Sunday, November 28, 2021

College Football Picks Week 13

  1. Clint -12 tiebreaker 60
  2. Sterling -13 tiebreaker 50
  3. Rex -14 tiebreaker 55
  4. Lisa -17 tiebreaker 42
  5. Tammy -19 tiebreaker 43
  6. Mom -21 tiebreaker 36
actual tiebreaker 45

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving

The first Thanksgiving was in November 1621.  Today marks the 400th anniversary of the first Thanksgiving.  Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Today as I was contemplating the multitude of things I am thankful for, I want to share with you just one.  I am thankful for religious freedom.  In fact, religious freedom is the reason the United States of America exists.  After all, it was because of religious oppression that the Pilgrims left England to seek religious freedom.

Rush Limbaugh had a tradition of telling the true story of Thanksgiving.  I will borrow from him:

“The story of the Pilgrims begins in the early part of the seventeenth century… The Church of England under King James I was persecuting anyone and everyone who did not recognize [the church’s] absolute civil and spiritual authority,” actually, the state.

“Those who challenged ecclesiastical authority and those who believed strongly in freedom of worship were hunted down…” This is in England in the 1600s. They “were hunted down and imprisoned, and sometimes executed for their beliefs. A group of separatists,” people who didn’t want any part of this, “first fled to Holland and established a community."

“After eleven years, about forty of these separatists agreed to make a perilous journey to the New World…”

They knew they would “face hardships,” but paramount importance to them was living freely and worshiping God according to the dictates of their own consciences, their own beliefs.

That’s what they were denied the freedom to do in England. On August 1, 1620, the Mayflower set sail. It carried a total of 102 passengers, including forty of these separatists, the Pilgrims. There were just 40 of them.

They were led by William Bradford. On the journey across the Atlantic…

The Mayflower was not much bigger than a 50-foot boat, and 102 people on it. “On the journey, Bradford set up an agreement, a contract” if you will, “that established just and equal laws for all [40] members of the [Pilgrim] community, irrespective of their religious beliefs.” It didn’t matter what their religious beliefs were.

These are the laws they were all agreeing to live by. “Where did the revolutionary ideas,” these laws, come from? We’re talking about the Mayflower Compact. That is what Bradford wrote. The Mayflower Compact derived “[f]rom the Bible. The Pilgrims were a people completely steeped in the lessons of the Old and New Testaments.”

They were devoutly religious people. No matter what else is said about them (and even that is denied), they were devoutly religious. “They looked to the ancient Israelites for their example. And, because of the biblical precedents set forth in Scripture, they never doubted that their experiment would work.”

They never doubted they would get to the New World. They never doubted that once they got there, they would thrive. The journey was long; it was arduous; it was dangerous. And when they finally landed, when the Pilgrims finally landed in New England in November, according to William Bradford’s detailed journal, they found a cold, barren, desolate wilderness. Imagine New England as it exists today as nothing but rocks, forest, undeveloped nature in November and getting colder.

 ...I mean, this was real hardship. The sacrifice that they had made for the freedom to worship was just beginning.

During that first winter — remember, they arrive in November — during that first winter, half of them, including William Bradford’s own wife, died of starvation, of sickness, exposure to the elements.

We’ve never done anything like that first winter in the New World. They survived it. Spring finally came. They did meet the Indians, the Native Americans who were there, who did help them in planting corn and fishing for cod. They showed ’em where the beavers were so the beavers could be skinned for coats, other things.

But even at this, even with this degree of assistance from the Indians, the Native Americans, there wasn’t any prosperity yet. They had the Mayflower Compact. They had these laws they were living by, and there was no prosperity. And I wonder why. Now, this is important to understand here, folks, because this is where modern American history lessons end, with the Indians teaching the Pilgrims how to eat, how to fish, how to skin beavers, and all that.

That’s where it ends. And that’s the feel-good story. But that doesn’t even get close to the true story. You know, Thanksgiving is actually explained in some textbooks as a holiday for which the Pilgrims gave thanks to the Indians for saving their lives. It wasn’t that. That happened, but Thanksgiving was a devout expression of gratitude, the Pilgrims, to God for their survival, and everything that was a part of it.

Rush goes on to tell how the Pilgrims started practicing socialism and it didn't work.  So William Bradford introduced what is now capitalism and they started thriving.  If only people would learn from history.  But that's a topic for another blog post.  You can read or watch the entire story here

Religious freedom is the reason there was a first Thanksgiving.  The Pilgrims sacrificed much for religious freedom.  Many lost their lives in pursuit of religious freedom.  The United States of America was founded on the principle of religious freedom.

Today I am extremely grateful to live in a country founded on freedom.  I am thankful for the Pilgrims for their sacrifices in helping to establish a country where religious freedom is paramount.  I am grateful to live in a country where everyone can worship God as they see fit.  To quote the Prophet Joseph Smith in the 11th article of faith:

"We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may."

I have been extremely blessed in my life, and I'm thankful for so many things.  But today I'm especially thankful for religious freedom.

That's my two cents. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Hero Kyle Rittenhouse

I don't use the term, hero, freely.  In fact, a while ago I did a blog post about the overuse of the word hero.  The rampant overuse of the word, hero, is actually a pet peeve of mine.  It diminishes the meaning and takes away from actual heroes.

So, for me to classify Kyle Rittenhouse as a hero, is not small thing.  But I'm doing just that.  Kyle Rittenhouse is a true hero.

Granted, I don't know Kyle personally.  All I know about him is what I've seen and read about him.  I didn't watch the full trial, but did see plenty of video clips.  I watched part of his interview with Tucker Carlson after he was acquitted.  And I must say, I was impressed.  Kyle Rittenhouse is a very well spoken, polite, intelligent young man.  He is mature for his 18 years.  Coming to know his background, I am even more impressed.  He comes from a single mom, working-class home.  He was working as a lifeguard in Kenosha when the incident occurred last year.  He had previously worked as a fry cook and janitor to support his mother and sisters. 

Knowing he did nothing wrong in shooting three people in self-defense, he wanted to go straight to the police to turn himself in  -- despite some people telling him not to, he knew it was the right thing to do. Interestingly, he was unable to go to the police in Kenosha because they weren't allowing people in the police stations, so he had to go early the next morning to a police station in a nearby town.

Despite being understandably terrified, Kyle made wise, heroic split-second decisions throughout the whole horrific ordeal.

What defines a hero?  According to an article I recently read, the following defines a hero:

A 2011 study published in the Review of General Psychology asserts that heroism is characterized by:

Acting voluntarily for the service of others who are in need, whether it is for an individual, a group, or a community

Performing actions without any expectation of reward or external gain

Recognition and acceptance of the potential risk or sacrifice made by taking heroic actions

A 2015 study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology posited that heroes have twelve central traits, which are:








Moral integrity





Kyle Rittenhouse's actions on that fateful August night last year in Kenosha are literally the textbook definition of hero.  Kyle Rittenhouse exhibited every one of those characteristics and traits listed in the psychology journals.

Kyle saw lawlessness and destruction in his community.  He wanted to help protect his community from the domestic enemies attacking it.  And he did so without expecting any reward.  That is a hero. 

His actions that night very much parallel what soldiers do in fighting enemies in war.  Many 17-year-old young men have been asked, by our country, to defend our freedoms, much like Kyle Rittenhouse did.  Unfortunately, many of them were not as lucky as Kyle Rittenhouse, and were killed defending freedom.

Kyle's selfless, patriotic act of defending his community against domestic terrorists and rendering aid to those injured was an act of heroism.

What did Kyle get in return for his heroic act?  Murder charges, ridicule, defamation, libel, slander and hatred from ignorant, self-righteous, freedom hating hypocrites -- including celebrities, high-ranking elected officials, mainstream media and most notably the acting president of the United States, Joe Biden.

It is disgusting how the left treats people.  Especially how they have treated a young hero like Kyle Rittenhouse.

Despite half of the country and most of the mainstream media lying about and attacking Kyle Rittenhouse, in true hero style, he has taken the high road.  I can't imagine the pressure he has been put through and continues to face.  It would be hard enough for anybody to take, let alone an 18-year-old young man.  He has handled it with grace, humility, and maturity beyond his years.

Unwittingly, Kyle Rittenhouse has defended our second amendment rights, self-defense, and American freedom.

God bless Kyle Rittenhouse, a true American hero.

That's my two cents.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

College Football Picks Week 12

  1. Lisa -10 tie breaker 47
  2. Sterling -11 tiebreaker 47
  3. Clint -11 tiebreaker 52
  4. Rex -16 tiebreaker 62
  5. Tammy -20 tiebreaker 53
  6. Mom -23 tiebreaker 37
actual tiebreaker 45

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Justice Prevailed

I have a spark of hope left for our country.  Yesterday, justice prevailed in the high profile murder trial of Kyle Rittenhouse.  For me, and most of the sane people in this country, this is more than just a kid being exonerated on drummed up murder charges.  Certainly in the media and in the court of leftist public opinion Kyle Rittenhouse was already convicted.

For those of you living under a rock, like me, I will give a brief summary of the case.  Last August, Kyle Rittenhouse was a 17-year-old young man living approximately 15 miles from Kenosha, Wisconsin.  From what I understand, he worked in Kenosha and commuted there.  During the Black Lives Matter riots and protests last summer -- which were exacerbated by lawlessness thanks to left governors allowing the rampaging-- Kyle decided to go help protect property and provide simple medical care.

Kyle had an AR-15 type weapon to protect himself.  Kyle ended up being chased by convicted felons who wanted to kill him.  At one point he falls down and is attacked with a skate board by one of them.  Another one pointed a handgun at his head.  Despite yelling friendly, friendly, friendly, Kyle ended up having to defend himself with deadly force.  Two of the thugs were killed and one was shot in the arm and lived.  Thankfully there is video of the incident which shows exactly what happened.

The jury wasn't aware but, all three of the rioters were bad guys.  One was a convicted pedophile who did 15 years in prison for sexually assaulting five children ages 9-11.  Another served time for pulling a knife on his brother and grandmother and choking his brother.  The third guy was also a convicted felon for burglary and illegal weapons.  I point this out not to justify shooting them, but to show that they were bad guys up to no good. 

So, to make a long story short, Kyle Rittenhouse ends up killing two men and injuring one in self-defense.  Because it happened at a Black Lives Matter riot, the left wanted to make a scapegoat out of young Kyle Rittenhouse to show America that they better not fight against tyranny.

Kyle Rittenhouse was labeled a white supremacist by the left, media, and most notably by the fraudulent President of the United States, Joe Biden. 

How does defending yourself against three white guys make you a white supremacist?  The media wants you to believe that the three thugs rioting for Black Lives Matter and chasing down and threatening to kill Kyle Rittenhouse were black.  But all three of them are white.  Yet they are still pushing the white supremacist racist murderer agenda.  Leftists are relentless in their lies.

Kyle Rittenhouse was a 17-year-old young man who wanted to help protect Kenosha against violent mobs.  Some people may say that he had no business there.  That he shouldn't have had a firearm.  Yes, for his sake, not going there that night would have saved him a lot of grief and trauma.  But he was doing what he thought was right.  You can join the military at 17.  So, according to our government, he wasn't too young to protect and defend against threats.

After the prosecutor beclowned himself in the lengthy trial, and after a lengthy deliberation, the jury acquitted Kyle Rittenhouse on all five counts against him.  It was a glorious day for truth, justice, and the American way.

The jury, 12 average Americans, was not intimidated by the media, the left, and the powers that be.  They did the right thing.  Justice was served.  The left's efforts to use a patriotic, upstanding young man as a sacrificial scapegoat to push their tyrannical narrative failed.  Hallelujah.

The acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse was more than the right verdict in a murder trial.  It was Americans pushing back against lies, injustice, oppression, and tyranny.

That's my two cents.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Come What May

I read a quote this morning that prompted me to look up the source.  It was this talk by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin, Of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles, from the October 2008 General Conference.  It is titled, "Come What May, and Love It".  I'm not posting the whole talk, I took a lot of stories out.  But you can read or watch the entire talk by clicking on the link.

This is actually a talk I remember.  It is a really good talk and one of the classics.  I remember studying it for my Relief Society lesson years ago.

Here are the excerpts that I chose to post:

How can we love days that are filled with sorrow? We can’t—at least not in the moment. ...But I do believe that the way we react to adversity can be a major factor in how happy and successful we can be in life.

If we approach adversities wisely, our hardest times can be times of greatest growth, which in turn can lead toward times of greatest happiness.

Learn to Laugh

The first thing we can do is learn to laugh. Have you ever seen an angry driver who, when someone else makes a mistake, reacts as though that person has insulted his honor, his family, his dog, and his ancestors all the way back to Adam?...

There is an antidote for times such as these: learn to laugh.

...Getting lost was not an unusual occurrence for us. Once while heading south to Cedar City, Utah, we took a wrong turn and didn’t realize it until two hours later when we saw the “Welcome to Nevada” signs. We didn’t get angry. We laughed, and as a result, anger and resentment rarely resulted. Our laughter created cherished memories for us.

...The next time you’re tempted to groan, you might try to laugh instead. It will extend your life and make the lives of all those around you more enjoyable.

Seek for the Eternal

The second thing we can do is seek for the eternal. You may feel singled out when adversity enters your life. You shake your head and wonder, “Why me?”

But the dial on the wheel of sorrow eventually points to each of us. At one time or another, everyone must experience sorrow. No one is exempt.

...Learning to endure times of disappointment, suffering, and sorrow is part of our on-the-job training. These experiences, while often difficult to bear at the time, are precisely the kinds of experiences that stretch our understanding, build our character, and increase our compassion for others.

Because Jesus Christ suffered greatly, He understands our suffering. He understands our grief. We experience hard things so that we too may have increased compassion and understanding for others.

Remember the sublime words of the Savior to the Prophet Joseph Smith when he suffered with his companions in the smothering darkness of Liberty Jail:

“My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;

“And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes.”

With that eternal perspective, Joseph took comfort from these words, and so can we. Sometimes the very moments that seem to overcome us with suffering are those that will ultimately suffer us to overcome.

The Principle of Compensation

The third thing we can do is understand the principle of compensation. The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss. That which is taken away from those who love the Lord will be added unto them in His own way. While it may not come at the time we desire, the faithful will know that every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude.

One of the blessings of the gospel is the knowledge that when the curtain of death signals the end of our mortal lives, life will continue on the other side of the veil. There we will be given new opportunities. Not even death can take from us the eternal blessings promised by a loving Heavenly Father.

Trust in the Father and the Son

The fourth thing we can do is put our trust in our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

“God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son.”  The Lord Jesus Christ is our partner, helper, and advocate. He wants us to be happy. He wants us to be successful. If we do our part, He will step in.

He who descended below all things will come to our aid. He will comfort and uphold us. He will strengthen us in our weakness and fortify us in our distress. He will make weak things become strong.

...I know why there must be opposition in all things. Adversity, if handled correctly, can be a blessing in our lives. We can learn to love it.

As we look for humor, seek for the eternal perspective, understand the principle of compensation, and draw near to our Heavenly Father, we can endure hardship and trial. We can say, as did my mother, “Come what may, and love it.” Of this I testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. -- Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin, "Come What May, and Love It", October 2008 General Conference

I bolded the quote that prompted me to go reread this talk.  Life is hard.  Mortality is a mess.  God designed it that way so that we could progress and grow. A loving God allows trials and sorrows for our benefit.  Our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy.  That's why He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to be our helper and advocate and to atone for our sins and shortcomings.  This gift is available to everybody, regardless of how you feel about Him.  There is nothing that any of us have done or can do that will not be covered by His love and atonement.  Repentance is available to all.

 All of us face trials -- it is part of our mortal journey.  Trials and tribulations are part of God's plan of happiness.  They are necessary for us to grow.  They are not punishment.  Agency is also part of God's plan of happiness.  We are free to choose how to live our lives.  We are not free to choose the consequences, however.  When our choices lead to sorrow and unhappiness, we are free to choose repentance which leads to joy and happiness or we are free to choose misery by rejecting repentance and our Savior.

In The Book of Mormon, the prophet Lehi, speaking to his son Jacob, said the following:

27 Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.

28 And now, my sons, I would that ye should look to the great Mediator, and hearken unto his great commandments; and be faithful unto his words, and choose eternal life, according to the will of his Holy Spirit;

29 And not choose eternal death, according to the will of the flesh and the evil which is therein, which giveth the spirit of the devil power to captivate, to bring you down to hell, that he may reign over you in his own kingdom.

30 I have spoken these few words unto you all, my sons, in the last days of my probation; and I have chosen the good part, according to the words of the prophet. And I have none other object save it be the everlasting welfare of your souls. Amen. -- 2 Nephi 2: 27-30

We are not always able to choose the trials and sorrows we must face in life.  But we are able to choose how we react to and deal with our trials and sorrows. 

Do we choose the eternal perspective and happiness?  Or do we choose to turn from our Savior and choose misery instead?  That is up to us.

Granted, even when we choose the eternal perspective and lean on our Savior, there will be times of sorrow, loss and severe trial.  But it's a lot easier to get through hard times with an eternal perspective and with our Savior's help.

I love the quote from Elder Wirthlin's talk that if we are faithful, "that every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude."

It is my hope and prayer that we will all choose to turn to our Savior and rely on His love, atonement, and saving grace when we face hardship and sorrow.

That's my two cents.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Waylon Jennings Tribute

I've been on a Waylon Jennings kick the past week or so.  I've been playing his songs on my iTunes for the past few days.

Waylon has always been one of my favorite singers.  I remember listening to his CDs in my apartments and on my commutes back in my college and California days.

Of course I like the classics such as "Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to Be Cowboys" and "Luckenbach, Texas".  It's hard to beat a good Waylon and Willie duet.  

Everybody who grew up in the 80s knows the Dukes of Hazzard song and can easily recognize Waylon's iconic voice as the narrator.  His song, "Wrong" is a fun and catchy tune.  Oh, and let's not forget "Will the Wolf Survive?" and "Good Hearted Woman".  

There are so many Waylon Jennings songs that I love.  But there is one that I used to play on repeat back in the day more than any other.  And I still do.  :-)  If you're not a Waylon aficionado, you may not have even heard of it.  "I Can't Help the Way That I Don't Feel" is my favorite Waylon Jennings song.

I couldn't find a live version on YouTube but here is the audio:

I've always been partial to ballads.  It's no wonder I took a shine to this song, after all Waylon is known as the balladeer on The Dukes of Hazzard. 

Not only do I like Waylon because of his unique, country style baritone vocals and guitar playing.  But I also like that he did his own thing and didn't let the music industry insiders tell him what to do.  He did the music he wanted with his own band and not "session musicians".  I think this is why he, Willie, and the boys were considered "outlaws".  They obviously knew what they were doing.
"There's always one more way to do something -- your way."  -- Waylon Jennings
"You start messing with my music, I get mean. As long as you are honest and up front with me, I will be the same with you. But I still do things my way." -- Waylon Jennings
One time Waylon walked out of an interview because they made him wait too long and let the previous interviewee go overtime and cut into his interview.  I've done the same thing at doctor's offices.  Waylon and I both feel that our time is just as valuable as a TV show host or doctor.  Waylon and I don't like being disrespected.

In 1959 Waylon Jennings was in Buddy Holly's band.  He gave up his seat to "the big bopper" who was sick with the flu and asked him if he could have his seat on the ill-fated flight that also killed Buddy Holly and Ritchie Valens.  So because he was kind, Waylon's life was spared.  But I think he always felt guilty because before the flight he was joking with Buddy Holly who said he hopes his bus freezes up.  To which Waylon replied that he hoped his plane crashes. I think that haunted him the rest of his life.  Perhaps that experience contributed to Waylon's subsequent poor lifestyle choices.

Waylon may have made some terrible lifestyle choices -- which I imagine he regrets.  But he was an amazing musician and stood up for himself and what he felt was right.  I respect him for that.

Waylon didn't attend awards ceremonies because he felt that performers should not compete against each other.  He didn't even attend his induction into the Country Music Hall of Fame.  Despite that he won two Grammys and four CMA awards.

A couple of days ago I wanted to make a Waylon Jennings T-shirt.  So I found an album cover I liked and removed the background.  Unfortunately this particular photo had a cigarette in his mouth.  I wasn't about to wear a shirt that promoted smoking so I Photoshopped out the cigarette.  :-)  if you don't look too closely, you can't even tell.  :-)

Waylon died at age 64 on February 13, 2002 from diabetes related health complications.  He is buried in Mesa, Arizona.  

RIP Waylon Jennings.  June 15, 1937 Littlefield, Texas - February 13, 2002 Chandler, Arizona

"I've never compromised, and people respect that." -- Waylon Jennings

Amen, Waylon.  RIP, my friend.

That's my two cents.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

College Football Picks Week 11

  1. Lisa -18 tiebreaker 37
  2. Sterling -18 tiebreaker 40
  3. Clint -18 tiebreaker 50
  4. Tammy -19 tiebreaker 61
  5. Rex -20 tie breaker 50
  6. Mom -21 tiebreaker 39
actual tiebreaker 36

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Murder on Music Row

I live under a rock.  Or at least I try to as much as possible.  I haven't listened to the radio or any new music since my acccident nearly 20 years ago.  I do enjoy listening to songs on my iTunes occasionally.  Of course this is all music that I've purchased on CDs prior to my accident.  Basically 80s and 90s country.

Yesterday, after Jeopardy! the CMA awards came on before Lisa could come start my DVD player.  So I decided to watch the first part of it, out of curiosity.  Even though I'm not familiar with the current country music scene, back in the 90s I was obsessed.  Well, obsessed is a strong word, but I was very familiar with all the country artists and their music.  If I heard a new song on the radio, I could usually tell you who was singing it just by their voice and style. I would watch the country music awards shows religiously back then.  Not so much now anymore.  I've seen a few clips here and there but haven't watched a full show in years.

I know things are bad now, but I was shocked --well, surprised-- at what is now considered country music and by the whole scene.  I didn't watch the whole thing.  But I saw the beginning and part of the middle.  It was enough.  I only knew two of the people -- Blake Shelton and Deana Carter, well three if you count Lionel Richie.  :-)  But he's not country.  I mean, I'm familiar with Carrie Underwood, Miranda Lambert, Dierks Bentley, and a few other names -- I'm actually trying to think of some right now and they aren't coming to me.  :-) But most of the people on the show I have never even heard of.  And I'm actually thankful for that.  It was horrendous!

First of all, the host (Luke Bryan) was terrible.  Not funny at all.  And his whole spiel about them all being safe and tested just made me mad.  Why do I care?  And how is that pertinent to country music?  Perhaps it was supposed to be a joke, but it certainly wasn't funny.

Some of my observations: I don't remember seeing any of the men wearing ties.  Some may have been but most weren't.  Granted, even in the 90s a lot of the men were dressing down at the country music awards shows.  I miss the days when the men would wear fancy rhinestone clad Nudie suits and such.  The women were still mostly wearing dresses or evening gowns. 

I saw a lot of tattoos.  I guess that's the world we live in now but back in the 80s and 90s I can't think of any country music artists with tattoos.

Another thing I noticed was a lot of long, scraggly, unkempt hair with long, scraggly, unkempt beards. The only country music singer I can think of with long, scraggly, unkempt hair and beard is William Lee Golden of the Oak Ridge Boys.  He was unique.  Now, they seem to be a dime a dozen.

Something else that was somewhat disconcerting was that they seemed to be pushing the black agenda.  Some girl came on and talked about being bullied about her hair braids -- which, of course, is totally unacceptable.  No one should be bullied for anything.  Ever.  But then three women, with giant afros, came on and started singing about hair.  I found to be quite strange.  They reminded me of Diana Ross and the Supremes.  Seems like they should have been singing in Motown, not on a country music awards show.  Now, don't get me wrong, I have no problem with black people in country music -- Charley Pride is one of my favorite country music artists of all time.  But it seemed disproportionate to me.  Like they were trying too hard to be "woke".

None of the music was country music.  Not even close.  The closest thing to a country song being performed was Deana Carter busting into "Strawberry Wine" a cappella while she was presenting an award. And even that song is borderline country.  I was sorely disappointed with Blake Shelton.  I was hoping he would, at least, do a country song.  But what he sang was nothing like "Austin" or "Ol' Red".

And what's with all the fire during every number?  Weird!  One performance, in particular, stands out for being the farthest thing from country music I have ever seen on a country music awards show.  It was a guy named Eric Church singing "Heart on Fire" (I looked it up).  It was an atrocity.  It was worse than heavy metal.  But that's the category I would put it in.  It was very dark with red lighting and fire.  It looked like going to a concert in hell -- literally.  That's what I imagine when I think of fire and brimstone.  Not a place I want to be!  I wonder how many people were thinking, "Get me out of here", as they watched the performance.  I certainly did.

Watching the CMA awards show yesterday was like watching the Grammys-- back in the day-- wishing and waiting for the country performance to come on.  But it never did.

George and Alan were right when they sang, "Murder on Music Row". 

Nobody saw him running from sixteenth avenue.

They never found the fingerprint or the weapon that was used.

But someone killed country music, cut out its heart and soul.

They got away with murder down on music row.

Murder certainly was committed down on Music Row.  Country music is dead.  It's pretty sad when you long to hear some classic Shania Twain or Garth Brooks at the awards show.  What I really wanted to hear was some George Strait, Alan Jackson, Tanya Tucker, Merle, Willie, Waylon and the boys.

But, alas, those days are long gone.  Now, country music is dead, and what we are left with is long-haired, tattooed wannabes singing heavy metal, pop, and Motown masquerading as country music.

I wish I had stayed under my rock.

That's my two cents.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Aaron Rodgers Is Canceled

I'm not a fan of Aaron Rodgers.  I'll admit, I don't know much about him except that he is an NFL quarterback and was a dry host of Jeopardy! without much personality.  But this cancel culture attack on him because of his covid vaccination status is ridiculously absurd.

The story goes, as I understand it, that in an interview a while back, Aaron Rodgers said that he was immunized in response to a question of his vaccination status.  As far as I'm aware, Covid wasn't mentioned specifically, but it was certainly implied.  Now, Aaron Rodgers has tested positive for Covid. And the media and left are up in arms because, come to find out, he never received the Covid jab.

There is no concern for how he's doing or how sick he might be, the left is just attacking him for being deceptive and for not being "vaccinated".  Oh, but it's all about concern for everyone's health and safety and saving lives.

First of all, I don't believe claiming to be immunized is deceptive.  He didn't go into detail about what he was immunized against.  Yes, it was implied that he was immunized against covid.  But it wasn't a lie to say he's immunized.  He may very well be immunized against many diseases.  I don't know.  And I don't really care.  That's his business.

But I understand why people might feel he was being deceptive.  I honestly can't blame the guy for being vague.  Because anyone not taking "the jab" is villainized and treated badly.  Like second-class citizens with leprosy or worse.

It is so illogical to me that "unvaccinated" people are demonized and treated with vile.  Vaccines protect the person who is vaccinated.  If you are vaccinated, you are protected.  Why does anyone care whether anyone else is vaccinated or not?  It makes no sense.

Now, Aaron Rodgers has lost at least one endorsement deal and possibly his career with the rabid leftist attack on him, simply because of his covid vaccination status.

This "cancel culture", as they call it, is out of control.  The left are like rabid beasts destroying everything and everybody they don't like.  From tearing down statues of prominent figures in American history to destroying the careers of anyone who disagrees with their "woke" agenda.

It's fine to kill babies -- inside the womb and outside of the womb.  Homosexuality and gender dysphoria are en vogue and embraced.  Racism against white people is taught in schools.  But don't you dare deceive the media about your covid vaccination status.  That unfathomable crime is indefensible and punishable by death to your career, livelihood, and reputation.  You are canceled.

Many people actually wish death upon the unvaccinated who contract covid.  Let's see, which is worse, wishing death on people or choosing not to take an experimental "vaccine"?  That's a tossup.

Now, poor Aaron Rodgers is the left's latest target.  All because he happened to make a personal decision to take his chances with contracting Covid and allowed the media to believe he was "vaccinated" against covid.

I haven't heard of one professional athlete dying from Covid.  I've heard of several who have serious health problems now and have lost their athletic careers because of receiving the "vaccine".  So it seems to me that Aaron Rodgers may have made a wise decision.  But his choice defies the left's agenda.  Therefore he must be canceled.  The angry, unhinged, rabid leftists have been unleashed on Aaron Rodgers.

 Aaron Rodgers is now unjustly "canceled" by the left because he did not conform to their agenda.  What was his crime?  Contracting covid being unvaccinated while allowing the media to believe he was vaccinated.  Oh the horrors!

That's my two cents.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

College Football Picks Week 10

  1. Sterling -11 TB 62
  2. Rex -14 TB 61
  3. Lisa -14 TB 48
  4. Tammy -15 TB 57
  5. Clint -16 tie breaker 54
  6. Mom -20 TB 38
actual tiebreaker 59

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Let's Go Brandon

I'm not easily offended.  I can tolerate a lot of stupidity and ignorance without becoming offended.  However, I do find profanity/vulgarity offensive.  It is disrespectful and should not be used in polite society -- or ever for that matter.

I am so averse to profanity that I consciously avoid it whenever I can.  I don't watch movies with profanity.  Which basically means I don't watch any movies except cheesy Christian or Hallmark type films.  If I'm reading an article and there is an offensive language warning I will quit reading or won't click on the video link.  If I click on a YouTube video and hear profanity I stop playback and close it out.  In junior high and high school I used to wish I could close my ears like a seal so I wouldn't have to hear the profanity in the hallways.

So imagine my shock and dismay when I heard about the profane phrase being chanted at college football games, MLB games and apparently NASCAR events.  Now, don't get me wrong, I understand the sentiment and frustration of the American people concerning the Biden administration's destruction of our country, our freedoms, and their push towards communism and total control of our lives.  I, too, am frustrated and upset with Joe Biden and his evil cohorts for destroying our country, freedoms, and lives.  But, chanting profanities is wrong and brings the good guys down to the level of the bad guys.

Unfortunately moral standards have declined rapidly and many people are desensitized to profanity and vulgarity.  Even though we live in a world now where profanity is commonplace and generally accepted, there are still those of us who choose not to use it and feel it is disrespectful and inappropriate to use in polite society.  Especially those of us who are conservative.  Therefore, even though we understand and agree with the anti-tyranny sentiment behind the profanity laden chant, we don't participate in or condone it.

So, after a NASCAR race, when a news reporter, interviewing the winning driver named Brandon, stated that the crowd was chanting "Let's Go Brandon" instead of what they were clearly actually chanting -- which was the profanity laden "[expletive] Joe Biden", a euphemism was born.  

"Let's Go Brandon" is not only a euphemism for the profane sentiment being chanted at mass public events, it represents much more.  "Let's Go Brandon" is code for how true Americans feel about their freedoms being trampled, their country being destroyed, all the failed Biden administration policies, the utter disregard for Americans and our lives, and the pure evil of Joe Biden and his cohorts.

"Let's Go Brandon" is a phrase that polite conservatives have chosen to use instead of the profane.  Everybody understands the deeper meaning in the harmless encouraging phrase.  Even though it started as a euphemism, it means much more than the profane phrase it represents.  Conservative Americans, and every American who values freedom, are banding together in the "Let's Go Brandon" movement.  Patriots are uniting against tyranny by chanting "Let's Go Brandon".

It was reported that a Southwest Airlines pilot ended his instructions to the passengers with "Let's Go Brandon" and the leftists -- who have absolutely no sense of humor -- were up in arms.  They claim that the pilot was vulgar and dangerous and called for his job immediately.

That pilot was clearly deranged, offensive, and put passengers at risk for cracking a joke using a euphemism.  He should be fired immediately!

It's funny, in a hypocritical way, how the left/liberals/democrats are suddenly offended by a euphemism when they have no qualms about spewing all kinds of profanities and vulgarities about Donald Trump and anyone who opposes them.

It's okay to carry around a replica bloody severed Donald Trump head and wear private anatomy hats and spew all kinds of angry profanity -- that's not vulgar at all.  But don't you dare say "Let's Go Brandon" because that is extremely vulgar, profane, and dangerous. 

Regardless of the leftists feigning shock, horror, and disgust over the use of the "Let's Go Brandon" euphemism, we all know they don't care one iota about profanity and vulgarity.  What they are really angry about is people seeing through their communist agenda and evil façade -- and fighting back.

You may argue that euphemisms are just as bad as profanity.  And you may very well win that debate.  I am not justifying euphemisms.  As someone who eschews profanity, I personally am much less offended by euphemisms.  And right or wrong have been known to use them myself.  Euphemisms are generally considered innocuous and are much preferred in polite society.

So the leftists/liberals/Democrats acting offended at the euphemistic phrase "Lets Go Brandon" is laughable.  The irony and hypocrisy of the left is intense.

Patriotic, freedom loving Americans have had a gut full of Joe Biden and his fraudulent, oppressive, evil administration taking away our freedoms and destroying our country.  "Let's Go Brandon" sums up the deception of the media and Americans resistance to tyranny.  It has taken off like wildfire because it is a euphemistic code that everybody understands the fuller meaning of what it stands for.  It is a simple way to express disdain without using offensive profanity.

"Let's Go Brandon" has become much more than a euphemism.  It is a movement against tyranny.   

That's my two cents.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Angry Leftists Are Hilarious

I had a different blog post planned for today.  But after reading some of the meltdowns on twitter etc. from deranged leftists, I had to add my two cents.  

I just have to say, angry leftist meltdowns are hilarious.  Some of the best comedy ever.  I'll admit, I had a good laugh this morning at the lunacy of the left.

I have been following the gubernatorial election in Virginia.  So this morning I eagerly checked the news to see who won.  I guess the people of Virginia were fed up with postpubescent male students being allowed in female restrooms to rape female students.  They were also tired of their children being taught blatant racism via CRT.  Amongst other important issues.  The Republican, Glenn Youngkin defeated Democrat Terry McAuliffe.  Remember it was Virginia's governor Ralph Northam who said it was perfectly fine to let a live born baby die after attempted abortion as long as you keep it comfortable.  Northam also was photographed in either blackface or KKK outfit.

Well, leftists can't handle defeat.  A Republican win in Virginia was too much for leftists to handle.  Twitter and mainstream media went crazy.  What was the main theme?  Racism and white supremacy.  Seriously!  Virginia voters are racist white supremacists, that''s why the Republican candidate won.  Don't mind the fact that this was a race between two white males for governor.  And that a black woman was voted in as lieutenant governor.  And a Hispanic (Cuban American) was voted in as Attorney General.  But those racist white supremacist Virginians are to blame!

I think the funniest tweet was from Cher.  The poor thing is so distraught and angry that she can't even tweet a coherent thought.



- Cher (@cher) November 3, 2021

That wasn't the end of her nonsensical rant.  She went on to talk about how tirelessly Joe works and how the GOP are Nazis.  Amongst other nonsensical garbage. 

Most of the other angry leftist tweets were about racism and white supremacy.

Apparently voting against a white male Democrat gubernatorial candidate who said parents should have no say in their children's education and who is for allowing transgender postpubescent males in girls bathrooms where these predatory males can more easily sexually assault females in the guise of "identifying as female"  is considered racist and white supremacist. 

Also, voting in a black female lieutenant governor and a hispanic attorney general is also because of those racist white supremacist Virginia voters.

I'm sorry to inform you, Cher and all you angry leftists with your delirious, yet hilarious, meltdowns -- voting to keep your children from being indoctrinated with critical race theory -- which actually teaches racism -- and to protect your children from being exposed to pornography and sexual perversions being taught at school, and  to try to protect your young daughters from sexual assault at school is not racist or white supremacist.  Nor are these parents "domestic terrorists" for trying to protect their children from evil.  

Voting to keep children safe is not racist nor white supremacist.  It is good, common sense.

Cher and her angry leftist cohorts need a good dose of reality and common sense.

That's my two cents.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Leftists Promote Racism

There are many things in our society now that are completely insane and morally wrong.  Embracing homosexuality, transsexualism/transgenderism, gender fluidity, or any of the gender identity perversions as normal is one example.  Another example is critical race theory.

Admittedly, I'm no expert on critical race theory.  But it is my understanding that critical race theory teaches that white people are inherently racist and privileged.  Therefore white people are bad.  And society needs to punish white people because they are racist and privileged bad people.

This is what they're teaching in public schools across America.  And in colleges and universities.  This is lunacy.

Are white people the only race capable of racism?  Absurd.  As matter of fact, I know of more black people being racist than white people.  Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and many leftist democrats to name a few.  Blatantly racist.  But apparently it's socially acceptable for black people to be racist now.

I read the other day about Harvard University putting on a theatrical production of Macbeth.  And in full backwoods racist form, completely segregating the audience by only allowing blacks or those who "identify" as black to buy tickets.  Can you imagine the outrage and the press this would get if it was a white only audience?  But it's okay because it's a black only audience.  Either way, it's still racism.

And my favorite racist is in the news again today.  Colin Kaepernick compared voluntarily participating in the NFL combine -- where athletes compete to show their athletic skills to NFL scouts -- to slavery.  So, Colin, let me get this straight: multimillionaire elite athletes of all races voluntarily showing up to compete for a job on an NFL football team, which will pay them millions of dollars, is equivalent to enslaving someone and forcing them to work for free?  And this exact opportunity is what Colin Kaepernick has been griping about him being denied?  Yeah, makes perfect sense.

Colin Kaepernick is clearly delusional and obviously willing to say and do anything to put himself in the news to try to make himself appear pertinent.  In reality he's just a washed up mediocre ex-NFL quarterback who pretends to be concerned about social justice to push his own agenda which is to play victim and promote racism.

One thing I've learned about the left and particularly "social justice warriors" is that they pretend to hold the moral high ground, when in reality they have no morals.  Blacks can be racist against whites and killing unborn babies is perfectly fine and in fact encouraged -- but equal rights for everybody so they claim.

Black thugs like George Floyd and Breonna Taylor are celebrated with statues and parades.  While white heroes like Christopher Columbus, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and George Washington are villainized and "canceled" with their statues being torn down.

By focusing on race, the left is promoting racism and division.

I don't know why the left has decide to promote racism as part of their agenda.  But that's clearly what they are doing with "critical race theory".  Stating that any race is inherently bad is in fact racism.  This is what critical race theory teaches.  So, they are actually teaching racism to children in schools in 2021.  A very sad example of the degradation of our society.

The left cries "unity" while teaching division.  Yet another example of leftist, liberal, Democrat hypocrisy.

That's my two cents.