Friday, June 9, 2023

Last Seconds

We're definitely living in the last seconds of the last days.  If you're not ready to meet your Savior, I highly suggest you do what's necessary to get ready to meet Him.  Time is short.

Church used to be one of the last places we could go to feel safe from the world and the fiery darts of the adversary.  It used to be a sanctuary of peace and camaraderie.  Church used to be a place filled with like-minded people who understood the doctrines of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and who had the same morals and values.  I used to look forward to going to church to be uplifted and feel the Spirit and recharge my batteries once a week.

Not anymore.

Now, going to church is like going into battle against the adversary.  It is no longer the peaceful uplifting experience it once was.

The Scriptures proclaim that in the last days the very elect will be deceived.  

Matthew 24:24 

"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."

The Joseph Smith translation of Matthew 24 clarifies the elect as being covenant makers.  In other words, members of The Church.

Joseph Smith – Matthew 1:22

"For in those days there shall also arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch, that, if possible, they shall deceive the very elect, who are the elect according to the covenant." 

The deception of the elect – those who have made covenants with God – is happening in droves.

I can't go to church now without wondering what kind of blasphemous thing will happen there.

I mentioned before in a previous post that in all my 52 years of going to church, I had never heard profanity uttered.  But it happened a few months ago during a comment in Relief Society.  Then, it happened again just a couple weeks ago by the actual teacher in Relief Society.  

Not only do I have to worry about profanity being uttered in actual Sunday church meetings, but I also have to worry about people preaching false doctrine.  People questioning the parables being Christlike – FYI Christ taught the parables.  How much more Christlike can you get?  People hating on the temple during their testimony.  The Bishop stating that he doesn't have a testimony of the prophet being a prophet.  And the list goes on.  These are just things that have happened in my Ward, recently. 

And it's just not members of the Church in my ward who are being deceived and struggling with basic doctrine.

Lisa informed me that there is a prominent "LDS influencer" that is a Deseret Book published author who recently proposed to his boyfriend.  That's bad enough.. But what's worse is all of the comments from active members of the Church praising and congratulating these men for distancing themselves from God and sinning.  It's insane! And it is definitely not Christlike.

This morning, Lisa showed me a photograph of a bulletin board in an LDS church building that was aimed at primary children.  It was a rainbow colored CTR symbol (which ironically stands for choose the right) celebrating pride month.  It made my stomach sick.  I couldn't believe that this was actually happening in a Latter- day Saint church building.  In fact, I had to verify with Lisa that it was in an actual Latter-day Saint building.  It was. How can covenant making, active, members of The Church think this is okay?  It is blasphemous!  And, once again, extremely un-Christlike.

Someone commented on social media that a gospel doctrine teacher (somewhere in the Church) was teaching that the Church leaders will eventually change the "policy" and allow same-sex marriage in temples.  What don't these people understand about doctrine?  The law of chastity is not a policy.  It is doctrine.  Doctrine does not change.  Have they not read the family proclamation?  It blows my mind.

It is not "the brethren" or church leaders who implemented the law of chastity.  It is God.  The law of chastity has existed and has remained unchanged since time began.  It's not going to ever change.  But so many covenant making Church members have been so deceived by the adversary that they believe that if you don't accept and embrace homosexuality, transgenderism and other perversions that you are un-Christlike.  When, in fact, the opposite is true.  Being Christlike is literally saying, "go, and sin no more" (John 8:11).

It is exhausting to go to Church and have to have your defenses up to defend truth – at Church!  Church used to be – and should be – an escape from the world.  It should be a comfortable place of peace.  Church should be a place to feel the Spirit and be uplifted.  I shouldn't feel exhausted and drained coming out of Church.  I shouldn't have to worry about being exposed to profanity at Church. I shouldn't have to worry about what kinds of blasphemous things will be said or done at Church.

But, that is the reality of living in the last seconds of the last days before The Second Coming of Our Savior, Jesus Christ.

The world is ripe with wickedness and evil.  More than we can even imagine.  Even the very elect – covenant makers – are being deceived in droves.

We are living in a world where good is being called evil and evil is being called good  (Isaiah 5:20).  We are living in a world where truth must constantly be defended by those of us who still understand truth.

We are definitely living in the last seconds of the last days before the Second Coming of our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ.  If you are not prepared to meet Him – please do whatever is necessary to get prepared.  His Second Coming is imminent.

I hope and pray we can all remain strong in our faith.  I hope and pray we can all remain strong in our defense of truth.  I hope and pray we can all remain strong in our testimony our Savior – even amidst friendly fire.

That's my two cents.

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