Thursday, July 4, 2013

Random thoughts on Independence Day

I have several random thoughts to share today. First of all, let’s not forget the obvious – happy birthday America! (And Samson) it is somewhat bittersweet to think about this wonderful nation in which we live. From the beginning declaring our independence as a nation to where we are now as a people becoming more and more dependent upon our nation i.e. government. Somewhat ironic. Anyway, happy Independence Day!

Another thought that has been in the back of my mind is the whole Paula Deen witch hunt. It is totally ridiculous what the liberal, low information, Obama loving, mainstream media is doing to Paula Deen. Now I don’t know Paula personally, nor do I know much about her except that I’ve seen her cooking show several times. But I challenge anybody to find someone who is 60+ years old and especially those who grew up in the South who has not uttered “the n word”. Times change. What is acceptable to society changes. Often times for the worse. But how can you condemn someone for something they said many years ago which, if the truth be known, was totally acceptable to society at the time. And even if it was something more recent or something meant derogatorily. Don’t we all make mistakes? Don’t we all say things we wish we hadn’t? Things we wish we could take back? I just think the media is going way overboard with this whole thing. It’s like they are on a witch hunt.

I read an article in the Salt Lake Tribune about a brawl in an LDS chapel in Weber County Utah. It’s been a few days but if I remember correctly there was a missionary farewell and baby blessing going on at the same time. Therefore the chapel was very crowded. One group related to the baby blessing was saving seats. Not members of the Ward. A Ward member came in and sat in the supposedly saved seats. An ensuing brawl broke out and law enforcement was called. I believe there were some arrests.

Anyway, I found this interesting because I think it is something we can all relate to even though it is outrageous behavior especially in a church. But, haven’t we all been inside church buildings where people save seats? And don’t we all get somewhat irked by that behavior? Or is it just me? Doesn’t it seem like no matter what Ward you are in, there are certain pews that are off-limits because they are a certain family’s pew? It’s like an unwritten law or something.

I’m the type of person who would deliberately sit in a pew that was “someone else’s” even though it was empty and unoccupied. Just to ruffle a few feathers and teach people a lesson that it really is not their bench. But that’s just me. Of course I would never come to fisticuffs over it. But I can totally see how it could happen.

People are creatures of habit. But is it really that bad to have to sit in a slightly different place? I don’t mind if people get there early to get their bench. But saving seats when there are people who need them (seating is limited) and the people who you are saving them for are not there, and may never come-- is just plain wrong.

Obviously you think people would try to be on their best behavior at church. Interestingly enough, they aren’t. I guess this is why we have to have locks on the cupboard doors in church buildings and even lockers at the temple.

These are a few of my thoughts today.

That’s my two cents.

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