Wednesday, November 9, 2016

President-elect Trump

Today is a good day for America.  The Donald -- President-elect Trump -- just beat Hillary or should I say Hilliary in a landslide.  He beat her handily, flipping several states that have voted Democrat for many years.

America made a statement.  America has had a gut full of liberalism, victimization, corruption, and bad policy that has steadily been destroying our country.  The left can say what they want about why they lost-- and believe me, they will.  They will make up all kinds of excuses -- but what it comes down to is that the American people have had a gut full and want their country back.

It's nice to know that the majority of citizens of this country are still decent, patriotic, hard-working, God-fearing people who want what's best for themselves, their families and their country.

Congratulations President-elect Trump.  The American people have put their trust in you.  Now go make America great again!

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. I am thrilled Trump beat Killary! Freakin
    liberal cry babies can pout all they want!
    No more Obamacare!! WOOHOOO!!!
