Sunday, May 27, 2012

Relief Society Lesson – Teaching after the Manner of the Spirit

Today I decided to do something a little different with my lesson. I was struggling a little bit in preparing this lesson. So I decided to teach a mini MTC lesson on the commitment pattern. Since that is where I learned about teaching after the manner of the spirit. The commitment pattern is not only useful to missionaries but to everyone throughout life. Anyway that's what I did. Here are my notes.
Commitment Pattern

1. Prepare

Build Relationships of Trust

1. Become Acquainted
  –Tell about yourself and ask about others
 2. Build on Common Beliefs
  –Show respect for others beliefs
  –Point out common beliefs
  –Relate message to common beliefs
 3. Show Empathy
  –Try to understand others’ thoughts and feelings
  –Share similar experiences or feelings
 4. Be dependable
 5. Meet the needs of investigators
 6. Show Christlike love for others
 7. Listen to others

Help Others Feel and Recognize the Spirit

1. Bear Testimony
  –Avoid words that nonmembers will not understand
  –Bear simple testimony that relates to the subject
 2. Share Experiences
  –Be simple, clear and direct
  –Tell experiences that will help others
  –Do not share past transgressions
3. Identify the influence of the Holy Ghost
  –Ask others to describe their feelings
  –Tell others they are feeling the Spirit when the Spirit is present

Present the Message

1. Present with Faith
  –Present the doctrines as facts
  –Do not apologize for teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ
  –Avoid contention and arguing
 2. Present the Message Clearly
  –Speak clearly by varying the tone and speed of your voice
  –Use good eye to eye contact
  –Use appropriate body language to communicate your feelings
  –Simplify the message
  –Change the pace of the discussion
  –Give examples and illustrations
 4. Present correct doctrine
 5. Use audiovisual aids effectively

Find Out

 1. Listen
  –Look for nonverbal messages
 2. Ask Appropriate Questions
  –Maintain an equal relationship
  –Do not manipulate the investigator
  –Be simple and direct
 3. Ask Additional Questions
  –Ask a question and listen
  –Do not interrogate
  –Show interest in others needs or feelings
 4. Rephrase questions
 5. Respond with encouragement
 6. Ask nonjudgmental questions

2. Invite

 1. Extend the Invitation
  –Explain what the investigator is to do and when
  –Ask a direct 'Will you' question

 –Show respect and do not manipulate
 2. Confirm the Commitment
  –Make sure the investigator knows exactly what to do and when
  –Ask the investigators to state that they will fulfill the commitment
 3. Extend the invitation using two questions
 4. Rephrase the invitation

3. Follow Up

 1. Arrange to Follow Up
  –Explain that you want to follow up
  –Plan a follow up visit
  –Encourage the investigator
 2. Make Regular Contacts
  –Ask questions to find out how well they fulfilled the commitment
  –Adjust the commitment or give the original commitment again
  –Encourage and support the investigator

4. Resolve Concerns

 1. Discover the Concern
  –Use 'find out' skills
 2. Discuss the Concern
  –Find out if others know how to resolve their concern
  –Help others see the results of their decisions
  –Tell them that you know they can make the right Decision
  –Encourage them to seek the Lord's Help
 3. Help Resolve the Concern
  –Use Scriptures
  –Give examples or illustration
  –Share testimony or personal experience
  –Book of Mormon
 4. Answer the question
 5. Give additional information
 6. Give examples and illustrations
 7. Show empathy

1 comment:

  1. Nice job Tam.
    I think that's more thorough than what I learned in the MTC. Glad it all worked out.
