Sunday, January 21, 2024

Marshmallow Men

I came across a talk – a BYU Devotional – by Elder Neal A. Maxwell, who at the time was an Assistant to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.  It was from 1974 – 50 years ago!  But, I would argue, more pertinent today than then.  Anyway, it was a 45 minute talk but I just took my very favorite excerpts from it to share with you. 

"I believe with all my heart that because God loves us there are some particularized challenges that he will deliver to each of us. He will customize the curriculum for each of us in order to teach us the things we most need to know. He will set before us in life what we need, not always what we like." – Neal A. Maxwell,  BYU Devotional, "But for a Small Moment", September 1, 1974 

 I love this quote because it teaches that the reason we have challenges in life is precisely because God loves us, not despite it.  Most people complain that because they have trials, God must not love them.  But the complete opposite is true.  Because God loves us so much, He allows us to face trials because we need them to grow.

"But, for the sake of righteousness, to endure, to be patient in the midst of affliction, in the midst of being misunderstood, and in the midst of suffering—that is sainthood!" – Neal A. Maxwell,  BYU Devotional, "But for a Small Moment", September 1, 1974 

To endure affliction and suffering with patience is sainthood.  I love this definition of sainthood by Elder Maxwell. 

"… we may at times assume that the plan of salvation requires merely that we endure and survive when, in fact, as is always the case with the gospel of Jesus Christ, it is required of us, not only that we endure, but also that we endure well…" – Neal A. Maxwell,  BYU Devotional, "But for a Small Moment", September 1, 1974 

It's true that we always hear the phrase, "endure to the end".  I've been taught that my whole life.  But, as Elder Maxwell points out, it's not enough to merely endure our pains, afflictions, trials, and temptations, etc. Everybody eventually gets through their trials.  It's how we survive and make it through.  Do we endure life's challenges with patience, grace, and trusting the Lord?  Do we endure it well? 

"We must be Christ-centered individually. We must have his and God’s power to do our work, and we must take seriously the challenge of becoming more Christlike. You’re soon going to go out into a world full of marshmallow men. Like the act of putting a finger into a marshmallow, there is no core in these men, there is no center, and when one removes his finger, the marshmallow resumes its former shape. We are in a world of people who want to yield to everything—to every fad and to every fashion. It is incredibly important that we be committed to the core—committed to those things that matter, about which our Father in heaven has leveled with us through his Son, Jesus Christ, and his prophets." – Neal A. Maxwell,  BYU Devotional, "But for a Small Moment", September 1, 1974 
Elder Maxwell was talking to BYU students 50 years ago but the marshmallow men of today are even more prominent.  The fads and fashions of the world are more sinister, evil, degrading, and dangerous now, than they were 50 years ago.  Yet, people are still eager to yield to every fad and fashion of the world.  That's why it's so much more important now to be Christ centered individuals.  As Elder Maxwell stated, "it is incredibly important that we be committed to the core".  If we are not committed to Christ and His gospel, we will become the very marshmallow men of which Elder Maxwell warns.

Don't be a squishy marshmallow man.  Be a committed disciple of Jesus Christ and endure it well.

That's my two cents.

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