Monday, May 28, 2018

Freedom of Speech

As I reflect on this Memorial Day on those who have fought and died to protect my freedoms, I can't help but contemplate how so many citizens of this great nation disrespect or don't understand the high price that has been paid for them.

Giving most of them the benefit of the doubt I would say the majority of those who disrespect this country and disrespect those who have fought and died for them, are just plain ignorant.  So many men have given their lives to protect our freedoms, yet so many ignorant people are disrespectful and ungrateful to those who gave all in their behalf.  It's very sad.

Obviously what comes to mind is the NFL protesters -- kneelers. Disrespecting and protesting our flag and country in the name of free speech.

The other day I read an article in which a cheerleader in high school was kicked off the cheerleading squad for posting vulgarity and profanity on social media.  She and her parents are now suing the school with claims of free speech violation.

Obviously these people don't understand the Constitution.  The First Amendment does not guarantee you the right to say or do anything you want without consequence.  Yes, you can certainly say and do whatever you want -- but there will be consequences.  Good or bad.

For those ignorant snowflake millennial bawl baby chicken guts, let me explain free speech to you.  The First Amendment guarantees you the right to say whatever you want about the government, its leaders, and the way it's run.  Without being thrown in jail or otherwise punished.  It doesn't guarantee you the right to slander someone without consequence or violate rules, regulations, and policies of employers, schools, and businesses without consequences.

Employers have dress codes, codes of conduct, and other policies that regulate what you can and cannot do during work hours.  Some employers such as the NFL also have policies that regulate what you can and can't do outside of work hours.  Schools have policies regarding those who represent the school on athletic teams, etc.  For instance to be a member of the school basketball team you must maintain a certain grade point average.  The school can certainly enforce policies regarding how the students represent themselves and the school including postings on social media.  If you don't abide by those policies, you can get kicked off the team.  It happens all the time.

So why this cheerleader thinks it's okay to post herself spewing profanity and vulgarity on social media without consequence is beyond me.  The school does not want to be represented by someone who will taint their reputation.  It has nothing to do with free speech.  This ex-cheerleader can certainly spew vulgarity and profanity on social media if she so wishes.  But the consequence of doing such is losing her spot on the high school cheerleading team. The First Amendment does not guarantee this ex-cheerleader a spot on her high school cheerleading squad.  That's ridiculous.  That is a privilege that must be earned and maintained by adhering to school policy. It has nothing to do with the First Amendment or free speech.

The NFL is a business.  An employer.  The NFL is in business to make money.  That's what businesses do.  If an employee is going to do something that causes the business to lose money, the employer is certainly within their rights to institute policies against certain behaviors that cause the employer to lose money. If the employee doesn't comply, they can certainly be fired.  Businesses can't survive by losing money.  We know the NFL has all kinds of policies regarding what players can wear during games.  Even down to the color of their shoelaces. Obviously the NFL has lost a lot of money because of ignorant employees protesting the very country that provides them freedom to act like idiots. They are disrespecting the very people who pay their salary.  Very stupid.

There are plenty of NFL players who behave like idiots off the field.  The ungrateful kneelers need to take their protests off the field.  I was glad to see the NFL finally implementing a policy to prevent this disrespectful behavior during company time.  I'm sure it had more to do with money than morals.  But nonetheless the policy is in place now.

Free speech does not guarantee you an audience for your ridiculous rants and protests.  Free speech does not guarantee you the ability to disrespect other people by spewing profanity towards them.

 Yes, we live in a free country -- thanks to much blood that has been spilled and many lives given.  Yes, we have been given agency to make our own choices.  We can say and do whatever we want in this country.  But -- choices, behaviors, decisions, actions, all have consequences. Consequences can be good or bad depending on the choice.

Behaving badly and then pulling a temper tantrum because you don't like the consequence is pathetic.  It's even more pathetic to claim First Amendment rights in defense of your horrible choices.

Here's a thought -- how about instead of being angry all the time and playing victim -- how about honoring those who have fought and died to preserve your freedoms?  How about showing respect to this great country in which you are privileged to live and enjoy freedom?  How about giving instead of always taking?  How about making it about someone other than yourself?

I am very grateful for all the veterans who have preserved my freedoms by fighting for and sometimes dying for our great nation.  I'm especially grateful for my relatives -- including my father, grandfathers, and other ancestors -- who are veterans.  Thank you for your service and for preserving my freedoms.

Happy Memorial Day everyone!

That's my two cents.

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