Friday, May 1, 2015

The Foolishness of Men

I tend to stay away from Hollywood gossip but nowadays it seems to be reported more as news than gossip.  In fact, what is reported now in newscasts is mostly liberal propaganda and Hollywood gossip. Therefore, as I mentioned before, I tend to avoid "the news".

But I do live in the world and therefore am exposed to worldly things.  The other day I read something about Bruce Jenner's family expressing their opinions on his struggles with transgenderism.

Anyway what I heard was that his wife/ex-wife? and kids were proclaiming to the world that Bruce was their hero and expressing how proud they were of him for being true to himself for choosing to live as a woman now.  Of course that's paraphrasing but that's the gist of what I got out of what I heard.  

What is this world coming to?  Is that really the "politically correct" response that people expect?  To me, I am deeply saddened when people struggle with trials/issues. As I was when I heard about Bruce Jenner's struggle with his gender identity.  Are people's personal struggles/trials things we should be celebrating?

Let me give you a few ridiculous examples that illustrate the same thing.  If someone who struggles with bipolar disorder yields to the thoughts that the world is better off without him and commits suicide-- Should we say we are proud of him for being true to himself?  Should we call him a hero for not trying to change who he really is inside?

How about a schizophrenic who goes on a murderous rampage because he thinks the people around him are communists committing government conspiracies?  Should we applaud his behavior because he is being true to himself and that's just who he is?

What about someone struggling with infertility?  Are they being true to themselves by not pursuing adoption and/or infertility treatment?  Because that's the way God made them and that's just who they are?

Obviously all of the above examples have a physical pathology behind the individual trials/struggles.  I do believe and was taught in medical school that there are physical (chemical) imbalances during fetal development that can cause actual changes to parts of the brain which can lead to same-sex attraction, gender identity issues, etc. Those are real struggles some people must deal with.  It is not something that should be celebrated.

Granted, there are people who choose certain lifestyles not because of actual physical problems but because they have their agency and that's their choice.  That's a different subject.

My point is though, that we all have different trials we must face.  Whether it be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or combination of any or all of the above.  That is mortality.  That is why we're here.  We're here to be tested to see how well we endure our trials, learn from and overcome them.

Satan is so cunning that he has twisted people's trials into celebrations.

It really makes me sad and I find it appalling that the world celebrates others' misfortunes/trials/bad choices by saying "good for you for being true to yourself" or "I'm so proud of you, you're my hero".  When they should be saying, "I'm sorry you're having to go through this difficult trial" and "How can I help?".

It really does baffle me that people allow Satan to control their lives to such a degree that they don't even see or understand how ridiculous they are. Sin really does make you stupid!

"O that cunning plan of the evil one! O the vainness, and the frailties, and the foolishness of men!" 2 Nephi 9:28

That's my two cents.

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