Saturday, December 15, 2018

Outward Appearance

The other day someone commented to me about someone who has lost weight and how great they look now-- in their presence.  This is actually very disturbing to me.  I know it is common in our culture to say people look great when they lose weight.  And somehow elevate their status in society because they have a lower BMI.

I have always had a problem with this.  Not that I am opposed to someone working hard to achieve the goal.   But I am disturbed by people thinking they have to look a certain way or have a certain BMI to be valued.

What people look like, what their BMI is, how much fat they carry, or any number of societal standards of beauty is really irrelevant in life.

It brings to mind the following Scripture:

 1 Samuel 16: 7
"But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart."
Our outside appearance means nothing in the grand scheme of things.  Yes, the world will teach that you must look a certain way to be valued in society.  Too many people base their self-esteem on what they look like -- and more importantly what others think of what they look like.

It is extremely sad to me to see children seeking the acceptance and love and praise of a parent by losing weight or trying to make themselves prettier through makeup and clothing.  I've seen this firsthand.  It breaks my heart.  Children should be loved unconditionally by their parents.

Not only do children seek the love and praise and acceptance of a parent.  But they also seek acceptance and praise from society, their friends and peers.  And not only children but also adults seek acceptance and praise of men.

I know of many adults who have dieted and lost weight to be more valued in society or to try to please, be accepted by, praised by, loved by, and valued by someone else.

It is tragic that so many people base their self-esteem and self-worth on their appearance and what others think of them (the praise of men).

I have never experienced low self-esteem or low self-worth.  I have always known that I am of infinite worth regardless of what I look like.  This is coming from someone who has been on both ends of the beauty spectrum. I have just as much self-esteem now as I did in my prime in my 20s -- if not more now.

You may be wondering why or how this could be.  I will tell you why.  It's because I know who I am.  I am  a daughter of God.  I have an eternal perspective.  I know God's plan for me.  Mortality is temporary.  Looks are fleeting.  Even the most beautiful or handsome people age and lose their youthful good looks as defined by society.

How devastating for those who base their value on their looks.

I know many of you will argue that most people lose weight for health reasons.  And that people should do their best to keep their bodies healthy.  Yes, the scriptures teach that we should respect our bodies and keep them healthy.  But I would argue that most people lose weight for vanity's sake not for health.

I would also argue that most people on diets -- those who take in fewer calories than their body needs and/or restrict certain foods-- are less healthy than those who eat a balanced diet and are slightly overweight.

Contrary to popular belief, skinny does not equal healthy.  Often times those who lose weight are very sick.  On the other hand, being overweight does not equate to being unhealthy.  There are many different natural body types. As the saying goes, you can't judge a book by its cover.

You can't judge a person's health by their looks.  People who live their life to sculpt their body into what they think looks good are just wasting precious time that could be spent doing themselves some good.  Serving God, serving others -- doing those things that will keep them on the path to eternal life.

I guarantee you that on the day of final judgment the Lord will not ask you how much weight you lost in your life or what your BMI was or what your measurements were etc. or anything about your physical characteristics in mortality.  He will, however, ask you what you did to serve Him and serve your fellow beings.

The Lord does not look on the outward appearance, the Lord looks on our hearts.

It is never polite to comment on someone's weight.  Even if you think it is a compliment.

I wish more people understood who they are and why they are here.  If more people understood their divine nature and Heavenly Father's plan of happiness, then more people would not worry about what they look like.  Their self-esteem and self-worth would be based on who they are and how they live their life, not their physical appearance.

That's my two cents.

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