Saturday, March 9, 2019

Reupholstered Couch

I am pretty much the Queen of do-it-yourselfers.  There's really nothing I couldn't do if I set my mind to it.  Reupholstering furniture was no exception.

My Grandma Sabin helped instruct me on reupholstering one of her chairs. For a first timer, I think I did an excellent job.  If I do say so myself.  :-)

When I moved to San Francisco to start medical school my parents gave me their old couch because I didn't have any furniture and was a poor student.

The fabric was worn and I decided to use my mad skills to reupholster it.

So I went to the fabric store and bought some upholstery fabric on clearance.  If I remember correctly it was five dollars per yard and I purchased 10 yards.  So for those of you who are math challenged, that's $50.  :-)

Being a busy medical student I didn't have much time to spend reupholstering.  But I think I did the entire couch in one weekend.  At least the majority of it.

Here is a photographic journal of the reupholstery journey of my couch.

This is the old couch before picture.  I know it doesn't look bad in this photograph but it was worn.

This is the back of the couch before picture.

This is after I stripped off all of the old fabric, taking it to bare bones.

Another picture of the couch stripped down.  I actually did replace the covering over the springs on the bottom.  I used an old blanket I had laying around.  :-)

I don't think you can really see in this photograph but the bottom covering the springs is my pink blanket.  You can see remnants of it hanging over the top of the couch.

Here I have the bottom done except for the finishing details.  And two of the sections in the back are done.  I used the old fabric as my pattern.

Here I have it all done except the back.
As I recall, I ran out of fabric and had to finish the back in a different fabric.  But that's okay, the back was always up against the wall anyway.  :-)

Finished product with cushions and pillows intact.  Yes, I even reupholstered the pillows.

Here is another view of the finished product.

Not bad for 50 bucks.

Once again another excellent job done by me.  :-)

That's my two cents.

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