Saturday, January 9, 2021

Terrified Hypocrites

The left, Democrats, media are so afraid of Donald Trump that they are pulling out all stops against him.  They are terrified of President Trump.  As well they should be.  He is the most powerful man in the world, and he is actually trying to do what's right and do good for our country.  All things Democrats are terrified of and opposed to.

Social media -- Big Tech -- including Twitter, Google, Apple, Facebook to name a few, have all permanently banned President Trump from using their services.  Google and Apple have removed or threatened to remove conservative platforms from their app stores, such as Parler.  I know, I just joined two days ago and noticed that it had crashed yesterday afternoon.

How crazy is it to ban a sitting president of the United States of America from using social media?  It's obviously their tyrannical way of silencing him.  Not only are they silencing the President of the United States, they are silencing all conservatives who speak out.  Communism anyone? 

Anyone stupid enough to believe that the Capitol Hill violence in Washington DC was caused by Trump supporters and instigated by President Trump is a moronic imbecile incapable of discerning truth.  Or a brainwashed fool. 

It is obvious -- with plenty of evidence -- that Antifa infiltrated the peaceful Trump protest and was responsible for all of the destruction on Capitol Hill.  It doesn't take an Einstein to figure that out.  Anyone with half a brain cell can see the truth.

These people on the left are so deranged and power-hungry that they will stop at nothing to try to get rid of President Trump.  Including paying Antifa to pose as Trump supporter imposters then committing violent crimes to try to pin them on Trump supporters, and the president himself.  They are also doing their best to silence our president by removing his way of communicating with the people of the United States of America.  They are so terrified of him that they are starting impeachment proceedings -- AGAIN -- with only a few days left in office.

I have said it many times before but there is nobody more hypocritical than the people on the left.  Those deranged Democrats had nothing but praise for Antifa and BLM this past year as they rioted, looted, committed arson, and even murder.  They downplayed the violence and said there's nothing to see here.  As cities were being destroyed and people harmed.

Now that they have tried to convince everyone that President Trump and his supporters committed the violence on the Capitol, they are outraged and are calling for resignation and impeachment.  President Trump is the one who stated that those committing violence should face the full penalty of law.  And it was President Trump who called for the end of the violence and told people to go home.  How is that in any stretch of the imagination an impeachable crime?

Democrats and RINOs are the ones committing treason.  If you've noticed, they like to use projection a lot.  Everything they do, they point the finger at Donald Trump as doing.  They commit treason, they point the finger at Trump and say that he committed treason.  Hypocrites!

Now even the Republicans who were on President Trump's side, who we thought had his back, are now turning on him.  He truly is a lone warrior in the fight for truth and right to save our country. With at least 80 million Americans, who voted for him, praying for his success.

God bless President Trump and his tenacity and willingness to fight for right, truth, country, and freedom.

Even though it appears as though the evil left has won the war, President Trump has said that the fight has just begun.  Don't give up hope on our Constitution, our republic, democracy, nor our country just yet.  Our freedoms are at stake, and they are worth fighting for. 

"Give me liberty, or give me death!" (Patrick Henry)

God bless all those patriots fighting for freedom.  God bless President Trump.  And God bless America!

That's my two cents.

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