Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Today I would like to honor my father. My father has sacrificed to be there for his children. After working hard at a steel mill all day, and sometimes working a double shift, he would come home and play with us, whether it be backyard football, running, or any number of activities.

My dad also wrote me a letter every single day, for 18 months, while I was on my mission. Consequently, he did the same thing for my brother and sister. Who also served missions. This took a lot of dedication.

My dad is always willing to help a neighbor in need. My dad is a hard worker. And of course, he and my mom, have dedicated their lives to caring for me. Thank you so much.

I love you, Dad!

Happy Father's Day!


  1. Thank you for those kind words Tammy. You are more than welcome for my support, and love. I wouldn't have it any other way! We love you so very much. Love, Dad

  2. Kudos to Mike...we sure love him too! You have a wonderful dad and we just love having you as neighbors.
