Thursday, April 28, 2011

Five Reasons to Be Pleased with Myself

I, quite often, have times when I don’t sleep well. Some of my best thinking and inspiration comes during the wee hours of the morning when I can’t sleep. A couple of weeks ago, I was thinking about things that are somewhat unique about me that I am proud of, or pleased with myself about.

Stating these things will only fan the fire of people’s perceived notion of my craziness or weirdness. But, that’s me.  So, I’ve decided to go ahead and mention a few. After all, I’ve never been one to care much about what people think of me.

1. I have never owned a cell phone. Yes, I am proud of that fact. Now, I must admit if circumstances were different now, I would probably own one. But, as things are, I have never owned a cell phone. One thing I have never understood about cell phones is, why would people want to be bothered when they don’t want to be bothered? Don’t you just want to get away sometimes? And not be able to be contacted 24/7/365. I know I used to like to go shopping or running to get away from the stress of everyday life. And get away from everybody. And, this coming from a single woman. I didn’t even have family life to contend with.

I’m even more proud of this fact because during my residency, out of the nine residents in my program, I was the only one sans a cell phone. I’ve always enjoyed being somewhat different. And, there was the dreaded on-call pager, so what did I need a cell phone for?

I understand the argument of convenience, and possible emergency helpfulness. But in all honesty, I think the negatives far outweigh the positives when it comes to owning a cell phone. How many times have you really used your cell phone for an emergency?

2. I have never seen “Titanic”. I know, this one is more obscure. But, the movie Titanic, was a big deal when it was released. “Everybody” was watching it. In fact, the big deal in Utah was to get your copy edited to remove “the bad parts”.

Well, besides the fact that I’m not really a big movie person, I had heard about “the bad parts” and decided not to watch it. It really wasn’t that big of a deal to me at the time . Since then, I have had several opportunities to watch the edited version. But for some reason I have prided myself in not watching this particular movie.

3. I have never had a Facebook account. I know most of you out there are Facebook freaks. And that’s one of the reasons I pride myself in not having a Facebook account, I like to be different. But more than that, I think social networking sites like Facebook or MySpace are a big waste of time. Not only that but are very detrimental to those who are addicted, and many families have broken up because of such addictions.

I know you want to argue that Facebook can be used for good also. And I’ll admit, I have thought about signing up for a Facebook account as a way to share my testimony. Plus it might be kind of fun to run across old friends and acquaintances. But in the end, I have stayed away for several reasons.

First, I don’t really care to know everything that goes on in everybody’s life. I don’t want to know that your baby just ate rice cereal and applesauce. I don’t care to know what stupid things my relatives, friends, and acquaintances do. It would probably just make me sad.

Second, cool people don’t do Facebook. I want to remain cool.

Third, I have heard of so many people wasting so much time and even money building pretend farms and growing pretend crops. A lot of people waste their life away living a pretend life. If you want to grow crops and raise farm animals, why don’t you do the real thing instead of pretending? Isn’t it sad how video games and living a virtual life can be so addicting?

4. I never attended a high school dance. You might think that this is something I would regret or be sad about. But the reality is that I’m very pleased and happy that I never attended a high school dance. In fact, I used to pray that nobody would invite me to a dance, because I didn’t want to have to turn him down. And thankfully, my prayers were answered. On the same note, I never attended any church youth dances either. And for that, I am also happy and pleased with myself.

My mom and I were talking yesterday and she mentioned that she had always wanted to become a dancer. I told her that dancing to me was like English. Something I dreaded, and avoided like the plague.

5. I have never run a road race. You might not think this is such a big deal because not too many people run Road races. But, in the family I grew up in, running road races was a typical Saturday morning activity. My dad and siblings have run many road races. And won many road races. And my mom and I have attended many road races especially during my teenage years. Running was a big part of our family life. In fact, my sister Juliet, was the high school state cross country champion in Utah her senior year. That’s a big deal because running is big in Utah and the competition is fierce.

I didn’t even start running until my mission and afterwards. And I only did it to stay in shape, and keep the weight off. Plus it was a great stress reliever. I wasn’t blessed with the running genes that my dad and siblings were blessed with. So, I guess I didn’t run competitively because I didn’t want to embarrass myself or the family name. “Stop embarrassing me” -U.R.. Plus, I never had that competitive fire.

These are a few of the things I thought about during my sleepless night , for which I am pleased with and proud of myself. None of which is really anything to be proud of, except in my own little world, for my own reasons.

So, think what you will, but I am happy that I never owned a cell phone, I never saw Titanic, I’ve never had a Facebook or MySpace account, I never attended a high school dance, and I never ran a road race.

That’s my two cents.

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