Monday, December 25, 2017

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

I guess dreams really do come true.  It started snowing on Christmas Eve and we've had a steady snow since.  It is still snowing.  So beautiful!  This is the first Christmas that we've lived in Washington that we've had a White Christmas.

Let us all remember the tiny babe in a manger whose birth we celebrate today. He who brought hope to a fallen world.  He whose life exemplifies sacrifice and selfless service.  He who made it possible for all of us to live again.  He who bore all of our sins, sorrows, and pains.  He who made it possible for all of us to have Eternal Life, the greatest gift of all.

I hope we all remember the real reason we celebrate Christmas. I hope we will all contemplate ways we can be more like our Savior, whose birth we celebrate today, as we strive to emulate him.

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!

That's my two cents.

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