Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mexico or America?

I read a news article today which was rather disturbing. To sum up the article, it basically said that five boys in a public school in the San Francisco Bay Area wore an American flag T-shirt, and bandannas on their heads to school yesterday.

The disturbing part is that these boys were reprimanded for wearing patriotic attire. The reason? It was Cinco de Mayo yesterday, which is a Mexican holiday. This school is in the United States of America. So, why would five boys be reprimanded for wearing patriotic attire to school in the United States of America?

The idiotic principle or administration of the school thought that because the school has a high percentage of Mexican students, that it was somehow wrong for these American students to wear patriotic attire in an American school. How messed up is that?

One of the Mexican students even said, that she was glad that these boys got sent home for "disrespecting her".  How is wearing an American flag T-shirt in America disrespectful? There are not words to describe how ridiculous this is. It makes my blood boil.

First of all, last time I checked, California was part of the United States of America. Not Mexico. The school administration even said that the boys could wear those T-shirts/bandannas any other day of the year. But not on Cinco de Mayo. Get real.

Now, I know how liberal the bay area it is, but this is going way too far. To threaten suspension and send five boys home from school because they have been patriotic is just plain wrong. As far as I'm concerned, the school/district administration should all be fired. And all the Mexicans who feel so disrespected by Americans being loyal to their country, should all be deported back to Mexico. Where they can enjoy Cinco de Mayo without having patriotic Americans "disrespecting them".

I keep thinking there's nothing else that could happen that would shock me. But I keep being wrong.

That's my two cents.


  1. Tam,
    I read that article today too and I was going to blog about it myself. It is the most absurd thing I have ever heard. I couldn't believe it happened in the Bay Area. I thought for sure it must have happened somewhere near the Mexican border.
    I agree with you 100%- anyone who has a problem with the American flag on ANY day of the year can go back to the country they pretend to like better than America. If they liked Mexico so much they wouldn't be living in America. Good thunder!

    I know many nice people from Mexico. I have never heard them speak a negative word against America. But unfortunately there are many who do. Even more unfortunate- the Americans (school administrators) who backstab their own citizens!

  2. This is so ridiculous! My blood is boiling. I say take that administration and anyone else who complains about this awesome country and deport their stupid cans back to Mexico!
