Sunday, December 23, 2018

The Great Healer

We had a magnificent Christmas program today during Sacrament Meeting.  Beautiful music with violins, flute, organ, and piano.  Even the prelude music was violins and cello.  Absolutely gorgeous.   The ward choir sang like angels. And the narration was excellent.  The Spirit was really strong during the meeting today.  It was lovely!  Such a wonderful way to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

Anyway I read this quote today and it struck me.  So I thought I would share it with you all.
"The difficulties of their journey caused the children of Israel to complain, murmuring against the prophet and the Lord. As a result, the Lord allowed poisonous serpents to bite them, bringing death to many. Moses prayed to the Lord to take away the serpents; instead, the Lord provided a way for the people to escape death when they had been bitten. The action required for them to be healed was to look upon a brass serpent that was affixed to a pole.
"Jesus Christ was nailed to a pole—the cross—so that we might look to Him in our sufferings and not be overcome by them. Jesus Christ does not always take away our trials, but as our Healer, He can take the poison out of them through the blessings of His Atonement." -- Stephen P. Schank, "I Am That I Am: Symbols of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament", Ensign, December 2018
We're all familiar with the story in the Old Testament about the poisonous serpents killing the Israelites.  And the brass serpent on the pole.  All they had to do was look at the brass serpent on the pole to be healed if they were bitten-- yet so many didn't even bother to look, and as a consequence died.

Even though  Moses' prayer wasn't answered in the way he asked, his prayer was answered.  The Lord did not take away the poisonous serpents but provided a way to be healed if bitten.

I think a lot of times we don't think the Lord hears or answers our prayers, if we don't get the exact answer we want.  This example reminds me that although the Lord will not always take away our trials-- He allows us to be bitten by poisonous serpents -- yet He will provide healing.  Trials, although unpleasant, are necessary for our growth.  And even though we must experience trials and hardships for our own benefit --Our Savior is the great healer.  Through His Atonement  we may all be healed.

If we look towards our Savior, He will heal us.  It is very simple and straightforward yet how many Israelites died because they would not even look?  How many people today die spiritually because they refuse to look towards the Savior?

At this marvelous time of year when we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, may we all remember to look to Him.  Look to Him that He may heal us.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. That's a really good quote. Glad your sacrament meeting Christmas program was excellent.
