Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Democrat Definitions

When Democrats speak, it's sometimes hard to understand what they really mean.  Therefore, I thought I would help you out today by taking a page out of the Democrat dictionary.  I will explain for you some words Democrats often use, and give the real definition.

So the first word will be the Democrat buzzword.  After the colon is the actual definition of the buzzword.

Misinformation: truth

Conspiracy Theory: truth

Democracy: liberal/leftist agenda

Science: any fallacy that can be presented as fact

Biology: a social construct

Expert: anyone with formal education willing to spew lies

Election Denier: anyone with common sense who sees and calls out the blatant fraud committed in elections.

Racism: easy way to accuse white people and divide Americans

White Privilege: a nonexistent entity used as racism against white people

Women's Healthcare: murder of pre-born babies

Education: indoctrinating children with liberal/leftist agenda

Woman: undefinable

When Democrats speak of people spreading misinformation, they actually mean people who are spreading truth.  When Democrats speak of people spreading conspiracy theories, they actually mean people who speak the truth.  When Democrats speak of democracy being in jeopardy, they actually mean their liberal/leftist agenda being in jeopardy.

When Democrats urge people to follow the science and believe science, what they really want is for everybody to believe, as truth, the lies they are presenting as facts.  When Democrats speak of biology, it has nothing to do with science.  They want you to believe that biology is just a social construct.  If everybody agrees, it must be true.  Men can be women and women can be men.  Gender is just a feeling, it has nothing to do with DNA and chromosomes.  Their experts will back them up on that.  After all, an expert is just someone with a degree, willing to lie for them.  And we better believe them because, after all, they know more than us.  They are experts.  And if we don't believe them, then we are horrible human beings.

A favorite term of Democrats recently is election denier.  The left won't tolerate people who are onto their blatant shenanigans in rigging elections.  They just call us election deniers.  And they get away with it.

Another recent favorite of Democrats is taking every opportunity to call racism and white privilege.  They accuse white people of racism and of being privileged because of their whiteness, when in reality their goal is to divide the country even further by creating racism – especially against white people.

Of course their misnomer of women's healthcare is just a way to sugarcoat abortion.  If they actually called it what it is – murder – it wouldn't be nearly as appealing.

Education is an excellent way to indoctrinate children in the perverted leftist agenda.  There is no such thing as education anymore.  It's all about indoctrination.  And it's very effective.

And last, but not least, ask a Democrat/liberal/leftist what a woman is.  They won't be able to define it.  This is how far the leftist agenda has permeated our society.  Something a toddler can decipher – the difference between a man and a woman – completely stumps a full-grown liberal/leftist.  Just ask them to define woman.  Then wait for the puzzled look on their face.

I'm sure there are many more words in the Democrat dictionary that I haven't touched on.  But this is a good start for you to begin understanding what the Democrats/liberals/leftists mean when they speak.

That's my two cents.


  1. Well said! Pretty sad world we live in! Unfortunately, I think it’s going to get a whole lot worse! 😭 The division is what they want. We need to unite as one (good vs evil) because that’s what it’s come down to. Jesus take the wheel!

  2. Also, an "extremist," according to the dems, is anyone with basic common sense, willing to stand up and defend truth.
