Friday, September 11, 2020

A Mere 19 Years

Today is the 19th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on our nation.  I remember this day very well, 19 years ago.  As I've been reflecting on that day, there is a stark contrast in how we all came together as Americans back then and how divided we are today.

19 years ago the police were lauded as heroes.  They were put on a pedestal and admired, praised and respected.

19 years ago American flags sold out in stores.  Everyone was flying an American flag and production was ramped up.  American flags were everywhere.  Including on peoples cars.

Americans across the country were lining up to donate blood to help their fellow man.

My how things have changed in a mere 19 years.

Today many are calling for defunding the police.  Police are looked down on as racist and brutal.  Police are being beaten and killed by rioting mobs.

Today American flags are being disrespected and dishonored.  Every single professional sports league is disrespecting America by dishonoring the flag and our national anthem.  They are kneeling during the national anthem -- basically spitting in the face of all those who have fought to protect our freedoms, including my dad.  Sports leagues are celebrating communism and oppression through support of Marxist organizations like Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

And instead of people lining up to help their fellow man by donating blood to the Red Cross -- people are shedding the blood of their fellow man through violence and riots.

It's disgusting and extremely sad how far our society has degraded in a mere 19 years.  The media -- which is an arm of the Democrat party -- is very powerful in brainwashing people into believing their lies -- especially television and social media.

The moral decline of this country over the past 19 years is astounding.  I often feel like a stranger here.  Living in the twilight zone.  Wondering if I'm the only sane person left on earth.

But there are still many good people in this country who are not brainwashed by the left.  There are still many people who believe America is great.  Our president, Donald J. Trump, being one of them.  He has kept his campaign promises and has steered our country in the right direction.  He has undone much of the damage that Obama did in trying to destroy our country.  And I'm confident that come November 3 the majority of those good people still left in this country will cast their vote for President Trump.  So that he can continue his work in making America great again.

That's my two cents.

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