Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Blind Sheep

Just a quick observation.  Our society is nothing but a bunch of blind sheep.  Take for instance this big hyped up fight recently.  How many of those people who watched it even knew who the boxers were a few months ago? Or cared.  And why would anybody in their right mind pay $100 to watch a fight on television?

I have to admit I don't know much about it because I don't waste my time on such things but I do know that the boxers were paid upwards of $100 million each and maybe even $200 million.

My purpose is not to knock the sport of boxing but I do think it is a ridiculous sport.  And for anybody to get that kind of exorbitant amount of money for few minutes in a ring is absolutely ridiculous.

My point is people are so easily manipulated by the media it would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.  This is exactly how our current president -- if you can call him that -- got elected.  Because of people like Oprah Winfrey and the news media who manipulated people into voting for him.

Obviously the same thing happened with this boxing match.  The media starts hyping it up as must-see and people are stupid enough to fork over their hard-earned money -- or I should say someone else's hard-earned money that the government took from someone who was hard-working and gave to them.  But that's another story.

All because people want to fit in and feel like they are in the know, I guess. I personally don't care one iota about two people trying to punch each other's lights out.  And I certainly wouldn't pay money to watch it.  In fact, you would probably have to pay me $100 to watch it.

It reminds me of the psychology experiment where people are shown a blue circle for instance.  They watch as other volunteers repeatedly tell the examiner that it is a red square for example, knowing full well that it is a blue circle.  So what does the person do when it's their turn to tell the examiner what they see?  They follow the crowd and tell the examiner that it is a red square because that is what everybody else is doing.

Unfathomable but true.  Sadly, most people are just a bunch of blind sheep trying to fit into a society that is being manipulated by the liberal media.

That's my two cents.

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