- Clint -13 tie breaker 62
- Sterling -13 Tie Breaker 64
- Rex -15 tiebreaker 58
- Lisa -19 tiebreaker 63, Tammy -19 tiebreaker 63
- Mom -24 tiebreaker 38
Sunday, October 31, 2021
College Football Picks Week 9
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Follow the Science?
Follow the science. That's what Democrats/liberals/leftists preach. Yet, in another showing of their hypocrisy, they don't follow science at all. There are many examples of this, but I will focus on today's news.
I just read today that the Biden administration has been working on a National Gender Strategy. What?! What in the world is strategic about gender? Gender is basic science. Basic biology. Today it was announced that United States passports will now have three options in the gender/sex category. No longer must you choose between male and female. Now there is a third option for people who don't know their own sex or pretend to be the opposite sex, and everything in between I guess. That is not science, that is delusional. (And by the way, why are they spending time on gender strategy when our country is in the midst of many crises?)
I have a medical degree and a bachelor of science degree in biology. And also a minor in psychology. So I'm very confident and knowledgeable in my claim that there are only two sexes in humans. And all mammals, and almost all other animals. This is one of the most basic scientific facts.
From a strictly scientific biological definition, there are two sexes. Male and female. That's it. Excluding rare mutations, from the time of conception you are either XX -- female, or XY -- male. Every cell in your body that contains a nucleus, contains the genetic code for male or female. They are called sex chromosomes. You have 22 pairs of autosomal chromosomes -- one from each parent, and one set of sex chromosomes-- one from each parent. Making 23 pairs of chromosomes in a normal human genome.
Concerning the sex chromosomes since your mother is XX you can only receive an X chromosome from her. During meiosis when gametes are formed the number of chromosomes is cut in half from 46 (23 pairs) to 23 including one sex chromosome either X or Y.
Obviously since women only have X chromosomes, each gamete (egg) will contain an X chromosome.
Men, on the other hand, carry XY sex chromosomes in each cell of their body that contains a nucleus. (Red blood cells and platelets being the exception.) Likewise, during meiosis, which produces male gametes (sperm), each gamete will contain either an X chromosome or a Y chromosome.
During fertilization the egg and sperm come together to form a zygote containing the requisite 23 pairs of (46) chromosomes including sex chromosomes. XX or XY. X from mom and either X (female) or Y (male) from dad.
Follow the science. It is simple biology. Nobody can change their biology. You can't change the DNA in every cell of your body. Males and females are biologically different primarily and secondarily.
I truly feel sad for people who have gender dysmorphia. I can't imagine how hard it would be to be a female and feel like I should be a male. Or vice versa. But this is a mental issue that should be dealt with by psychologists not a physical issue that should be treated by surgeons.
If people want to dress up and pretend to be the opposite sex, that's their prerogative. But society should not treat this as normal behavior. We certainly shouldn't be changing government documents such as passports and birth certificates to include false scientific categories as basic as sex/gender. Just because a minute section of society with unfortunate mental issues wants you to believe that they are something they are not, doesn't change the science and doesn't change what they actually are. And society certainly shouldn't conform to altering basic science with falsehoods. That's insane.
If I think I'm 24 years old, am I 24 years old? No, I'm still 50 years old and getting older. If I think I'm Black, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, Polynesian, etc. does that make me a different race? No, I'm still a Caucasian of northern European descent. If I think I'm a foot taller than I am, am I a foot taller? No, that's ridiculous. And actually, all of these examples I have used are actually less concrete than sex/gender.
Just because you want to be or think you are different than what you actually are, doesn't make it reality. Sure, you can have all kinds of plastic surgery and alter your lifestyle to appear to be what you are not. But you can't change science. You can't alter biology. You can't change your DNA. A man will always be a man. A woman will always be a woman.
For government officials, leftists, Democrats, liberals, and anyone who cries "follow the science" to then claim that there are more than two sexes/genders is beyond hypocritical and is irresponsible and delusional.
That's my two cents.
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
License to Kill?
A few days ago I hastily wrote a post about Alec Baldwin killing a woman, by shooting her with a gun, and injuring a man on a movie set. My point was to show the hypocrisy of Alec Baldwin and all leftists. In that post I mentioned that I have my doubts about it being an accident. There's just something fishy about this story. At the time I did not elaborate, but I will now.
A few months ago I watched the old Charlie's Angels series from the 70s. In one of the episodes actors were filming a movie scene -- sound familiar? The bad guy (the killer) puts a gun with real bullets in place of the prop gun. I don't remember the details of this episode very well but obviously the killer wanted somebody dead. Perhaps someone on the set of "Rust" also remembers this episode.
I'm very skeptical that this senseless killing is just a tragic, unfortunate accident. At the very least it is criminal negligence. At the most it is first degree murder. To determine which, there are a lot of questions that need to be answered.
I'm not an actor (thankfully) and have no knowledge about what safety precautions are standard practice on a movie set. But I believe that there must be several safety checks performed before a real gun with a firing mechanism is is used to fire at someone in a movie scene. And why must a real gun with a real firing mechanism be used to pretend to shoot at and/or kill someone? Especially in today's age of technology. It's hard to distinguish what is real and fake anymore because they can make anything look real in Hollywood.
In any case, why are live bullets even on a movie set? And why did Alec Baldwin point a real gun with a real firing mechanism at crew members? I believe the woman he shot and killed was a cinematographer -- not an actor. And the injured man standing behind her was the director. That is my understanding. So why would a hard-core anti-gun leftist point a real gun with a real firing mechanism at real-life humans and pull the trigger? My dad always taught me that every gun is always loaded. Any responsible gun owner or user knows that you never point a gun at people and you never put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to fire.
I just don't see how Alec Baldwin is not somehow culpable in this woman's death. I get that he is not a firearms expert. And he may have believed that the weapon was not loaded. But anyone who pulls the trigger on a firearm bears at least some responsibility for the outcome of their actions. There are exceptions of course, for example in self-defense or times of war. But certainly on a movie set someone is responsible for someone being shot and killed. Whether it is negligence or murder has yet to be determined.
At the very least, Alec Baldwin should be charged with criminal negligence and/or involuntary manslaughter. Whatever the legal terms are. Because as both actor and producer, he is responsible either way.
That may sound harsh, and I don't know the full story of what happened.. But, just because you're a rabid anti-gun leftist actor doesn't give you license to point a gun at someone and pull the trigger then place the blame on someone else and not face any consequences. Hypocrites are just as responsible for their actions as anyone else.
That's my two cents.
Sunday, October 24, 2021
College Football Picks Week 8
- Clint -13 tie breaker 52
- Rex -15 tie breaker 63
- Lisa -17 tie breaker 52
- Mom -17 tie breaker 47
- Tammy -18 tiebreaker 55
- Sterling -26 Tiebreaker 52
Friday, October 22, 2021
Deranged Leftist Hypocrisy
Alec Baldwin just shot and killed someone on a movie set and is already blaming someone else. Typical leftist.
First of all, if Alec Baldwin is so anti-gun as he professes to be -- he called for a ban on guns after Sandy Hook and has made clear his disdain for the Second Amendment -- why is he using a gun on a movie set?
Typical leftist/liberal hypocrite.
You may argue that as an actor he was just doing his job -- which happened to be shooting someone with a "prop" gun. If he is morally opposed to guns, why is he taking roles that require him to use guns? I'm sure there are plenty of other roles he could choose.
I don't know, maybe it's just me, but if someone handed me a gun and told me to shoot someone with it, even if they told me it wasn't loaded or was loaded with blanks, I would personally check the gun to make sure before I shot it. And even so, I would never aim directly at someone and pull the trigger. I'm sure with camera angles they can make it look like the aim was direct without it being direct.
And I would think that, especially being a rabid anti-gun leftist, Alec Baldwin would want to be extra careful handling a gun. Not just trust some guy who hands him a gun. But that's exactly who Alec Baldwin is blaming. "Why was I handed a hot gun?" The greater question is why did you shoot someone with a gun? Why aren't you responsible for your own actions? Why are you even handling a gun?
Guess what, Alec Baldwin? If you weren't a leftist hypocrite, this tragedy would not have happened. You decry guns and say they should be banned. Yet you point a gun at someone and pull the trigger? Hypocrite.
There is a serious hypocrisy issue with leftists who claim to be morally superior but are very much morally inferior. Do as I say not as I do seems to be their mantra.
This may very well be a tragic accident -- although I have my doubts. I think this is beyond carelessness on someone's part. Whatever happened, it still doesn't change the fact that a 42-year-old woman is dead and another guy is injured at the hand of Alec Baldwin.
My point is not to kick Alec Baldwin while he is down. I'm just pointing out another example of deranged leftist hypocrisy. It is rampant.
That's my two cents.
Sunday, October 17, 2021
College Football Picks Week 7
- Clint -11 tiebreaker 50
- Rex -13 tiebreaker 39
- Tammy - 15 tiebreaker 49
- Lisa -15 tiebreaker 44
- Mom -19 tiebreaker 42
Actual tiebreaker 62
Monday, October 11, 2021
You've Got to Stand for Something
I don't care where you stand on Covid vaccinations -- every American should stand for freedom and oppose vaccine mandates.
People shouldn't have to choose between putting experimental genetic material (COVID vaccine) into their bodies against their will and keeping their job. Yet, that's what many people are facing in this country. It is absolutely un-American. It is evil.
So many Americans have been forced to take "the jab" or lose their job. Unfortunately, most have chosen to risk their health (deleterious side effects) and take the COVID "vaccine" to keep their job. People have to provide for themselves and their families and are not left with much of a choice. At least not an easy, convenient choice.
There are those who are willing to risk everything to stand for freedom, though. I just read of an anesthesiologist at UCLA Medical Center -- Christopher Rake, M.D. -- who dared to show up to work and was escorted away because he is not vaccinated against COVID.
“They are escorting me out of the building. This is what happens when you stand up for freedom and when you show up to work, willing to work, despite being unvaccinated, and this is the price you have to pay sometimes. But what they don’t realize is that I’m willing to go lose everything; job, paycheck, freedom, even my life for this cause.” -- Christopher Rake, M.D., October 4, 2021
Doctor Rake is a true American. Aaron Tippen sang, "You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything". Doctor Rake is standing for freedom. We need more people like him to keep our country from falling into tyranny, communism, and oppression.
Yesterday I read a headline about Southwest Airlines canceling over 1,000 flights. Then today, I woke up to news of Southwest Airlines canceling nearly 2,000 flights over the weekend and more today. Why? Because the Southwest Airlines pilots decide to take a stand against the draconian vaccine mandates by having a sickout.
The Southwest Airlines pilots union is denying a sickout for legal reasons. And Southwest Airlines is claiming weather and air traffic control issues as the cause. But that's absurd because why would that only affect one airline? And it just so happens that the Southwest Airlines pilots union recently filed a lawsuit against the vaccine mandates. It doesn't take an Einstein to put two and two together to realize that this is an obvious sickout to protest the vaccine mandates.
Of course the media is covering up the real reason for the chaos of thousands of flight cancellations. Heaven forbid they report anyone actually fighting for their freedoms in America. No, anyone not blindly following their oppressive mantra of lies must be silenced.
Doctor Rake and the Southwest Airlines pilots and others willing to risk their livelihood and more to fight back against the tyranny we are facing and stand for freedom gives me hope. Hope that America will remain a free country. A country where people are free to make their own choices unabated by tyrannical government restrictions.
"You've got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything."
That's my two cents.
Sunday, October 10, 2021
College Football Picks Week 6
- Tammy -11 tiebreaker 51
- Rex -12 tiebreaker 35
- Clint -13 tiebreaker 48
- Lisa -16 tie breaker 37
- Mom -19 tiebreaker 42
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Interesting Article
Here's a link to an Article I found interesting about the "COVID reign of terror". It makes sense to me. Read it and see what you think.
I'm sorry you won't get my two cents. Too busy watching college football today. :-)
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Trump Quote
Just got this in my e-mail. President Trump pretty much sums up the state of our once great nation.

Because the Election was rigged, and America now has weak and corrupt leadership, we may very well end up in a war with China who no longer respects the USA. They witnessed firsthand our television generals' complete surrender to the Taliban with the loss of 13 great Warriors and the handing over of $85 billion of the best and most expensive Military equipment in the World—China and Russia are already reverse engineering the equipment so they can build it for themselves. The only thing the Radical Left Democrats, who are destroying our Nation, are good at is rigging Elections and criminal activity, while always blaming the other side through corrupt prosecutors and prosecutions. Our Country is in big trouble—we better get going fast!
I always knew we would end up in a war with China. Looks like Armageddon might be here sooner rather than later.Dallas' Headstone Set
This is the completed headstone:
And here is a photo of the headstone set at the cemetery:
I think it turned out nice. I like the large hand etched portrait. I think the artist did a good job portraying Dallas's likeness. Hopefully I will be able to make it to the cemetery soon to see it in person.
It still seems somewhat surreal that Dallas is gone. RIP my sweet nephew.
Sunday, October 3, 2021
College Football Picks Week 5
- Lisa -22 TB 41
- Rex -22 TB 71
- Clint -23 tiebreaker 59
- Tammy -23 TB 43
- Mom -26 TB 43