Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Answered Prayer

Yesterday while we were driving to my doctor's appointment we stopped at a stoplight just a few blocks before the office.  While we were stopped waiting for the light to turn green we heard a huge crash.  It was loud enough that it sounded like someone crashed into the back of us.  But we didn't move.  So mom looked in her rearview mirror to see the car behind us was rear-ended.

My guess would be someone looking at their stupid cheating machine not paying attention.  The amazing thing was that the car behind us wasn't pushed into the back of us causing a multi-car pileup.  I consider it a miracle and answer to prayer that that didn't happen.  Considering the violence of the crash and how loud it was, it really was a miracle that we didn't get hit.

That morning, before we left, we said a prayer and blessed our breakfast as usual.  In that prayer we asked Heavenly Father to protect us during our travels that day.  I firmly believe that if that prayer hadn't been offered that morning that we would have ended up like the car behind us.  Heavenly Father must have sent angels to push against the car behind us which prevented it from hitting us.  That's the only logical explanation as to why we didn't get hit.

Prayer is real.  Miracles are real.  Heavenly Father hears every single prayer offered up to Him. Some are answered immediately, some answers are delayed, sometimes we don't recognize the answer, sometimes the answer is no but Heavenly Father does hear and answer every prayer.

Yesterday was just another indication of our Heavenly Father's presence and of His love and concern for us in His immediate answer to a simple prayer.

I'm grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who hears and answers prayers.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you were protected from the accident. It is true, prayers are heard and answered.
    Miracles happen every day (both big and small) and it is always good when people are willing to acknowledge them.
