Wednesday, August 21, 2024

2025 MHS Memorial Run T-Shirts

Lisa got all of the T-shirts pressed and ready for next year's Myron Hampton Stone Memorial Two Mile Run.  I may be a little biased but I think they turned out awesome!  I chose yellow for the shirt color because I thought it would make the design pop and we haven't done yellow yet.  I was right, the design really stands out on the yellow shirts.

All folded and ready to go

This photo doesn't do the color justice, but you get the idea.  The color is more of a true yellow which is represented better by the folded shirts on the table.

Next year's race will be held on Saturday, July 26, 2025 at Eatonville High School track, as usual.  So you have plenty of time to plan ahead so you can come and secure one of these awesome shirts.

I hope you can all make it to the sixth annual Myron Hampton Stone Memorial Two Mile Run next year!  Be there or be square.  :-)

That's my two cents.

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