Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Two Greatest Blessings

I'm feeling really blessed today.  Despite all the challenges of mortality -- and believe me, I've got my fair share -- yet I still have the two greatest blessings anyone could have.  You're probably thinking right now to yourself, what are the two greatest blessings anyone could have?  They are: The Gospel of Jesus Christ and a good family who are willing to help each other through the hard times.

I was pondering on this today because I spoke to my uncle yesterday on the telephone.  He told me he admired my faith -- which I took as a huge compliment, especially coming from him.  I told him I felt very blessed because I have the two greatest blessings in the world.  Which, of course, I just mentioned above. And yes, he agreed with me.

He told me about all of the refugees in the Europe area where he is serving and how sad it is that none of them have families to help support them.  That made me appreciate even more, my family members who help me so much.

I've mentioned this before but I will say it again.  Without my knowledge of and testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I would be a mess.  I would not be able to handle the trials of mortality. Honestly, I don't know how those who don't have the Gospel, who are not members of the Church, who haven't made Covenants and don't live the Commandments, get through life.  In fact, a lot of them don't.

There is a peace and joy which comes with living the Gospel of Jesus Christ that you cannot find anywhere else.  Despite all of the trials and setbacks which we are all bound to face during our mortal journey, we can all be at peace and find happiness, even during hard times, through living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

There are blessings ready to be poured down from heaven for those who get on and stay on the covenant path.  When we are baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints, we begin that covenant journey.  That's the easy part.  The hard part is staying on the covenant path.  Staying on the covenant path requires effort, sacrifice, determination, and faith.  One of the blessings we receive when we are baptized is the gift of the Holy Ghost.  This is not a gift to be taken lightly.  Isn't it amazing that we can have the constant companionship of a member of the Godhead, if we remain worthy throughout our lives?  Such an incredible gift.

Staying on the covenant path is not difficult if we put forth daily effort such as daily prayer and scripture study.  If we don't put forth a daily effort, it is very easy to fall off the path.  Believe me, I've seen it time and time again.  It's extremely sad.  So many people are dropping like flies.  So many elect, covenant making, sons and daughters of God are dropping like flies. I just learned of another one yesterday.  A father with four children and another one on the way is walking out on his family for another woman.  Whenever I hear stories of divorce like this I always know that one or both of the spouses fell off the covenant path.  It's so tragic.

We know, through the Prophet, that Satan is quadrupling his efforts.  I'm certainly seeing the fruits of his efforts.  Satan knows the Second Coming is nigh.  Prophets and Apostles are ever increasingly testifying of the urgency to prepare for the Second Coming of our Savior.  Time is certainly short.  Even Satan knows it.

I'm ever so grateful that my faith is strong in my Savior and His Gospel.  Everyday I make conscious, deliberate choices that keep me on the covenant path.  If Satan is quadrupling his efforts, then shouldn't we also quadruple our efforts to thwart him?

I am so grateful to be blessed with a loving, supportive family.  Having family members who sacrifice for each other and are willing to bear one another's burdens is a tremendous blessing.

Being a member of the Lord's true Church and having the blessings of living His Gospel plus having a loving, supportive family who are willing to sacrifice and bear one another's burdens are truly the two greatest blessings anyone could have. I am tremendously blessed.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. Exactly. If Satan is quadrupling his efforts, we should also be quadrupling our efforts! Looking forward to that day when the Savior comes again.
