Friday, April 2, 2021

Holy Week and Happy Easter

In a world where rapper designed Satan shoes -- complete with a drop of human blood -- sellout in a matter of minutes, those who try to follow Jesus are becoming a dying breed.  As we near the Second Coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ, the world is becoming evermore evil and moving farther away from religion and Christ and His teachings.

For those of us who still believe in Jesus and try to follow Him, this is a holy week.  This is the week that our Savior completed His mission on earth, suffered and died for us that we may be redeemed, and was resurrected that we may all be resurrected.

During this holy week, the week before Easter, significant things happened every day in the life of Christ.

Here is a picture of the poster Lisa made that has been hanging in our living room this week.  She is a talented artist and did a great job portraying holy week.

In case you can't read the poster, I will transcribe it for you:

Sunday -- Palm Sunday.  Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem on a donkey. Mark 11: 8-11, Matthew 21:8-11

Monday -- Cleansing of the Temple.  Luke 19:45-46

Tuesday -- Teaching, Parables.  Matthew 22 & 25, Mark 12:41-44, Mark 4

Wednesday -- Healings, Miracles, and Betrayal.  Mark 4:35-41,5; Matthew 26:14-16

Thursday -- Last Supper and Gethsemane.  John 13:1-35, Matthew 26:36-45, Mark 14:16-53, Luke 22:39-46, Matthew 26:45-54

Friday -- Good Friday.  Crucifixion and burial.  John 19, Matthew 27, Mark 15:43-46

Saturday -- Teaching in the Spirit World.  3 Nephi 8 & 9, Luke 23:39-43, Doctrine and Covenants 138:11-24

Sunday -- Easter Sunday.  Resurrection.  He is risen.  Luke 24, Mark 16, John 20, Matthew 28

Yesterday and today (Thursday and Friday) are the days when Christ suffered for our sins and redeemed us through His Atonement.  In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus prayed as He took upon Himself our sins and "sweat as it were great drops of blood" (Luke 22:44).  Then, on the cross Jesus continued His Atonement as He suffered, bled, and died for us.

It doesn't matter where on the spectrum of good and evil or believing and non-believing you are.  It doesn't matter whether you are the most righteous or wicked person on earth.  It doesn't matter whether you are the most obedient follower of Christ or a Satan loving atheist.  Our Savior, Jesus Christ, loves us all unconditionally and suffered and died for all mankind.  Even if you don't believe in Him.  Even if you despise Him.  Even if you try to turn others against Him.  He suffered and died for your sins the same as He did for mine.

I hope we will all remember Him and reflect on His Atonement and Resurrection today and throughout this weekend.  This weekend also happens to be General Conference where we will be spiritually fed by prophets and apostles and other leaders of The Church.

This Sunday, as we celebrate Easter, may we all focus on the significance of Christ's resurrection as the culmination of His Atonement to redeem each of us.  Which made it possible for all of us to overcome sin and death.  Because of Christ's resurrection, each of us will be resurrected.  Every last person who has ever come to earth and received a body will be resurrected.  Regardless of how we lived our lives or what we believe.  What a miraculous gift we have all been given.

This week and especially Easter Sunday marks the most significant and greatest event in the history of mankind -- the Atonement and Resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

I am eternally grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and for all He has done for me and for each of us to make it possible for all of us to be resurrected and to make it possible to live with Him and our Heavenly Father again.

That's my two cents.

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