Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I was thinking about blogging this subject a couple of weeks ago but, decided I wouldn’t. But, I’m in a sour mood today so, I guess I will.

Far be it from me to profess to be an expert on grammar usage. But there is something that bothers me, that I’ve been hearing much more frequently lately. And that is, using the word, so, at the beginning of a paragraph/ new thought/ idea.

On rare occasion it may be grammatically correct, but to me it’s just annoying. And completely unnecessary. Especially when used repetitively.

Lest anyone be offended by this blog posting, let me clarify that English was my least favorite subject in school. And I avoided it like the plague, as much as possible. I’m sure my writing/speaking style annoys others sometimes. Contrary to popular belief, I’m not perfect. I don’t profess to be a grammar expert by any means. This is just something that annoys me.

Let me give you some examples.

So, yesterday I drove up to Seattle to go watch the Mariners game.

So, I went to the store last week and bought a new dress.

So, my friend was telling me about her trip to the Grand Canyon.

So, my dog was digging in the yard to bury his bone.

So, I was talking to my sister on the telephone…

You get the idea. To me, it makes we wonder what happened before the word, so. It seems to me like in these instances, so, is used to connect sentences, such as the word, therefore. In my opinion, the above examples would be more grammatically correct if the word, so, was left off the beginning of the sentence.

I suppose I get annoyed easily. But I’m hearing this much more frequently, and it bugs me.

That’s my two cents.


  1. It's funny that you mention that because out of the three email messages I sent to you today, I think I said, "So...I don't know" in two of them. :) SO sorry. :)

  2. :-) Both of those comments made me laugh.
