Saturday, December 27, 2014

Oh Snap!

On Tuesday, I went for my two-week follow-up x-rays status post diagnosis/stabilization.  It's actually 4 1/2 weeks status post fracture. In fact today is the five-week mark!  Seems more like five months.  :-(

They were able to take the x-rays in my chair with the brace on.  So that made it easier on me.

The AP view is easier to see for the untrained eye :-).  As you can see, it is better aligned than the original x-rays showed.  The lateral x-ray is upside down with my patella at the bottom.  It also shows good alignment.  So needless to say, I was pleased with the results.

Hopefully the bone will continue to heal and show some callus formation on the next x-ray.

Juliet brought me a gift this morning.  See below :-)

It's even the left leg on the unfortunate gingerbread man!  And yes, I did hear a snap when the fracture occurred.

Juliet reenacting breaking my femur.  You can't see it underneath my awesome Blair pants but I have a full-length leg brace on stabilizing that femur.

 Thanks Juliet!  :-)


  1. Awesome pictures!!! You look dressed up fine today!!

  2. The first thing I noticed is that the gingerbread had a broken LEFT leg too...just like you! Then you pointed that out. :)
    "Oh snap!" is right.
    Pass out city.
