Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Cellular Zombies

I think I've already done a post similar to this but I can't help but point out how fast our society is degrading.  Everywhere I go I see nothing but cellular zombies.  Or should I call them smart phone zombies?  Every human I see is tethered to a cellular smart phone.  Most of them with head down looking at or tapping on their cellular smart phone.  They all look like zombies!  In fact that is how they behave.  They walk around oblivious to everything and everyone around them.  All tuned in to the sound of the beep from their all-important smart phone.  Like any good psychologically conditioned being the moment they hear the beep, they immediately look at their device.  All the while completely ignoring anyone around them with whom they might be having a real conversation or at least human interaction.  It's pathetic!

What's even worse is these zombies are so addicted to their cellular smart phones that they continue to use them while driving.  As dangerous as driving has always been, it's so much more so now.  Between those under the influence of alcohol and/or marijuana-- thanks to the lax laws in this liberal state -- and all the zombies text messaging or otherwise using their cellular smart phones, almost everyone on the road is distracted and/or under the influence of something.It's obviously apparent by all the cars weaving on the roads.  And all the near misses of accidents.  Juliet just had one last night.  She was almost rear ended.

People need to take their lives back.  Take control of your life.  Quit letting a stupid cheating machine run your life.  Turn it off.  Throw in the river.  Whatever you've got to do.  Do it.  Your life will be much better.  And I won't have to look at zombies everywhere I go!  It's kind of creepy.  :-) I feel like I'm the only normal human left on the face of the earth.  I might be onto something there.  :-)

That's my two cents.

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