Saturday, February 11, 2023

Closed Minded

One of the personality traits my handwriting highlights is closed mindedness.  Most people would probably see this as a negative trait.  I never have.  In fact, I'm very proud of my closed mindedness.

To me, closed mindedness indicates that I am strong and don't fall easily to others persuasions.  I've never been one to fall to peer pressure.  I credit my closed mindedness.  And my strong will.  Which is another trait highlighted in my handwriting analysis.  

To be closed minded is to know who you are and to not let the poisons of the world into your mind.

To many people religion and closed mindedness go hand in hand and they see this as negative.  I agree that religion and closed mindedness go hand-in-hand, as well they should.  I certainly don't see it as negative. 

Someone who is strong in their religious beliefs should be closed minded.  Someone who is strong in their religious beliefs should not open their mind to the philosophies of men and the poisons of the world.  That's how people fall.  That's how people go apostate.  That's how people lose themselves to the temptations of the world.

Being closed minded and intolerant of others' opinions is certainly a positive quality to possess if your mind is filled with truth.

For those who don't have the truth, then being closed minded would be a negative trait.  Because they are intolerant of truth.  These can include people who have never had the truth or have lost it because of their open-mindedness and have subsequently fallen.  Either way, it's not good.

Leftists are a good example of bad closed mindedness.  They are intolerant of truth.  And subsequently, are miserable.

I increasingly see people at church, in the church, who think they are so much better than everyone else because of their open-mindedness.  People who are "tolerant" and "loving" – as they like to label themselves.  These are the same open minded people who badmouth parables that Jesus himself spoke and label them as "shameful".  Because they have let the poisons of the world fill their open mind.

No, thank you.  I will proudly keep my mind closed to Satan's lies and the poisons of the world.  And so should you!

That's my two cents.

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