okay these are going to be some random groupings of pictures. I just picked a bunch of pictures that didn't really go with anything else.
And to make it worse, blogger didn't put them in the order I had them. so it's going to be more random.
I'm not sure which beach, this is -- if I had to guess I would say Madeira Beach.
I'm not really certain of the story, but I think there was a bunch of food left the parking lot as we pulled our car into our apartment complex. Either that or Sister Collett dropped it.
I'm not sure why, we took this picture. I'm sure it was funny at the time :-)
I'm pretending to eat the fruit on the tree.
one thing I remember about Madeira Beach is the tropical storm that came through while we were there.
I'm certain it didn't make the news like hurricane Andrew. But the devastation to that area was immense. A lot of the beach shops and restaurants had their roofs ripped off and I remember all of the destruction to the buildings.
I don't even remember hearing about or being warned about a tropical storm coming through.
Let me just mention, now that it popped into my head thinking about the tropical storm. It was a mission rule in the great FTM, that we always kept our gas tanks at least half-full.
This was a case of emergency evacuation due to hurricanes. So, I always kept the gas tank at least half-full. And even after my mission that habit stuck with me. I always tried to keep my gas tank at least half-full.
I have no idea where this is or why we took this picture.
I'm thinking this must be doing some street finding a shopping center.
I can't remember how much street finding we were supposed to do. Seems like maybe an hour or two per week. I never really cared for street finding much. I preferred door finding (tracting) much better.
this must've been at another ZDM.
The elder standing next to me was our zone leader. He is the guy I had to call every night to report our numbers. and if you look closely you will notice Elder Young and Elder Giles, our district leader, on the front row.
another picture of our zone. I believe we were the St. Petersburg zone in that area.
okay, this picture is out of place. This should have been in the previous post.
Elder Young and Elder Giles on the swings.
Sister Collett holding our investigators kid.
he kind of looks like her :-)
Sister Collett looking in our empty mailbox with a sad face.
a picture of our empty mailbox.
me pretending like I'm sad because I didn't get any mail.
Obviously I'm a horrible actress.
In reality, it was very rare that I never received a letter. Once in a while, I wouldn't get a letter from dad and would get two the next day.
Sister Collett in our kitchen.
The desk you see on the left that is barely visible, was my desk. The other table was Sister Collett's.
One thing I failed to mention -- we had a phone in this area. I don't think we had it the whole time, but I guess President Brimhall heard enough stories of Sisters making calls late at night in shady areas and was concerned for our safety. So he decided to give all the sisters telephones in their apartments.
It made doing call ins every night much more convenient. We just had to come home at 9:30 PM as usual, and I believe we didn't even have to call the zone leaders,they called us.
So anyway, the phone was on my desk. Which you can't see.
another lovely photograph of myself :-)
I believe this was walking into the church.
I'm not sure where this is but it must have been our p-day.

the only two Elders that I recognize in this photo are, our district leader, Elder Giles on the left by the kid. And our zone leader, whose name fails me, holding the football. obviously this was the Elders' P-Day.
I think the reason we were there was that it was a DA at a member's house. obviously we are not dressed in our P-Day clothing. I really don't remember anything about this day.
two unknown Elders, playing in the dirt. :-)
okay, this picture is obviously out of order also.
This is when Sister Wilson, and I exchanged Christmas gifts.
At least I don't have a camera in my face this time :-)
this was a raccoon that we spotted in our dumpster at our apartment complex.
I remember being worried about him and wondering if he was going to be able to get out.
We thought about calling somebody about it, but I'm not sure that we did. I think we decided to wait until the next morning to decide what to do. I believe this was after we got home that night.
another shot of the raccoon in our dumpster.
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