Friday, September 3, 2021

Embarrassing Disgrace

Sometimes I wonder why my dad was called home a couple of years ago at the relatively young age of 73.  But then I think that God knew that Dad would not be able to handle what's been happening to our country and world thesc past two years, and called him home.

Things have really degraded drastically in the world and especially our country over the past two years.  Starting with the release of the bio weapon man-made lab created coronavirus created in China but paid for by the Democrat party. This virus which causes the respiratory illness known as Covid-19 has been so highly politicized and has paralyzed normal life in the world. 

The Democrats, using their media arm, have instilled so much fear into people over a virus which has approximately the same death rate as the flu.  99.8% of people survive a bout with COVID.  Including high-risk people, like me.  All of the devastating lockdowns, mask and social distancing mandates, and now the vaccine mandates and requirements are all a means of controlling the masses and getting and keeping power by the Democrats.

It was no coincidence that this man-made pandemic happened at the beginning of a presidential election year in which the Democrats had to win to regain control and power over the people.  They knew that President Trump was a very popular president because he was actually putting America first and making America great again.  He actually cared about Americans and wanted them to succeed.  And he was doing a very good job.  The Democrats knew their only hope of winning was to sabotage the election.  So they released the China made virus and hyped up its deadliness to instill fear and cause all the devastation in people's lives.  But even with the mail-in voting, and lack of voting integrity checks, Trump still won reelection in a landslide.  But Democrats weren't about to let the will of the people stop them.  They had all kinds of fraud in place to make sure they came out on top.

Corruption in our government runs so deep that the checks and balances, put in place by our Constitution and divine intervention, did not work.  The judicial branch, Supreme Court, failed to even look at the vast evidence of widespread, massive voter fraud.  The legislative branch, House and Senate, also failed to stop the obvious fraudulent commandeering of the White House.

So we now have an old demented puppet, being controlled by Barack Hussein Obama, in the White House destroying our country and our freedoms.

These evil fraudsters only took over power seven months ago, and have already managed to destroy most of the good that President Trump did.  Our oil independence is gone.  Millions of illegal aliens have crossed our open borders, many among them being hardened criminals and murderers, and have kept COVID running rampant in our country.  Speaking of the pandemic, the Democrats have destroyed the lives of many Americans and devastated the lives of all Americans with their communistic control via mandates and lockdowns.  They have destroyed the economy -- inflation is rising.  And, of course the most recent debacle -- Suddenly pulling our military out of Afghanistan.

Considering that Barack Hussein Obama is pulling the strings on Biden, it makes sense that they would deliberately surrender to the radical Muslim Taliban giving them billions of dollars worth of US military equipment and allowing thousands of people to die.

It's an embarrassing disgrace to our great nation.  And the greatest military failure ever.  So many soldiers and their families who have sacrificed so much over the past 20 years in Afghanistan -- and it's all in vain.  Now so many people including Americans are stranded in Afghanistan to be tortured and killed.  It's so sad.  All because Obama and the Democrats want to see America destroyed.  And they don't care how many lives it costs.

Biden, Obama, the Clinton's, and all the other Democrats who have blood on their hands -- the blood of thousands if not millions -- need to all be strung up to a tall tree and hanged.  Their treason and crimes against humanity are inexcusable.  Yet all they do is laugh about it and downplay the severity of what they have done and are doing.  It's disgusting.

It just sickens me so much that such evil people are running this country and deliberately destroying it, our freedoms, and our lives.

I just can't help but wonder how much worse this world can get.  How much more evil must we endure before Christ comes again and cleanses the earth.  I hope and pray that it is soon.

That's my two cents.

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