they have not turned anyone away and are not overwhelmed with ivermectin overdose patients.

Granted, there may be, and probably are, people who use veterinary ivermectin to try to treat their COVID symptoms.  But whose fault is that?  I would put the blame on US doctors not willing to prescribe ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to patients with COVID.

I would go so far as to say not prescribing these FDA approved drugs that have been proven to work against COVID is criminal.  Why wouldn't you give a safe drug to people that may help keep them not only from getting COVID, but from keeping people with COVID out of the hospital, and even preventing death? 

These drugs have been used in millions of people worldwide, not only to treat parasitic infections and malaria, but also to treat COVID.

If the left/media really cared about the health of people they would be singing the praises of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine instead of attacking them and pushing the vaccine.

No, the left/media doesn't care about anybody or anything but their own agenda.  In fact, the more people that get sick and die, the happier they are.

That's my two cents.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

College Football Picks Week 1

1. Lisa -19 tiebreaker 52

2. Tammy -20 tiebreaker 43

3. Rex -21 tiebreaker 51

4. Clint -21 tiebreaker 81

5. Mom -26 tiebreaker 42

Actual tiebreaker 49

If anyone wants to join us in our weekly college football picks, send me an e-mail and I will add you to the list.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Embarrassing Disgrace

Sometimes I wonder why my dad was called home a couple of years ago at the relatively young age of 73.  But then I think that God knew that Dad would not be able to handle what's been happening to our country and world thesc past two years, and called him home.

Things have really degraded drastically in the world and especially our country over the past two years.  Starting with the release of the bio weapon man-made lab created coronavirus created in China but paid for by the Democrat party. This virus which causes the respiratory illness known as Covid-19 has been so highly politicized and has paralyzed normal life in the world. 

The Democrats, using their media arm, have instilled so much fear into people over a virus which has approximately the same death rate as the flu.  99.8% of people survive a bout with COVID.  Including high-risk people, like me.  All of the devastating lockdowns, mask and social distancing mandates, and now the vaccine mandates and requirements are all a means of controlling the masses and getting and keeping power by the Democrats.

It was no coincidence that this man-made pandemic happened at the beginning of a presidential election year in which the Democrats had to win to regain control and power over the people.  They knew that President Trump was a very popular president because he was actually putting America first and making America great again.  He actually cared about Americans and wanted them to succeed.  And he was doing a very good job.  The Democrats knew their only hope of winning was to sabotage the election.  So they released the China made virus and hyped up its deadliness to instill fear and cause all the devastation in people's lives.  But even with the mail-in voting, and lack of voting integrity checks, Trump still won reelection in a landslide.  But Democrats weren't about to let the will of the people stop them.  They had all kinds of fraud in place to make sure they came out on top.

Corruption in our government runs so deep that the checks and balances, put in place by our Constitution and divine intervention, did not work.  The judicial branch, Supreme Court, failed to even look at the vast evidence of widespread, massive voter fraud.  The legislative branch, House and Senate, also failed to stop the obvious fraudulent commandeering of the White House.

So we now have an old demented puppet, being controlled by Barack Hussein Obama, in the White House destroying our country and our freedoms.

These evil fraudsters only took over power seven months ago, and have already managed to destroy most of the good that President Trump did.  Our oil independence is gone.  Millions of illegal aliens have crossed our open borders, many among them being hardened criminals and murderers, and have kept COVID running rampant in our country.  Speaking of the pandemic, the Democrats have destroyed the lives of many Americans and devastated the lives of all Americans with their communistic control via mandates and lockdowns.  They have destroyed the economy -- inflation is rising.  And, of course the most recent debacle -- Suddenly pulling our military out of Afghanistan.

Considering that Barack Hussein Obama is pulling the strings on Biden, it makes sense that they would deliberately surrender to the radical Muslim Taliban giving them billions of dollars worth of US military equipment and allowing thousands of people to die.

It's an embarrassing disgrace to our great nation.  And the greatest military failure ever.  So many soldiers and their families who have sacrificed so much over the past 20 years in Afghanistan -- and it's all in vain.  Now so many people including Americans are stranded in Afghanistan to be tortured and killed.  It's so sad.  All because Obama and the Democrats want to see America destroyed.  And they don't care how many lives it costs.

Biden, Obama, the Clinton's, and all the other Democrats who have blood on their hands -- the blood of thousands if not millions -- need to all be strung up to a tall tree and hanged.  Their treason and crimes against humanity are inexcusable.  Yet all they do is laugh about it and downplay the severity of what they have done and are doing.  It's disgusting.

It just sickens me so much that such evil people are running this country and deliberately destroying it, our freedoms, and our lives.

I just can't help but wonder how much worse this world can get.  How much more evil must we endure before Christ comes again and cleanses the earth.  I hope and pray that it is soon.

That's my two cents.