I've had several ideas running through my head on what to blog about today. Most of them take more effort and energy than I have. Then I came across these quotes from John Adams as I was reading Rush Limbaugh today. Thankfully, Rush Limbaugh was back today since before Christmas.
Our founding fathers were brilliant, inspired men. God most definitely had a hand in establishing this nation and it's government. It is the promised land, after all, spoken of in Scripture.
From RushLimbaugh.com today:
"“Avarice, ambition, revenge, gallantry would break strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net.” In other words, our Constitution’s not made for people who are not moral. Our Constitution’s not made for people who are irreligious. “Our Constitution is designed,” said John Adams, “only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other.” He knew. He knew that that was the limitation, ’cause that’s who they were." -- Rush Limbaugh.com, "I Warned You about What We're Living through Today", January 7, 2021
Rush explained it well. John Adams, in his wisdom, knew that our country could not survive as designed, without a religious, moral people.
Just witnessing the corruption and evil, not only on the left, but also from the cowards on the right, it is evident that our country is doomed to failure as a constitutional republic and democracy.
The Book of Mormon warns of what will happen when people lose their religion and morals.
Mosiah 29:27
"And if the time comes that the voice of the people doth choose iniquity, then is the time that the judgments of God will come upon you; yea, then is the time he will visit you with great destruction even as he has hitherto visited this land."
I don't know if we're to the point yet of the majority of people in this country choosing evil over good. There are still a lot of good, decent people who love our country and want it to succeed. President Trump did win the election in a landslide. Yet, the deep state, the political establishment, the swamp are all, yes all --except President Trump -- corrupt, sheepish cowards, who are just plain evil.
It is hard for one man -- despite his tenacity -- to fight against so much corruption and evil on a daily basis. The deep state political establishment swamp who run all three branches of our government have been working tirelessly for over four years to get rid of President Trump. They don't like outsiders throwing wrenches into their evil secret combination schemes. It looks like they finally got what they wanted.
As our country moves further and further away from righteousness, morality, and religion-- The further and further we get from our constitutional republic as designed to protect our freedoms and liberties.
In other words, the more evil people get, the more freedoms we lose.
That's my two cents.
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