Tuesday, September 20, 2016


The other day I heard someone blame religion for their ills. To paraphrase them, "It's all because of religion." That seems to be a common theme these days amongst secularists, atheists, apostates, and the like. They all want to blame religion for everything.

Well guess what? He is right. It is all about religion. Life is 100% about religion. The reason you --and anyone who has ever been born on this earth -- are here is 100% because of religion. By religion I mean specifically the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are all here on earth because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So yes, it is all because of religion.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland gave an excellent talk about religion about a month ago. I've been meaning to blog about it but have been too lazy up until now.

I absolutely love Elder Holland and his bold yet loving approach to teaching gospel principles. I wish I could be more like him. He reminds me of my uncle.

Anyway here are a few quotes from his talk: "Bound by Loving Ties", Jeffrey R. Holland, August 16, 2016 (Emphasis added).

"An omnibus word familiar to us all that summarizes these “loving ties” to our Heavenly Father is religion.Scholars debate the etymology of that word just as scholars and laymen alike debate almost everything about the subject of religion, but a widely accepted account of its origin suggests that our English word “religion” comes from the Latin word religare, meaning to “tie,” or more literally, to “re-tie.”2 In that root syllable of ligare you can hear the echo of a word like ligature,which is what a doctor uses to sew us up if we have a wound. So, for our purpose today, “religion” is that which unites what was separated or holds together that which might be torn apart, an obvious need for us, individually and collectively, given trials and tribulations we all experience here in mortality."

"What is equally obvious is that the great conflict between good and evil, right and wrong, the moral and the immoral—conflict which the world’s great faiths and devoted religious believers have historically tried to address—is being intensified in our time and is affecting an ever-wider segment of our culture. And let there be no doubt that the outcome of this conflict truly matters, not only in eternity but in everyday life as well. Will and Ariel Durant put the issue squarely as they reflected on what they called the “lessons of history.” “There is no significant example in history,” they said, “of [any] society successfully maintaining moral life without the aid of religion.”3"

"If that is true—and surely we feel it is—then we should be genuinely concerned over the assertion that the single most distinguishing feature of modern life is the rise of secularism with its attendant dismissal of, cynicism toward, or marked disenchantment with religion.4 How wonderfully prophetic our beloved Elder Neal A. Maxwell was clear back in 1978 when he said in a BYU devotional: “We shall see in our time a maximum … effort … to establish irreligion as the state religion. [These secularists will] use the carefully preserved … freedoms of Western civilization to shrink freedom even as [they reject] the value … of our rich Judeo-Christian heritage.” Continuing on he said: “Your discipleship may see the time come when religious convictions are heavily discounted. … This new irreligious imperialism [will] seek to disallow certain … opinions simply because those opinions grow out of religious convictions.”5"

"My goodness! That forecast of turbulent religious weather issued nearly 40 years ago is steadily being fulfilled virtually every day somewhere in the world in the minimization of (or open hostility toward) religious practice, religious expression, and even in some cases the very idea of religious belief itself. Of course, there is often a counterclaim that while some in the contemporary world may be less committed to religion per se, nevertheless many still consider themselves “spiritual.” But frankly that palliative may not offer much in terms of collective moral influence in society if “spirituality” means only gazing at the stars or meditating on a mountaintop. Indeed, many of our ancestors in generations past lived, breathed, walked, and talked in a world full of “spirituality,” but that clearly included concern for the state of one’s soul, an attempt to live a righteous life, some form of church attendance, and participation in that congregation’s charitable service in the community. Yes, in more modern times individuals can certainly be “spiritual” in isolation but we don’t live in isolation; we live as families, friends, neighbors, and nations. That calls for ties that bind us together and bind us to the good. That is what religion does for our society, leading the way for other respected civic and charitable organizations that do the same."

"This is not to say that individual faith groups in their many different forms and with their various conflicting beliefs are all true and equally valuable; obviously they cannot be. Nor does it say that institutional religions collectively—churches, if you will—have been an infallible solution to society’s challenges; they clearly have not been. But if we speak of religious faith as among the highest and most noble impulses within us, then to say so-and-so is a “religious person” or that such and such a family “lives their religion” is intended as a compliment. Such an observation would, as a rule, imply that these people try to be an influence for good, try to live to a higher level of morality than they might otherwise have done, and have tried to help hold the sociopolitical fabric of their community together."

"Well, thank heaven for that because the sociopolitical fabric of a community wears a little thin from time to time—locally, nationally, or internationally—and a glance at the evening news tells us this is one of those times. My concern is that when it comes to binding up that fabric in our day, the “ligatures” of religion are not being looked to in quite the way they once were. My boyhood friend and distinguished legal scholar Elder Bruce C. Hafen frames it even more seriously than that:
“Democracy’s core values of civilized religion … are now under siege—partly because of violent criminals who claim to have religious motives, partly because the wellsprings of stable social norms once transmitted naturally by religion and marriage-based family life are being polluted[,] … and partly because the advocates of some causes today have marshalled enough political and financial capital to impose, by intimidation rather than by reason, their anti-religion strategy of might makes right.”6
"... I do wish to make the very general observation that part of this shift away from respect for traditional religious beliefs—and even the right to express those religious beliefs—has come because of a conspicuous shift toward greater and greater preoccupation with the existential circumstances of this world and less and less concern for—or even belief in—the circumstances, truths, and requirements of the next."

"...It has been principally the world’s great faiths—religion, those ligatures to the Divine we have been speaking of—that do that, that speak to the collective good of society, offer us a code of conduct and moral compass for living, help us exult in profound human love, and strengthen us against profound human loss. If we lose consideration of these deeper elements of our mortal existence—divine elements, if you will—we lose much (some would say most) of that which has value in life. The legendary German sociologist Max Weber once described such a loss of religious principle in society as being stuck in an “iron cage of disbelief.”8"

"But of course not everyone agrees that religion does or should play such an essential role in civilized society. Recently the gloves have come off in the intellectual street fighting being waged under the banner of “The New Atheists.” Figures like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, and the late Christopher Hichens are some of the stars in what is, for me, a dim firmament. These men are as free to express their beliefs—or in their case, disbeliefs—as any other, but we feel about them what one Oxford don said about a colleague: “On the surface he’s profound, but deep down, he’s pretty superficial.”10 Surely, Rabbi Sacks says, it is mind-boggling to think that a group of bright secular thinkers in the 21st century really believe that if they can show, for example, that the universe is more than 6,000 years old or that a rainbow can be explained other than as a sign of God’s covenant after the flood, that somehow such stunning assertions “will bring all of humanity’s religious beliefs tumbling down like a house of cards and we are then left with a serene world of rational non-believers,”11 serene except perhaps when they whistle nervously past the local graveyard. A much harsher assessment of this movement comes from theologian David Bentley Hart, who writes, “Atheism that consists entirely in vacuous arguments afloat on oceans of historical ignorance, made turbulent by storms of strident self-righteousness, is as contemptible as any other form of dreary fundamentalism.”12"

"...Charles Taylor, in his book with the descriptive title A Secular Age, describes the cold dimming of socioreligious light this way. The shift of our time, he says, has been “from a society in which it was virtually impossible not to believe in God, to one in which faith, even for the staunchest believer, is [only] one human possibility among [many] others.” In the 21st century, he writes, “Belief in God is no longer axiomatic.”14 Indeed in some quarters it is not even a convenient option, it is “an embattled option.”15"

"But faith has almost always been an “embattled option,” has almost always been won—and kept—at a price. Indeed, many who have walked away from faith have found the price higher than they intended to pay, like the man who tore down the fence surrounding his new property only to learn that his next-door neighbor kept a pack of particularly vicious Rottweilers...."

"In fact, religion has been the principle influence—not the only one, but the principle one—that has kept Western social, political, and cultural life moral to the extent these have been moral. And I shudder at how immoral life might have been—then and now—without that influence. Granted, religion has no monopoly on moral action, but centuries of religious belief... have clearly been preeminent in shaping our notions of right and wrong...."

"I am stressing such points this morning because I have my eye on that future condition about which Elder Maxwell warned, a time when if we are not careful we may find religion at the margins of society rather than the center of it, where religious beliefs and all the good works those beliefs have generated may be tolerated privately but not admitted (or at least certainly not encouraged) publicly.
The cloud the prophet Elijah saw in the distance, no larger than a man’s hand,18 is that kind of cloud on the political horizon today, so we speak of it by way of warning, remembering the storm into which Elijah’s small cloud developed.19"

"But whatever the trouble along the way, I am absolutely certain how this all turns out. I know the prophecies and the promises given to the faithful, and I know our collective religious heritage—the Western world’s traditional religious beliefs, varied as they are—are remarkably strong and resilient...."

"Brothers and sisters, my testimony this morning, as one observer recently wrote, is that “over the long haul, religious faith has proven itself the most powerful and enduring force in human history.”21 Roman Catholic scholar Robert Royal made the same point, reaffirming that for many “religion remains deep, widespread, and persistent, to the surprise and irritation of those who claimed to have cast aside [religious] illusion”22—those who underestimated the indisputable power of faith."

"The indisputable power of faith. The most powerful and enduring force in human history. The influence for good in the world. The link between the highest in us and our highest hopes for others. That is why religion matters. Voices of religious faith have elevated our vision, deepened our human conversation, and strengthened both our personal and collective aspiration since time began. How do we even begin to speak of what Abraham and Moses, David and Isaiah, Jeremiah, Nephi, Mormon, and Moroni have given us? Or of what Peter, James, and John, the Apostle Paul, Joseph Smith, and Thomas Monson mean to us?"

"It is impossible to calculate the impact that prophets and apostles have had upon us, but, putting them in a special category of their own, we can still consider the world-shaping views and moral force that have come to us from a Martin Luther or a John Calvin or a John Wesley in earlier times, or from a Billy Graham or a Pope Francis or the Dali Lama in the current age. In this audience today we are partly who we are because some 450 years ago men like Nicholas Ridley and Hugh Latimer, being burned at the stake in Oxford, called out to one another that they were lighting such a religious fire in England that it would never be put out in all the world. Later William Wilberforce applied just such Christian conviction to abolishing the slave trade in Great Britain. As an ordained minister Martin Luther King Jr. continued the quest for racial and civil justice through religious eloquence in the pulpit and in the street. George Washington prayed at Valley Forge, and Abraham Lincoln’s most cherished volume in his library was his Bible, in which he read regularly, out of which he sought to right a great national wrong, and from which, in victory, he called for “malice toward none [and] charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right.”23"

"So the core landscape of history has been sketched by the pen and brush and words of those who invoke a divine creator’s involvement in our lives and who count on the ligatures of religion to bind up our wounds and help us hold things together."

"...I conclude with my heartfelt apostolic witness of truths I do know regarding the ultimate gift true religion provides us. I have been focusing on the social, political, and cultural contributions that religion has provided us for centuries, but I testify that true religion—the gospel of Jesus Christ—gives us infinitely more than that; it gives us “peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come,”25 as the scripture phrases it. True religion brings understanding of and loyalty to our Father in Heaven and His uncompromised love for every one of His spirit children past, present, and future. True religion engenders in us faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and hope in His Resurrection. It encourages love, forbearance, and forgiveness in our interactions with one another as He so magnanimously demonstrated them in His. True religion, the tie that binds us to God and each other, not only seals our family relationships in eternity but also heightens our delight in those family experiences while in mortality. Well beyond all the civic, social, and cultural gifts religion gives us is the mercy of a loving Father and Son who conceived and carried out the atoning mission of that Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, suturing up that which was torn, bonding together that which was broken, healing that which was ill or imperfect, “proclaim[ing] liberty to the captives, and … opening … the prison to them that are bound.”26"

"Because my faith, my family, my beliefs, my covenants—in short, my religion—means everything to me, I thank my Father in Heaven for it and pray for the continued privilege to speak of it so long as I shall live. May we think upon the religious heritage that has been handed down to us, at an incalculable price in many instances, and in so remembering not only cherish that heritage more fervently but live the religious principles we say we want to preserve. Only in the living of our religion will the preservation of it have true meaning. It is in that spirit that we seek the good of our fellow men and women and work toward the earthly kingdom of God rolling forth, that the heavenly kingdom of God may come. May our religious privileges be cherished, preserved, and lived, binding us to God and each other until that blessed millennial day comes, I earnestly pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen." -- Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, Of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles, August 16, 2016

I put more of Elder Holland's talk on here than I planned on but everything was so good I didn't want to cut much out.  Prophetic words from a wise servant of God.

Elder Holland said it so much more eloquently than I ever could but I do want to add a few things to what he said.

Like Elder Holland, my religion means everything to me.  Everything I do, everything I say, every choice I make centers around religion.  I'm not perfect but I try to live my life centered on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

When someone calls me a religious zealot-- fully intending it to be a derogatory, persecutory comment -- I take it as the utmost compliment.  Webster's defines zealot as "noun  zeal·ot \'ze-l?t\ zealot: a person who has very strong feelings about something (such as religion or politics) and who wants other people to have those feelings : a zealous person."  I hope people see me as a person who has very strong feelings about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and who wants other people to feel the same happiness and blessings that I do.  I'll take that compliment all day.

Life is 100% about religion.  That's why we're here.  If your life doesn't 100% revolve around religion, you might want to do something about that before it's too late.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. Heavenly Father's Plan (of Salvation) is for all born to this earth/mortality, and applies to all.
    The thing is, all of these people who speak negatively about religion and want to "blame" religion are actually fulfilling prophesy. It's spoken of all throughout the scriptures.
    Those who once had a gospel knowledge seem to be the most bitter and angry against religion because they know truth and they don't want to live it (for example the husband and father who commits adultery and rather than acknowledge the sinful behavior, blames religion for teaching that adultery is sinful and wrong).
    Like the saying goes, "It's those who leave the Church who can't seem to leave the Church alone." I've seen that with all apostates I know. Every single one. They just try so hard to convince themselves that they are right, and get super angry when others see right through them and their excuses.
    Elder Holland is a great man and his words are true.
