Thursday, August 26, 2021

My Experience with Covid

Today marks four weeks ago that I started experiencing flu-like symptoms.  High fevers (105°F) and body aches. I knew I was coming down with what Lisa had, whose symptoms started 3 to 4 days prior to mine.  Interestingly though, Lisa's symptoms were more severe than mine.

On day two of my symptoms, Lisa convinced me to go get tested for the man-made bio weapon, covid.  At urgent care that day my vitals were normal.  Clear lungs.  No respiratory symptoms.  Perfectly normal except for the positive covid test.  They did the rapid test which takes about 15 minutes.  But the doctor was done with me before results came so they said they would call with results.  They called before we got home so I called them back when we got home and had to leave a message.  Got on my computer and saw my results on MyChart.  Never did hear back from the clinic.  My paperwork even said they would call in 2 days to see how I'm doing.  Never heard a word from them.

Anyway, the illness progressed exactly like the flu.  In fact, the symptoms were so similar that I would have thought I had the flu, had I not tested positive for the China made virus.  The only difference for me was the anosmia -- which I never got with the flu.  In fact, that's the only symptom that I still have.  I read that it may take up to a year to recover my sense of smell/taste.  So annoying! I sure hope it doesn't take that long.

So it started out with the high fevers and body aches and fatigue.  After a few days it progressed to respiratory symptoms starting with productive upper respiratory infection including runny/stuffy nose.  Then a day or two later progressing to lower respiratory infection including bronchitis/productive coughing.  But for me, the respiratory symptoms were much more mild than the flu.  With the flu I would have to get quad coughed many times a day.  With covid, thankfully, it was only once or twice a day. The fatigue and body aches seemed to linger longer than the flu -- approximately 2 weeks.  

But, considering that I am high risk being highly susceptible to pneumonia caused by respiratory bugs (what us highly trained professionals call viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites -- anything that causes infectious disease) I did very well against the lab created made in China bio weapon, covid.

Granted, I have superior genetics, but covid is not the devastating killer that the government and media want you to believe it is.  Death rates have been grossly exaggerated. In fact, death rates have been dropping rapidly because of prophylactic treatment with ivermectin, etc.  I know in India alone thousands if not millions of hospitalizations and lives have been saved with prophylactic ivermectin.

Speaking of which, I was diagnosed with covid on a Friday, on Monday I messaged my doctor to ask for a prescription for ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.  Which I know are effective in saving lives from covid.  Well, apparently my doctor was out of town that week so his colleague filling in took my case.  He refused my request. In fact, here are his exact words from my message on MyChart. "Tell patient I do not recommend hydroxychoroqruine or ivemectin for Covid. Continue supportive measures including OTC cough remedies but will need to go to ER if hard to breathe or high fever.Dr. Nam".

So I wrote back citing evidence of how these drugs work well against covid, and are safe.  Asking again for the prescriptions.  Here is the second reply: "Just wanted to follow up with you and let you know Dr. Nam still declined to fill the requested medications. He does not feel comfortable prescribing these to you." 

Oh, he doesn't feel comfortable prescribing me something that could possibly keep me out of the hospital and save my life?  Whatever happened to the Hippocratic oath that all doctors take upon graduation from medical school?  Even I took it.  Heaven forbid they actually try to help patients get well and keep them from getting more sick.  Like I said in my second reply, these drugs are used worldwide and are safe.  A lot safer than the vaccine they keep pushing on everybody.

Anyway, I did find an online prescriber to give me the prescriptions for a price.  I didn't get them until day 8 for me.  Pretty much when the respiratory symptoms started.  But, I didn't notice any improvement at all after taking the ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.  I don't know if it was because I started it late on day eight.  Or if it was because I didn't need them because my symptoms were more mild.  Or perhaps because of my superior genetics.  :-) But needless to say, I didn't suffer any adverse side effects from taking these drugs.  I think it's criminal that they are not prescribed more for people who could benefit greatly from them.

In summary, my experience with the Democrat sponsored, lab created, man-made Chinese bio weapon --covid was exactly like the flu plus anosmia.  For me it was like a milder form of the flu.  Obviously it wasn't fun, but it's certainly nothing to fear and panic over -- like the government and media want you to do.

I am high risk with any respiratory infection possibly leading to pneumonia which could easily cause my death; including, influenza, covid, or even the common cold.  Yet, I have never bought into the fear and panic over this lab created man-made pandemic. I have always thought of it as being similar to the flu in symptoms and death rate.  And now, having experienced it firsthand, I can attest that I was right.  But then again, I'm seldom wrong.  :-) 

With other respiratory infections such as the flu, we have not been brainwashed into lockdowns, mask mandates, social distancing, vaccine mandates, and all the other Draconian measures which have led to loss of quality of life for everybody and diminished health and healthcare and even loss of life for many more.  Not from covid, but from the irrational response to covid.

Coronavirus disease AKA covid is a man-made, lab created, Democrat sponsored and paid for bio weapon, created in a lab in Wuhan, China and unleashed on the world to stop President Trump from being reelected-- Or I should say from gaining a second term as President of the United States of America. (President Trump was reelected, but defrauded from his rightful office.)

The Democrat party commissioned our enemy, China, to create this coronavirus as biological warfare.  It was released from the lab in Wuhan China during the presidential election year.  That's no coincidence.  Everything was calculated and planned and executed to a T.  And unfortunately, it worked.  Even though it still took massive fraud to get rid of Trump, the evil Democrats succeeded.

And I, and everyone in our household, have had to suffer through the illness caused by the bio weapon, covid, all for political gain for evil, conniving, power-hungry Democrats.

Everybody on planet Earth has been negatively affected by this bio weapon -- either directly or indirectly.  Lives have been drastically changed. And for what?  So that evil people can gain and exercise power over others.

As mild as my case was of covid, it is never pleasant to be sick.  Especially with respiratory symptoms when you physically can't cough without help.  It angers me to know that I, nor any of my family members, would have had to suffer through this covid illness if it weren't for evil people deliberately creating and releasing this virus to the world.

Those evil people responsible for this should hang.

That's my two cents.

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