Thursday, February 11, 2010

ID Card

For those of you sitting on the edge of your seat, biting your fingernails in anticipation, wondering if I was able to obtain my state ID card, you can relax, I got it! Mom was able to find my Social Security card, with a little help from above. It was an answer to prayer. She kept having a feeling to look in a certain place. And there it was! It was actually still in my wallet in my purse that hadn’t been touched since my accident. It was like going back in time looking through it.

Anyway, so we went to the DMV yesterday and it was so much simpler than the first time. 45 minutes later I had my temporary ID card! Who knew it would be such a hassle? Apparently I did because I put it off for several years.


  1. I'm glad you finally got your ID card. I'm sure it was weird having to go back through your wallet and purse that you haven't seen since the day of your accident.
    I'm glad you didn't have to wait FOREVER this time around to get through the lines.

  2. I actually HAVE been wondering how that all ended. So glad you got it!
    p.s. I ended up getting the moccasins...they should be here soon!!
