Thursday, September 19, 2024

Miss you, Abinadi

Yesterday was the fifth anniversary of Abinadi's death.  He died on  September 18, 2019.  Less than two months after Dad.  Abinadi was such a sweet boy.  I miss him.

Dad saying goodbye to Abinadi.  I think this is such a sweet photo.  It was a short separation.  Less than two months until Abinadi joined Dad on the other side of the veil.  I can't wait to join both of them again.

RIP Abinadi.

I miss my sweet boy.  You will always be in my heart.  Until we meet again, my friend.

That's my two cents.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

I Am a Disciple of Jesus Christ

This year in Sunday School we are studying the Book of Mormon.  Every four years we rotate between the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Book of Mormon, and The Doctrine and Covenants & Pearl of Great Price.  I'm glad we're studying the Book of Mormon this year.  It's my favorite.  I listen to it every morning.  But anyway, this week's study is 3 Nephi 1-7.  This is right before Christ comes to the Americas to visit the Nephites after His resurrection.  It was a tumultuous time, much like it is now before the Second Coming of Christ.

One of the Scriptures that stood out to me in my study of these chapters was the following:

3 Nephi 5:13 

"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life."

This is what the prophet Mormon wrote as he was abridging the plates.  I love this Scripture.  Mormon is very direct and succinct.  Like Mormon, I too would like to declare that I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.

The whole point of being a disciple of Jesus Christ, and following Him is to have eternal life.  To live with Him and Heavenly Father again for eternity.  That is  the goal.  That is why we follow Christ and strive to keep His commandments.

I hope we will all strive to be disciples of Jesus Christ.  That we may have everlasting life.

That's my two cents. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

College Football Picks Week 3

  1. Clint -10 tiebreaker 46
  2. Rex -11 tiebreaker 46
  3. Tammy -17 tiebreaker 43
  4. Lisa -18 tiebreaker 64
Actual tiebreaker 59

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Life Is Short, Let God Prevail

Yesterday the Lord's living prophet, Russell M. Nelson, celebrated his 100th birthday.  I just saw this quote from him on his Instagram this morning.

"The length of your life is not as important as the kind of life that you live. For each of us, even for a 100-year-old man, life passes quickly. My prayer is that you will let God prevail in your life. Make covenants with Him. Stay on the covenant path. Prepare to return to live with Him again."  – President Russell M. Nelson

It's so true!  Some people may live well into their nineties and still not be prepared to meet God.  Because of their life choices.  Because they did not let God prevail in their lives.  While others may die young but having made and kept covenants with God, are well prepared to meet Him.

Life is short.  It passes in the blink of an eye.  Don't squander your precious gift of life while here in mortality.  Don't waste time on frivolous things.  Focus on the things of eternity.  Think celestial.  Spend your time making and keeping sacred covenants with God.  Stay on the covenant path.  If you stray, get back on the covenant path as soon as possible.  Let God prevail in your life.  If you do these things, you will be prepared to meet God whenever He decides to call you home.  Regardless of how old you are.

That's my two cents.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Happy 100th Birthday President Nelson

Today the Prophet and President of The Church turns 100 years old.  He is the oldest living modern-day prophet.  I think President Hinckley comes in second at 97 years old.

President Nelson has asked us to do something for "the one" as his birthday present.  Speaking of the parable of the lost sheep.  99+1.  We are all "the one" at times. So try to do something nice for someone today in honor of President Nelson.  Even if it's just a simple hello and smile.

Happy 100th Birthday President Nelson!

That's my two cents.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

College Football Picks Week 2

  1. Lisa -14 tiebreaker 62
  2. Tammy -17 tiebreaker 57
  3. Rex -18 tiebreaker 48
  4. Clint -18 tiebreaker 54
actual tiebreaker 35

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

College Football Picks Week 1

  1. Clint -7 tiebreaker 64 
  2. Lisa -8 tiebreaker 54
  3. Rex -8 tiebreaker 68
  4. Tammy -9 tiebreaker 53
actual tiebreaker 50

It's hard to believe college football season is already upon us.  Should be another fun year.