Monday, November 11, 2019

Happy Veterans Day, Dad!

Today is the first Veterans Day that my dad is not with us.  :-(

My dad answered Uncle Sam's call to serve in the Vietnam War.  He served courageously and with honor.  He is a true American hero.

I am so proud of him for the life he lived and the example he was to all.

Thank you for your selfless service to our country, Dad!

Dad and me, 1971

Dad and his baby girl, Tammy

Tammy and Daddy, 1971

Christmas 1970, Gatesville, Texas

We didn't have money for a Christmas tree so we had a wrapping paper Christmas tree on the wall.  Then Dad brought a bush home and it became our Christmas tree.

My first Christmas.

Dad saying goodbye to Uncle Ron on his way to Vietnam.

Happy Veterans Day, Dad!

I love and miss you so much!  

1 comment:

  1. It was weird not getting Dad a Veteran's Day card this year. I used to get him one every year to thank him for his service. I was especially sad to learn of the heavy burden he carried his whole life because of all he experienced in Vietnam. Yes, he was a true American hero. I am grateful for his example and service.
