This is the front of the postcard:
Back of the postcard (Roma Hotel Excelsior):

Here's what it says:
"Angels cry, as my soul is weak–
With tear filled eyes I walk the street–
In pursuit of a dream that I will never find.
This is the fact that holds the binds.
The realm is there, and reality far off,
But when will it be that I am no longer lost?
Time is endless, yet eternity seems near.
My prayers have been answered so no more tears.
Now I am baptized, a Mormon no less.
And now not only me, but my family is blessed.
Children of God, please hear me out–
I'm a Latter-day Saint and I'm mighty proud –
July 24, 1971
Written by Mike Stone aboard 747 Pan Am enroute to Tokyo from Hong Kong."
Here's what it says:
"Angels cry, as my soul is weak–
With tear filled eyes I walk the street–
In pursuit of a dream that I will never find.
This is the fact that holds the binds.
The realm is there, and reality far off,
But when will it be that I am no longer lost?
Time is endless, yet eternity seems near.
My prayers have been answered so no more tears.
Now I am baptized, a Mormon no less.
And now not only me, but my family is blessed.
Children of God, please hear me out–
I'm a Latter-day Saint and I'm mighty proud –
July 24, 1971
Written by Mike Stone aboard 747 Pan Am enroute to Tokyo from Hong Kong."
This poem really touched me. I wish I would've had it when I wrote Dad's talk for his funeral, I would have included it. It goes along perfectly with what I wrote in my talk.
Out of curiosity, I looked up Dad's baptismal date. He was baptized July 16, 1971 – just eight days before he wrote this poem.
I know that Dad was a much more spiritual/religious man than most people realize. But I didn't know that he was so proud to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints after he was baptized. This makes me so happy.
I know that Dad is now busy doing missionary work, among other things, in the Spirit World. Helping to gather Israel on the other side of the veil.
Dad always had a knack for writing poetry since he was a child. This gem may be his finest work.
That's my two cents.
This is a gem of a find! I love it.