Monday, September 23, 2024

Uncle John's Visit

Yesterday Uncle John and Aunt Ginny came for a visit from New York.  They also brought Uncle John's son, Ronnie, and his two boys, Kazimir and Zayin, and Zayin's wife, Sabra, and their three month old baby, Elowyn.

We had a nice visit with good food.  They even went to the trouble to find a black forest cake to bring because it's my favorite.  :-)

Aunt Ginny, Tammy, Uncle John
 September 22, 2024

Aunt Ginny, Tammy, Lisa, Uncle John
September 22, 2024

Uncle John is my maternal grandmother's youngest brother.  He is 87 years old.  His mother, my Great Grandma Wall, lived to 97.  So, I guess, Uncle John got Grandma Wall's longevity genes.  Anyway, we had a lovely visit and it was good to see them again.

I don't have the full group photo yet.  But I will add it when I get it.

That's my two cents.

Just got this photo from Aunt Ginny.  Kind of blurry but better than nothing.  Back row: Lisa, Rex, Ronnie, Zayin with baby Elowyn, Sabra, Kazimir.  Front row: Aunt Ginny, Tammy, Uncle John

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