Friday, June 17, 2016

Skeletons in the Closet

I have recently found a couple skeletons in the closet.  Tom Acousti would be proud.  :-)

I wasn't looking for any skeletons-- but I certainly found them.  DNA has a way of bringing out deep dark family secrets that have been held for years.  You can run but you can't hide from DNA.  DNA always tells the truth.

A little over a year ago I submitted my DNA for testing.  When I got the results I noticed a fairly close DNA relative that I didn't recognize.  After asking just a few questions and putting all the pieces together, I discovered I have a maternal second cousin whose mom is the illegitimate child of my great uncle. My mom has a first cousin she didn't know existed.

Just recently I discovered another close DNA relative. I have again solved the mystery.  This time it was on my paternal side.  Once again after asking some questions and analyzing the DNA data, I discovered I have another second cousin who, this time, is the illegitimate child of my dad's first cousin.

I'm deliberately not giving much information about these individuals to protect the innocent -- and guilty.

People can keep secrets for decades, and even carry them to their graves.  There may even be other family members who know the deep dark secrets who are very secretive and refuse to submit their DNA. But guess what?  There are many other family members who share the same DNA who are willing to submit their DNA and learn about themselves and their family. And their DNA will tell the same story.  I love it when truth comes out.  I'm a big fan of truth.

I love solving mysteries.  Especially DNA mysteries.  :-) I enjoy knowing stuff that no one else knows that I know.  :-) Especially when they think they're hiding a deep dark secret that is now out in the open.  But they don't know it yet.  :-) Keep looking over your shoulder but the secret is out.

It's also satisfying to know that I have helped an adoptee discover who their biological parent is whom they have been searching for for years. Most people want to know their biological roots.  And I feel that they deserve to know that information. If it happens to tarnish the family name, well, people should've thought about that before they made bad choices.

Most families have skeletons in the closet. Many of those dark secrets have been held for decades or even centuries.  Now with DNA evidence and a little elbow grease those secrets are being exposed.

If you share DNA with me and are hiding a DNA secret, watch out, your secret isn't safe for long.  I'm digging up bones and there will be no more skeletons in your closet.  Truth will prevail.

That's my two cents.

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