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Rex, Lisa, Aunt Val, Uncle Gary Tammy |
Monday, April 29, 2024
Visit with Uncle Gary and Aunt Val
Sunday, April 21, 2024
The Path
I read a portion of this quote in the Liahona this morning. I really liked it, so I went to the source and found the full quote. I'm not going to elaborate because I just want to get this posted today. But I really love this quote by Elder Renland.
"No matter how long we have been off the path or how far away we have wandered, the moment we decide to change, God helps us return. From God’s perspective, through sincere repentance and pressing forward with a steadfastness in Christ, once back on the path, it will be as if we were never off. The Savior pays for our sins and frees us from the looming decrease in happiness and blessings. This is referred to in the scriptures as forgiveness. After baptism, all members slip off the path—some of us even dive off. Therefore, exercising faith in Jesus Christ, repenting, receiving help from Him, and being forgiven are not onetime events but lifelong processes, processes that are repetitive and iterative. This is how we “endure to the end.”
"We need to choose whom we will serve. The magnitude of our eternal happiness depends on choosing the living God and joining Him in His work." – Elder Dale G. Renlund, "Choose You This Day", October 2018 General Conference
I love this quote so much because so many people feel like they've been off the covenant path so long that there is no hope for them to return. But this is not true! There is hope for everyone. No matter how far off the path we wander or for how long we've been gone. That's the beauty of our Savior's atonement.
I really like the part that says that once we are back on the path it was like we never left. I love that. So beautiful.
So if you've wandered off the path, please choose to come back. The magnitude of our eternal happiness depends on whom we choose to serve. Please choose to serve God on His covenant path.
That's my two cents.
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Happy 100th Birthday Grandma Stone
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
We Are Doomed
Sunday, April 7, 2024
Uncle Holland
General Conference just ended. It was another wonderful weekend of inspiration, counsel, and encouragement. I just love General Conference weekend. Before I give my summary of what stood out to me, I want to share a story about what happened yesterday morning.
Yesterday morning while Lisa was getting me ready we were talking about how trying counts. Lisa mentioned that a lot of people lose hope because they think they are too far gone and there is no saving them. But they are mistaken because trying counts. I was trying to say that Elder Holland said in a recent talk that we shouldn't get discouraged because trying counts. But what came out was, "Uncle Holland said…".
Lisa and I had a big laugh about that. I later said that I hoped we get to hear from "Uncle Holland" today (in General Conference). Then Lisa mentioned "Uncle Holland" in her breakfast prayer. And guess what? "Uncle Holland" was the first speaker in the Saturday morning session. It was awesome! Because of illness, "Uncle Holland" missed speaking in the last two conferences (April and October 2023). So, it was the first time he had spoken in General Conference since October 2022.
"Uncle Holland" gave an amazing talk as usual. He talked a lot about prayer. He mentioned that Heavenly Father hears and answers every prayer – although not always in the way we want. He talked about his wife, Pat, and how many people were praying for her to live, but she died. So those prayers were not answered in the way everyone wanted. But, even though we don't understand, Heavenly Father in his infinite wisdom knows what's best. Then he talked about how 48 hours after he buried his wife, he had a medical crisis and was in the hospital for six weeks, mostly in ICU. He mentioned that his memory is vague of being in the hospital but he does have a memory of being in the Spirit World. But those experiences are too sacred to mention in General Conference. He did talk about all the people that prayed for him while he was ill and that those prayers were answered in the way we were all hoping for, because he made a full recovery from the brink of death. He mentioned how grateful he was to everyone who prayed for him. Like "Uncle Holland", I too know that Heavenly Father hears every prayer and answers in a way that is for our eternal benefit – even though we may not fully understand His reasoning. With Elder Holland being an apostle for most of my adult life, I can honestly say that he is like an uncle to me.
Now, I just want to summarize my take on General Conference while it's still fresh in my mind. Some of the things that stuck out to me are prayer, temples and temple worship, trials and keeping covenants.
There were a handful of talks about prayer. Which, in this evil, wicked world is vitally important in keeping our communication open with God. As I just mentioned, God hears and answers every prayer.
Several talks on temples and temple worship. In fact that was our prophet, President Russell M. Nelson's, main message was about the importance of temple worship and the blessings we receive from it.
There were a few talks about trials and how trials are part of our mortal journey. We can't grow and progress without them. They are necessary for our spiritual development and progress. We are never alone in our trials.
A few talks on keeping covenants and staying on the covenant path. Enduring to the end. We need to feed our spirits every day like we feed our bodies. Only feeding our spirits once a week on Sundays is not enough to survive spiritually.
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Fifth Annual Myron Hampton Stone Memorial 2 Mile Awards
We just got the awards for this year's race. Here are some photos:
That's my two cents.