Sunday, August 26, 2012

Relief Society Lesson -- How to Obtain Revelation and Inspiration for Your Personal Life

How to Obtain Revelation and Inspiration for Your Personal Life
Elder Richard G. Scott
April 2012 General  Conference

The  Holy Ghost communicates important information that we need to guide us in our mortal journey.

One of the great lessons that each of us needs to learn is to ask. Why does the Lord want us to pray to Him and to ask? Because that is how revelation is received.

Some practical principles that enhance revelation.

 1: Yielding to emotions such as anger or hurt or defensiveness will drive away the Holy Ghost.

2: Be cautious with humor. Loud, inappropriate laughter will offend the Spirit. A good sense of humor helps revelation; loud laughter does not.

3: Careful, quiet speech will favor the receipt of revelation.

4: Spiritual communication can be enhanced by good health practices. Exercise, reasonable amounts of sleep, and good eating habits increase our capacity to receive and understand revelation.

5: It is important that our daily activities do not distract us from listening to the Spirit.

“And ye are to be taught from on high. Sanctify yourselves and ye shall be endowed with power, that ye may give even as I have spoken.” Doctrine and Covenants  43:16

 The words sanctify yourselves may appear puzzling. President Harold B. Lee once explained that you can replace those words with the phrase “keep my commandments.” Read that way, the counsel may seem clearer.

One must be ever mentally and physically clean and have purity of intent so that the Lord can inspire. One who is obedient to His commandments is trusted of the Lord. That individual has access to His inspiration to know what to do and, as needed, the divine power to do it.

For spirituality to grow stronger and more available, it must be planted in a righteous environment. Haughtiness, pride, and conceit are like stony ground that will never produce spiritual fruit.

Humility is a fertile soil where spirituality grows and produces the fruit of inspiration to know what to do. It gives access to divine power to accomplish what must be done.

Our Heavenly Father did not put us on earth to fail but to succeed gloriously.

Two indicators that a feeling or prompting comes from God are that it produces peace in your heart and a quiet, warm feeling.

The more closely you follow divine guidance, the greater will be your happiness here and for eternity.

Communication with our Father in Heaven is not a trivial matter. It is a sacred privilege…We receive help from our Father in Heaven in response to our faith, obedience, and the proper use of agency.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Congratulations Michael!

Michael found out yesterday that he was accepted into the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program at Tacoma Community College.

He has worked very hard over the past two years to get into this program. It is very competitive with only 15 or 16 slots per year and over 100 people applying.

I am very proud of him and I know  he will be one of the top students in the program. Michael is good at whatever he does. Kind of like someone else I know :-).

Congratulations Michael! You did it!

Time for another party! :-)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Stone 5K 2012

Yesterday we held our first annual Stone 5K. I thought it would be fun to have a 5K race. So I organized the event and even designed T-shirts. I think everybody had a great time. We look forward to making this an annual event. Everybody ran their guts out. Michael set the course record in 18:49. It is a very tough course with lots of hills. The most exciting part was the race between Juliet and Richie. Richie caught her and passed her  at the very end.  It was lots of fun. If you want to see more pictures go to Lisa’s blog she has a lot of pictures posted.

Afterwards we held our second Stone family talent show. Which was also lots of fun. It was quite an eventful day with dad going down for the count in a volleyball game. He passed out and his eyes were rolling back in his head. Thankfully he is doing much better. But his leg is  pretty bad. He was laid up all day yesterday and is now getting around with a cane. And after that Chanelle was stung by a bee. Never a dull moment!

Stone 5K results 2012

1.       Michael       18:49

2.       Aaron           22:42

3.       Richie           24:02

4.       Juliet            24:05

5.       Dallas           31:01

6.       Chanelle     32:21

7.       Derrinda     32:45

Kids Race

1.       Cody                     4:45

2.       Elijah                    5:25

3.       Brandon              6:31

4.       Kingston             7:58