Friday, September 7, 2018


Kaepernick is back in the news. The guy knows how to keep his name in the news.  Now it's about Nike using him in a new advertising campaign.  Which of course caused a stir in the news.

The advertisement -- which I'm sure you've all seen -- is a close-up of Kaepernick's face with the words "Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything."  It's a great statement in and of itself, but in this context is pure hypocrisy.

Colin Kaepernick did not sacrifice everything.  Colin Kaepernick did not sacrifice anything.  Colin Kaepernick saw the writing on the wall.  He realized he was a washed up NFL quarterback who would soon be irrelevant and forgotten.  So in order to extend his fame and fortune he sold out.  He is a traitor. He chose to betray his country and spit on the graves of all those who died preserving his freedoms.  By disrespecting the flag of this great nation he also spit in the faces of any armed forces veteran and any United States citizen who respects and honors our flag and our country.

Any integrity, honor, respect, or moral fortitude he may have had was sold for fame and fortune.

He couldn't have sacrificed his NFL career.  It was already tanking-- he was falling fast.  So what did he sacrifice?  Nothing.

Kaepernick merely seized the opportunity to make himself relevant and keep his name in the news by protesting the national anthem and flag. Claiming that he was protesting social injustice and racism is a joke.  What kind of social injustice and racism did Kaepernick or any minority NFL player face while making millions of dollars a year and being adored by millions of NFL fans?  In which other country could Kaepernick go to be treated so well?  What an ingrate.

He certainly didn't sacrifice fortune. He made millions of dollars in the NFL.  He's had a contract with Nike since his NFL career and just signed a new multimillion dollar deal with Nike for the new ad campaign.  So he certainly is not in the poor house.

Kaepernick has certainly not sacrificed everything.  Especially not for what he believes in.  He doesn't even know anything about what he's protesting.  He gives a different answer every time.  He praises Fidel Castro and upsets all Cuban-Americans who actually understand how evil Fidel Castro was. Many of whom had to flee Cuba because of Castro's oppression and who love this country which gave them opportunity. Kaepernick wears socks with pigs in cop uniforms, while kneeling during a national anthem protest, thereby insulting all law enforcement officers and law abiding citizens.

Colin Kaepernick certainly knows how to keep his name in news by insulting many different people and groups including law enforcement, Cuban-Americans, and all US citizens who respect this great nation and all veterans who fought to preserve this free nation.

Colin Kaepernick doesn't believe in anything but fame and fortune.  Colin Kaepernick has not sacrificed anything.  Colin Kaepernick is nothing but a savvy businessman who sold out for fame and fortune.  Colin Kaepernick is nothing but a traitor, sellout, and hypocrite.

Is it worth selling your soul to the devil for fame and fortune?  Ask Colin Kaepernick.

That's my two cents.

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