Monday, June 5, 2017

Ultimate Hypocrisy

Just when I think that nothing will surprise me anymore, something surprises me.  Maybe surprise isn't the right word it's more like complete amazement and bewilderment at the unbelievableness of what I heard.  It's like when you ask yourself, "did I hear what I think I heard?"  because you can't believe that person would actually say that.

This happened to me yesterday.  I overheard a conversation where an unrepentant serial adulterer who walked out on his beautiful, chaste wife and kids for a bottom of the barrel, scum of the earth, uglier than sin horse face floozy had the audacity to accuse someone else of living in sin.  Not only is this guy a serial adulterer who himself is "living in sin" with his horse face floozy for whom he left his beautiful family.  But he has also publicly denounced religion -- and especially the church he still belongs to -- and he has also publicly stated that Jesus Christ is not his Savior, and if he does exist, he is nothing special, but just a regular man.  Pure blasphemy.

So not only has this unrepentant adulterer denounced God and religion and spit in the face of deity through his blasphemy thereby denouncing God's commandments.  The Commandments he claims to not believe in are the very commandments for which he is condemning someone else for not following. Two-faced double standard hypocrite comes to mind.  In fact he has claimed that there is nothing wrong with his chosen lifestyle of adultery and atheism. (By the way, just for clarification, adultery is the right term.  Anyone who divorces their spouse for adulterous purposes is still considered as committing adultery in subsequent affairs even long after the divorce is final.  The Scriptures make that very clear.) He claims others are judgmental of his adulterous, atheistic lifestyle, yet he has the audacity to judge someone else and say that they are living in sin.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!  This is ultimate hypocrisy.  There's not enough chalk to fly on this one.

That's my two cents.

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